Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 991 Chapter 1010: Do you still want to occupy the mountain and become king?

Chapter 991 Chapter 1010: Do you still want to occupy the mountain and become king?

Gently hold Cao Lihui's pulse!

I saw that the people around Duen really gave way!
Come and take Yan Simiao, who looked at Yun Feiyue disliked, also held his breath, and looked in Cao Lihui's direction anxiously, you must know that this great elder is a very important person in the entire mercenary group!
She was also raised by the Great Elder!
"elder brother!"

Slightly biting his lips, and gently tugging on Yan Sihan's sleeve, Yan Simiao's heart was full of worry: "The Great Elder...he...he will be fine!" His eyes were stained with worry !
There is also a tremor in the tone!

I can feel the worry in my sister's heart!

Yan Sihan couldn't help but worry a little bit in his heart, and said softly: "Don't worry, it's okay, Miss Yue Yun must have a solution!"

"Yeah!" Nodding, Yan Simiao didn't make a fuss for the first time!
It's just the slight pain in the eyes, but it also makes people feel a little bit reluctant!
I don't know how much time has passed!
It wasn't until everyone became nervous that Yun Feiyue slowly let go of Cao Lihui's wrist, slowly stuffed a pill into his mouth, and then said: "Now he is very If you are weak, if you force him to take it, it will not be beautiful!"

After watching Cao Lihui take the elixir, his complexion became a little rosy!

All the people also breathed a sigh of relief, and naturally trusted Yun Feiyue's words a little more!

He nodded slightly, and said seriously: "Then, does the Great Elder need to rest now?" This is what everyone is more worried about. After all, it seems that there is no way to provide a good place for the Great Elder to rest at this time!
"It doesn't matter, as long as you can wake up, you can take this pill. It doesn't take half a thing for him to recover, but you have to keep quiet during this time, so as not to frighten him, understand?"

Stand up slowly!
Jun Qianhuang walked to her side subconsciously, and gently held her little hand!

Let her lean on my shoulders!
Jun Qianhuang knew that Yun Feiyue was really exhausted at this moment!
The elixir was placed in Yan Sihan's hands, and Yun Feiyue said slowly: "Okay, I also need to rest, so I won't bother you, we will meet again if we are destined, I hope everyone can have a good harvest! "

The lotus made everyone understand it!
The girl in front of the emotional scene hopes that everyone can have some income. After all, she has not gotten anything after following the group of people these days. If she is not like this today...

"Miss Yue Yun..."

"Don't, don't look at me like that!"

I feel everyone's eyes full of gratitude!
This made Yun Feiyue's eyes tinged with embarrassment: "Okay, I won't say more!" Taking a deep breath, Yun Feiyue found that she was suddenly very short of words!
Just let Jun Qianhuang leave at her own speed!
Leaning on Jun Qianhuang's shoulder, seeing him leaning on the delicious monster meat, Yun Feiyue felt a little relaxed all over herself!
At this moment, away from the crowd, it was much quieter!

"These people's actions are also terrible. Tell me, come to the ice fox and take the ice fox, and want to take the whole mountain for yourself?"

"Little Moon!"

Feel Yun Feiyue's anger!
Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but smiled softly: "Why do you need to be angry, they are just blindfolding, obviously fixing things in one place, but they just want to give people an illusion!"

(End of this chapter)

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