Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 995 Chapter 1014: Blood Field Refining Pool

Chapter 995 Chapter 1014: Blood Field Refining Pool

"Fei Yue, I've heard that death doesn't just disappear!"

Looking at the obvious sadness in Yun Feiyue's eyes, Qiu Zeyang said leisurely: "Master once said that after death, people seem to go to the Blood Field Refining Pool!"

Blood domain refining pool?
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue was dumbfounded again!

What is this?
But, just from this obvious, she felt a kind of indescribable uneasiness faintly!
"Zeyang, why do I hear that this is obviously inappropriate, it seems like a place like purgatory, shouldn't it be the world of darkness?" Take a deep breath!
I always thought that only those who do evil will enter hell!

But this blood domain refining pool doesn't seem to be a good place either!

"Generally speaking, people who do a lot of evil and those who break their oaths will fall into hell and cannot be reborn, but there is another situation, that is, people who died in vain are not willing to be saved, and they hope that they can come back with their memories!"

These words completely shocked Yun Feiyue's mind!
She widened her eyes, turned around abruptly, and stared closely at Qiu Zeyang in front of her: "So, do you think my nanny might not be reconciled, so...so the soul went to this blood domain refining pool?"

My heart trembled fiercely!
The news of the nanny made her unable to calm down anymore!

"Yes, I heard that if you can pass the blood domain refining pool, you can naturally return, but unfortunately... so far, it seems that no one has surpassed it!"

But that doesn't mean it's impossible!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue's eyes became firm: "Yes, I won't give up, and I can't give up, maybe the nanny is waiting for me over there!"

"So, Feiyue, we have too many things on our shoulders, and the task is too heavy, we can't even die!"

Slightly sigh!

Qiu Zeyang's eyes were full of disappointment: "Death is not allowed!"

"Zeyang, tell me, what happened to you when you were alive?"

Wrapping her knees with both hands, buried her head between her knees, and blinked slightly, Yun Feiyue was no longer anxious in her heart, but was curious about the request in front of her: "Tell me, you things, okay?"

his story?

Something about his life?
Look at Yun Feiyue's serious face!

Qiu Zeyang remained silent for a while. Are those past events really important?

"Zeyang, I feel that since you came to this interface, your whole person is a little different, so I think, maybe your story is really in this place, isn't it?"

Feel Yun Feiyue's worry!
I also felt Yun Feiyue's seriousness!

Qiu Zeyang just smiled faintly: "My home, maybe I will tell you when I have a chance in the future, don't worry!" Don't overdo it, he still seems unwilling to talk about some things at the moment!

It's not distrust!

It's just that the pain, it really hurts, it hurts!

"Okay, then I'll wait for you, and one day you're willing to tell me, okay?"

With a shallow smile, Yun Feiyue stood up slowly, and patted his shoulder heavily: "Since you can't die, let's live, Ah Bai can't live without you!"

"Ah, Crimson Moon!"

Hearing this, Ah Bai's face was a little bit shy, and he snorted lightly: "However, Feiyue, don't you think this place seems very weird? How could it not even have the breath of a monster!"

Pouting her lips, she was full of curiosity in her heart!
(End of this chapter)

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