Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 993 Chapter 1012: Frozen Snow Region

Chapter 993 Chapter 1012: Frozen Snow Region
The Frozen Snow Region, as the name suggests, is naturally a piece of ice, a piece of snow white!
When Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang finally arrived at this place, Yun Feiyue couldn't help taking a deep breath, her eyes filled with excitement: "Hey, Huang, this place is really beautiful!"

I have to say, here is a white scene!

The branches are also covered with icicles, and the whole world seems to be quiet!

Opening his arms, he slowly spun around, his eyes filled with happiness: "Well, I really like this feeling, Huang, this place is so beautiful, I want to stay for a few more days!"

Suddenly, she stabilized her body, opened her eyes, and looked in the direction of Jun Qianhuang...

This made Yun Feiyue's eyes stained with a layer of consternation!


"Jun Qianhuang!"

She called out one after another, but seeing the silence in front of her eyes, Jun Qianhuang was no longer there, which made her feel faintly afraid in her heart!

Damn, what the hell is going on!
His eyes widened, stained with a thick layer of worry.

Their hearts were tightly locked together, they took a deep breath, and tried their best to feel Jun Qianhuang's aura, but their hearts were just confused!
Immediately, a deep uneasiness rose in my heart: "Damn it, could it be that I... I have entered an inexplicable world?"

"Fei Yue, it seems that things are really like this!"

I saw Qiu Zeyang walking out slowly with a blank expression on his face: "Fei Yue, why do I feel that you have broken into the hidden map again, it's all over now, I don't know how to get out!"




What to do!
Nima, if I were to go back to the 21st century, I would definitely buy a lottery ticket!
Jiang Zi's winning rate is too high!

Well, the complaints are the complaints, Yun Feiyue is worried in her heart, and she doesn't know what is going on with Jun Qianhuang's heart, so I guess she is worried in her heart?

Take a deep breath!

Yun Feiyue carefully looked at the scene in front of her eyes!
She clearly felt that Jun Qianhuang's aura should be nearby, but...but no matter what, she couldn't find Jun Qianhuang's figure, which made her feel very uneasy, but she quickly calmed down!

He opened his legs and walked slowly towards the way he came: "Let's see if we can find an exit here!"

"Okay!" Nodding, Qiu Zeyang slowly accompanied Yun Feiyue to try this way again and again, leaving footprints one after another!
But besides going around in circles, she couldn't find a way out no matter what!
I couldn't help being impetuous in my heart, raised my foot fiercely, and kicked towards the snow: "Nimma, what is this!"

But... the only thing she responded to was that snowflake flying! !


Long Yan watched Yun Feiyue's figure suddenly disappear like this, and his whole body felt bad all of a sudden, he couldn't help looking at Jun Qianhuang who was stunned in place: "This...is there something invisible here? map!"

Hear it!

Jun Qianhuang's eyes were so dark that they couldn't be darker!
Clenching her fists tightly, she took a deep breath: "Wait, we'll wait nearby!" Before Long Yan could recover, Jun Qianhuang lifted up her robe and sat down on the spot!

God knows how worried he is at the moment!
God knows how busy and angry his heart is at this moment!
Just now the little woman was still spinning under his nose, with a happy face, but when she turned around, there was nothing left!

(End of this chapter)

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