Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 984 Chapter 1003: This is robbery

Chapter 984 Chapter 1003: This is robbery
"Hey, it's okay, it's okay!" Taking a deep breath, I suppressed the deep uneasiness in my heart!

Jun Qianhuang had a faint smile: "Isn't there still me?" There was a strong determination in his eyes, he would not let go in this life, so he has to work hard?
Slightly raised his brows and smiled softly!

Feel his warmth!
Feel his confidence!
The uneasiness in Yun Feiyue's heart was also slowly suppressed!

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, then I will follow you from now on!" In my heart, I couldn't help but feel a little more stable~

Yun Feiyue's eyes suddenly lit up, and she felt that there seemed to be something in front of her, which made her heart excited, and her eyes were also stained a little bit: "Tsk tsk, if I don't feel wrong, there should be some kind of medicinal herb here. Right!"

For medicinal materials, Yun Feiyue has an indescribable attachment in her heart!

Probably after all, I belong to the alchemist!
"Yes, yes, my daughter-in-law likes medicinal materials the most!" She stretched out her fingers slightly, embracing Yun Feiyue's back, and followed her line of sight. A lot of medicinal materials!
"Go, I'll go and have a look!"

Excitedly holding the small hoe in his hand, he rushed towards it with shining eyes!


At this moment, a young man's eyes were stained with disdain, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curled up: "Hmph, what do you want to do?" He rushed over fiercely, blocking Yun Feiyue!

"Hey, what can I do, don't you know that this is a medicinal material?"

"Huh, you?"

The boy's eyes were stained with disdain, and he lifted his chin a little arrogantly and snorted: "These are all medicinal herbs that our Great Elder likes, you are not qualified to dig them!"

Hearing this, the people around were also dumbfounded!

What a situation!

Could it be that Molong Ridge has been wrapped up by others?There is actually such a saying that it is okay, huh?
"You are such a joke, who are you great elders? Could it be that this Demon Dragon Ridge has been taken care of by your family!" I saw one of the men stand up with deep dissatisfaction, with a trace of anger in his eyes: " Don’t forget, anyone can dig here!”

"That's right, that's right, why don't you dig it for other girls!"

"I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen you so shameless. If you have the ability, you can go to the king to contract this area!"

All of a sudden, everyone's hearts burst into anger!
Following this group of people, it's okay if I didn't find anything. After finally looking at some pretty good herbs, but before I started digging, they were taken over by others! "snort!"

The boy's eyes were still full of disdain: "This is what our Great Elder saw first!"

"You keep talking about your great elders, great elders, so now I want to ask you, where are you great elders? Where's your team?" Yun Feiyue's heart was also faintly filled with anger!

His eyes narrowed slightly!

The corner of the mouth raised a disdainful arc: "How about you prove it to me?"


The young man raised his head slightly: "Could it be that with so many eyes, you can't see this young master here, huh?"

This person wants to block his feelings alone!

One person wants to cover the whole scene!

In this way, the entire Demon Dragon Ridge only needs a few dozen people to book the venue!
Immediately, this made everyone angry, those eyes were stained with thick anger, and the eyes looking at the young man in front of him became more and more unkind, as if they were about to tear him apart and bite him eat it!

(End of this chapter)

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