Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 996 1015: Seems to be lost again

Chapter 996 1015: Seems to be lost again
There is no breath of Warcraft!

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue and Qiu Zeyang looked at each other!
Both of them were lost in their own thoughts just now, but they didn't consider the reason. Now that they heard this, they felt a little bit worse!
"It seems that this place is also weird and terrifying!"

Slowly stood up, squinted slightly to look at everything in front of him, and took a deep breath: "Go, I still don't believe that I can't find the breath of a living body!"


Not only is there no breath of Warcraft here!

Not even the breath of a living body!
"Ah, Feiyue, when you say that, I also feel goosebumps!" Abai did not know when he had arrived at Yun Feiyue's side, frowning, and wrapped his arms: "There are no flowers, plants, or trees. Except for this thick layer of ice!"

The cold wind is blowing, but I don't feel very cold!

After all, they are all cultivators, so naturally they are not as sensitive to such a climate as before!

Stepping on the thick ice, there was a 'creak' sound!

Walking endlessly along the road ahead, Yun Feiyue felt like she was in a dead end?

All three of them had deep doubts in their minds.

He pursed his lips tightly, but didn't make a sound!

I don't know how long it took before Yun Feiyue said: "I can always feel the aura of the phoenix around me, but I can't get out no matter what. What is this place telling me?"

Stopped again!
Such a boundless walk, it is better to think clearly!

"Little Moon!"

At this moment, Jun Qianhuang's voice came faintly from Yun Feiyue's side, which made her wake up in a start, and she turned around abruptly... but it was empty!
Suddenly, there was an indescribable loss in my heart~
Is it a hallucination?
"Xiao Yue'er, be good!"

Just when Yun Feiyue was lost, Jun Qianhuang's voice sounded poisonous again: "Don't be afraid, I'll wait for you right here, be good, calm down and think about your own situation, understand?"

Gentle tone!
as always!

Yun Feiyue's heart also calmed down, and her eyes were stained with tears!

Even at this time, he never gave up on himself!
So, how could she give up on herself?

"Xiaoyue'er, I can't talk to you all the time, but remember, I will wait for you as my husband, no matter how long!"

Waiting for you!

No matter how long!

"Okay!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue's heart warmed again!

Slightly raised his eyes, with a slight smile, he couldn't help being excited in his heart: "I know what I'm going to do!"


There is no life here!

I saw Yun Feiyue's eyes lit up, and there was a gleam of excitement: "If there is no life, I will create life, isn't it okay?" She has not forgotten that what is in her Jiuqu Yuntian bracelet is life. breath!
The knot of finger speed~
Immediately, streaks of green spiritual energy slowly lingered from her fingertips, and slowly began to flow on the plain, like an endless pool of green water... This made Ah Bai and Qiu Zeyang who were standing on the side see it. shocked!
"This... this is life!"

"Oh my god, so Feiyue can still export life like this?"

His eyes were full of excitement, and the corners of his mouth could not help but smile a little: "In this way, as long as you create life, you may know where you are!"

The two looked at each other!
Keep a close eye on the situation in front of you!
(End of this chapter)

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