Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 985 Chapter 1004: Damn, who is hurting!

Chapter 985 Chapter 1004: Damn, who is hurting!

Feel the unkind eyes of everyone!
The boy didn't dodge in the slightest, instead he raised his eyebrows and greeted him with a look of disdain: "Well, if you don't accept it, you can come and fight!"

If you are not convinced, you can come to fight!
Such a simple sentence immediately angered everyone's already unhappy hearts!

"Okay, then I want to see how good you are!"

Before everyone could react, I saw a man with a gloomy face jumping over and jumping up, looking at the young man in front of him with a savage look: "Come on!"

"Mere ants dare to compete with the sun and the moon for glory!"

The boy looked at the big man in front of him!
There is even more disdain in the eyes!
The corner of the mouth raised slightly: "Tsk tsk, then let me show you what is amazing!"

I saw his fingers raised slightly, and suddenly a powerful aura rushed towards the man fiercely... Feeling the terrifying aura, all eyes changed!
Those pupils are staring round~
"God, is this boy trying to kill someone!"

"Damn it, it's too much!"

Seeing the young man's powerful aura rushing towards him like this, the expression of that Chinese character suddenly changed!
Naturally feel this strong killing intent!
There is a lot of fear in the eyes!
It's just that it's too late for everyone to dodge, that terrifying aura slammed into his chest fiercely~
A loud bang~
The man's body was like a kite with broken strings, it flew up a perfect parabola, and fell hard on the ground, and the dust was rolled up like this~
A mouthful of blood spewed out from his chest in a 'poof'~ "You~ you are too vicious!" He clutched his chest fiercely with the palm of his hand, the blood at the corner of his mouth was dazzling, and the paleness of his face was also so helpless !
"Tsk tsk, am I too vicious?"

There was no warmth in the young man's eyes, what was left was the high-spirited: "People who don't know what is good or bad, how can I leave this little life! Hmm~" The tone is slightly Yang!
That arrogant expression completely angered the strings in everyone's heart!
"Go to hell~"

The boy seemed to appreciate the fear on the man's face!
There was even a little trepidation in his eyes, he raised his finger and slapped the man fiercely again...

"Stop it, it's too much!"

At this moment, a gray figure leaped forward and ruthlessly caught his attack. The gray figure also took a few steps back fiercely, and a smear of blood slowly slipped from its mouth: "Damn it, You slept too much, why did you kill all of us!"

Take a breath!
He just felt that his heart was being pulled!
damn it!
Where did these people come from!
"You... how dare you go against me!"

The figure of the young man also took a few steps back. Although he was not injured, it was an extremely embarrassing thing for him. This made his heart a little bit angry: "Then I will kill you all today!"



Hear this!
Immediately aroused public outrage!
"Very well, you are strong, but we want to see how strong you are!"

"Great Elder, here I come!"

"Hmph, bullying my Great Elder, is it true that everyone in our Eagle Mercenary Corps is dead?"

Only then did the crowd realize that the gray figure just now was actually Cao Lihui, which made the entire mercenary group even more restless. Everyone reacted!

(End of this chapter)

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