Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 983 Chapter 1002: The Flower of Hell Appears

Chapter 983 Chapter 1002: The Flower of Hell Appears

At that time, she was only worried about Jun Qianhuang in front of her, so naturally she didn't think much about it!
What's more, when Jun Qianhuang's black aura slowly disappeared, her shoulder didn't hurt either!
Now want to come!

Could it be that he was infected with a black aura?
"Well, it's okay!"

Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang's heart throbbed fiercely, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Your back is a bit mutated, it seems to have a black tattoo!"

Black tattoo?

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue became even more curious!

Speaking of which, this is the first time she has heard of it!

Jun Qianhuang stared at her back quietly, and saw that the tattoo on her shoulder became more and more clear, and gradually saw the flickering light forming a black flower of the other side slowly blooming, so enchanting, so Quiet!

The moment the flowers bloomed, I saw that the black color of the flowers faded away, with a hint of blood red, slowly dyeing the entire Bana flower!

There was a black aura lingering around the Bana flower, as if it was going to be dragged into endless darkness!

Woke up completely at this moment!
"Remember, from now on...don't let anyone see this back!"

I don't know how long it took, but the other shore flower slowly disappeared, leaving behind that smooth back... as if it had never appeared before!
"Well, what the hell is it?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue also sat up and put her clothes on her body. The wide nightgown wrapped her petite body, and she stepped on the floor with her bare feet!
Slowly walking on the edge of the window sill: "Well, this scorching feeling has disappeared!" Frowning, with a hint of puzzlement, she slowly raised her head to look at the dazed Jun Qianhuang!
Seeing her petite body in this wide nightgown, everyone couldn't control her breathing!

That pitch-black hair was draped over her back like this!
The long eyelashes are slightly curled up, and the small mouth that is hesitant to speak is even more rosy!

God damn it!
Immediately, Jun Qianhuang stepped forward and wrapped her in her arms: "You have a Bana flower on your back, the legendary flower of hell, which represents the dark element, do you know it!"

The other side flower?
The other shore flower! !

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue just repeated this sentence again and again in a daze, with deep puzzlement!
Bianhua, what does this flower of hell have to do with me?

It's just that I don't know why, but the apex of my heart is painful, and tears slowly slide down my face.

It seems that something is unforgettable!

But I can't find that feeling anymore!
"Huang! I always feel like I've forgotten a lot of things in my heart!" Hands, involuntarily tugging on his lapel, heart trembling fiercely, raised his head in panic and looked at the man in front of him: "Huang, can you Know?"

"Hey, no matter what it is, it doesn't matter anymore!"

The slender fingers slowly held her face, and slowly dropped a kiss, kissing away the tears on her eyes one by one!
There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "As long as I'm by your side, wouldn't it be fine?"

The other side of the flower!
What does the Flower of Hell represent?
What the hell is that black lingering aura!
Jun Qianhuang was also faintly worried in her heart, but she still didn't say it out, she just tightly hugged the little woman in her arms!
As if she might leave him at any time... This feeling made his heart even more uneasy!
(End of this chapter)

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