Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 992 Chapter 1011: Illusion?What is the truth!

Chapter 992 Chapter 1011: Illusion?What is the truth!

Is it an illusion?
These words made Yun Feiyue feel in her heart that things were not that simple!
Tilting her head, she looked at Jun Qianhuang beside her, and said slowly, "You mean they intentionally create the illusion that everyone thinks they want everything, but in fact they only want the ice fox?"


Yun Feiyue always felt that something was wrong here!
After a while, he said again: "Don't you think it's possible that their target is not the ice fox? Ice fox is just an illusion?"

These words made Jun Qianhuang's eyes shrink suddenly!
I only heard Yun Feiyue continue to say: "Think about it, these things are just legendary things, who knows if they exist or not? Maybe, this is just a bit of a gimmick, so what is their goal? Where is it?"




Yun Feiyue's words made Jun Qianhuang think again in her heart!

I have to say, these words are also quite fatal!

After all, the existence of this ice fox still needs to be discussed, so what happened in the Demon Dragon Ridge recently, which made these people from the upper realm come down!
Look at Jun Qianhuang's serious thinking!

Yun Feiyue just sighed slightly, but it didn't disturb his thoughts!

His eyes were quietly staring at Jun Qianhuang's side, the silver moonlight fell on his body, like a holy silver light, emitting circles of light, making one unable to bear the feeling of a heartbeat in the bottom of his heart!
That perfect profile!

Those long eyelashes!

Those thin lips!
Tell yourself that he is so attractive to her heart!
"Little Lord!"

Lu Ba's face was full of worry, he couldn't help but frowned slightly and looked at Young Master Lian in front of him, and said after a while: "You said how these people died at that time, did they really die in the Warcraft into the mouth? Why do I feel that it seems a little weird!"

Lu Ba stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment!

The deaths of Mu Yang and Yang Jing were too weird!

The time is also too fast. Now that I have been in the Demon Dragon Ridge for so long, I haven't seen any movement of the terrible monster. Is there something wrong with it?
Hear this!

Young Master Lian's expression remained unchanged!
He just slowly leaned against the tree trunk, his black hair hanging down casually, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly, forming an evil arc: "Lu Ba, did I tell you something?"

"Young master, what's the matter?"

"Your mouth is too big, there are too many things!"



Hearing this, he suddenly felt a little better!
Embarrassed, he looked at the indifferent Young Master Lian in front of him: "Yes, Young Master, the subordinates know!"

Well, he didn't want to do this either, but he got used to it when things happened!
"Okay, you don't need to guess so much. This is a matter for them in the upper realm. Although we are cooperating, it is just cooperation in the end. There is no need to dedicate yourself. Isn't this the truth?"

"Yes, my subordinates understand!"

"So how they died has nothing to do with us!"


"What's more, as far as the corpse is concerned, it is indeed torn by monsters. Does it mean that there are no monsters here because you didn't find the existence of monsters?"

His eyes slightly looked into the distance!

If he remembered correctly, a certain little woman was full of monsters!

It's just... Can these monsters kill two god kings?What kind of existence does this need, or in other words, what kind of growth has Yun Feiyue grown into?
(End of this chapter)

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