Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 990 Chapter 1009: Will neuropathy admit it?

Chapter 990 Chapter 1009: Will neuropathy admit it?
Looking at these mercenaries who suddenly came and stood in front of her, Yun Feiyue's heart trembled faintly, with a kind of deep gratitude!

If she read correctly, the leading men are all members of the Eagle Mercenary Corps!

And at the front is their young regiment leader, Yan Sihan!

It is absolutely impossible not to be moved, even Jun Qianhuang was deeply grateful in his heart, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he walked over slowly, and said lightly: "Thank you everyone Yes, but the wife of the deity will naturally be protected by the deity!"

"Thank you everyone!"

Jun Qianhuang slowly passed through the crowd, and slowly walked towards Yun Feiyue's figure...

Looking at this appearance, I don't know Wei Wei, everyone voluntarily moved away, always feeling that the man in front of him has a strong aura, making everyone obey naturally!
"You~ It's you again!"

Look at Jun Qianhuang in front of her!

The great elder's heart trembled slightly!
Damn it, the terrifying aura on this young man is frightening!
Damn it!He has not forgotten the terrifying killing intent on this young man!
"Why do you always fight against me!" Taking a deep breath, he was somewhat afraid of Jun Qianhuang in front of him, after all, their task was not to quarrel with these people!
He can't let himself lose his innocence because of such a thing!
This will make him unable to explain!

"Tsk tsk, bullying my wife, I'm the one against you!"

A terrifying aura began to gather in Jun Qianhuang's eyes, which caused everyone's expressions to change slightly, and they always felt a sense of uneasiness slowly rising in their hearts~~
Yun Feiyue slowly stood beside him!
With a faint smile: "Have you ever heard that neuropathy will admit that you are sick!"

"Okay, ma'am, I understand!"


"Big elder!"

At this moment, I saw a man in black hurrying over, sticking to his ear, I don't know what he said, but the face of the great elder changed, and he looked at the scene in front of him complicatedly!
Finally, with a heavy snort, he quickly turned around and left~~

Seeing this group of people leave inexplicably like this, this made everyone's faces change and change, even Yun Feiyue's eyes were full of puzzlement~
"Okay, you can dig the medicinal materials. You can dig the medicinal materials here yourself!"

Yun Feiyue is no longer in the mood!

Looking at the piles of medicinal materials, although they are not worthless, they are not so rare after all, so it doesn't matter!

"This... girl!"

"Well, I don't really need it that much!" Shrugged, and said indifferently: "By the way, Yan Sihan, let me go and see your great elder!" Thinking of Cao Lihui, Yun Feiyue was a little worried in her heart!
He was the first one to rush out for himself!

"Miss Yue Yun, please!"

Hearing this, Yan Sihan was not stupid, he naturally understood, bent slightly, nodded, and invited her over!
"Miss Yue Yun, I don't know if you can do it!"

Walking into their tent, I saw Cao Lihui lying in the tent with his eyes tightly closed, his face was so pale that no one could see blood, and his breathing was very slow, as if he had accidentally...

Think here!

Everyone couldn't help being silent for a while.

"Don't worry, let me see!"

Nodding her head, Yun Feiyue also felt a little worried in her heart. The young man's powerful attack was not a joke!
(End of this chapter)

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