Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 994 1013: Her injury is so painful

Chapter 994 1013: Her injury is so painful

Long Yan clearly felt the impetuous heart of his king!
His eyes were also stained with deep worry!

Taking a deep breath, he said slowly: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry too much. If it is said that only the Majesty and Concubine can find this invisible map, then it proves that the Concubine is the destined person. Maybe there will be a different harvest!"

"Uh, king, don't worry, the king and princess can't be bullied by everyone!"

Listen to Long Yan chattering in his ears again and again!

Not only did Jun Qianhuang's heart not calm down, but she gave Long Yan a hard look with deep worry, "Sit down and retreat!"



Well, seeing the anger on the king's face, although Long Yan didn't understand how to describe this feeling!

But I also know that the king can't live without the king and concubine!

Seeing that Long Yan finally calmed down, Jun Qianhuang's heart gradually calmed down. How could he not know what the invisible map represented!

It's just... the worry in my heart is still so strong!
I don't know how long I walked, Yun Feiyue only felt that her feet were numb, there seemed to be no concept of night here, and that round of warm sunshine was slowly spreading in every corner like this!
"I feel like I'm going to die, at least I've been here for three days!"

Look at the endless snow-covered plain in front of you!

At this moment, Yun Feiyue has no way to like her anymore!

There is even more worry in the eyes!
"Crimson Moon!"

Feeling the impetuousness in Yun Feiyue's heart, Qiu Zeyang slowly sat down next to her, and smiled slightly: "Why, would you give up so easily? This is not the you I know Woolen cloth!"

"Hey, don't let people be discouraged!"

In order to express her dissatisfaction, Yun Feiyue turned over fiercely, feeling bored all over: "Tell me, why am I here alone, why?"

Looking at the irritable Yun Feiyue in front of him, Qiu Zeyang still had a faint smile on his face!
Just imitate her method, lying on the ground, looking up at the sky, with a trace of indescribable happiness in my heart!
In the past, he thought he was just a little zombie, but he didn't expect that he would inherit the blood of the zombie king, and he didn't expect that because he found a good master, he is no different from a normal person now!
The same can breathe!
You can still walk normally!

No need to cry alone in the moonlight!
"Fei Yue, do you know that if it weren't for you, Abai and I might still be living in hiding now, if it weren't for you, I'm just a little zombie now, maybe I would be eradicated Already!"

Speaking of this, his eyes were also stained with a bit of firmness: "So, I believe that as long as you work hard, you will eventually grow up, Feiyue, what do you think!"

The tone is very slow!
Yun Feiyue's heart slowly calmed down!

Slightly raised a malicious smile, and looked at Qiu Zeyang in front of him: "Isn't that right, but in just a few years, so many revisions have been made, and I was a complete waste back then!"

Think of the word trash!
She couldn't help but think of her nanny from the bottom of her heart!

His eyes were filled with deep sadness: "If it wasn't for the death of the nanny, the potential in my body was stimulated, maybe... After all, the potential of a human being is really a terrifying thing!"

Thinking of the nanny, Yun Feiyue's heart still felt a sharp pain!
(End of this chapter)

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