The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1021 The Leader of 3t Church

Chapter 1021 The Leader of the Three T Halls
Hearing Hong Tao's words, Gao Feng's head grew bigger, and only then did he realize that this was indeed a rather difficult task.He has only been in country M for dozens of hours, and it is as difficult as heaven for him to find such a person.Gao Feng looked at Hong Tao flickeringly, and said slowly: "Brother Hong, you are talking so lively, don't tell me that you don't have a suitable candidate in your mind."

Hong Tao smiled slightly, and said: "Yes! Of course! This man is called Pike, and he is the leader of a small gang in Washington. This small gang mainly makes a living by collecting protection fees for shops, and there are about a hundred people. When I was 30 years old, I was a violent man who loved to fight when I was young. When I grew up, I gathered my childhood fighting partners together to form today's Three T Hall. So although there are not many people, these hundred and ten people can be said to be the same Pike has been playing since he was a child, and he has a deep relationship with each other and is very united. He is a small gang with good combat effectiveness. However, Pike is not enterprising and is very easy to be satisfied with the status quo. Although there is such a good fighting Partner, but never willing to expand, stubbornly guarding this small territory and living a life that is full but not well-fed."

Hearing Hong Tao's words, Gao Feng immediately became interested in this Parker, and murmured: "In this impetuous age, there are very few people who can endure this loneliness." Hong Tao smiled and said: "Who said No! However, in this world where the jungle preys on the jungle, it is far from enough to just be satisfied with survival. Apparently some people regard Parker's "laziness" as a sign of cowardice, and his situation is not good recently! Put pressure on him, if Pike refuses to submit to the Golden Hand Hall, then the Sant Hall will soon cease to exist if this continues."

"Golden Hand Hall again?" Gao Feng couldn't help frowning.Hong Tao looked at Gao Feng in astonishment, and asked, "How come Jinshoutang's skills have grown, and even your sky thorns far away in the Middle East know their existence?" Gao Feng snorted coldly, and said contemptuously: "Organizations like the Golden Hand Church are everywhere in the Middle East. Back then, in the Middle East, five or six gangs like the Golden Hand Church were destroyed by us every day. How would I know about them? It’s just that when I first came to country M yesterday, it happened that they were going to kidnap Devinke, and from what Devink said, I knew that there was such an organization called Golden Hand Hall, and it was still very rampant!”

Hong Tao looked at Gao Feng full of envy and said: "I really yearn for your life in the Middle East. In country M, there are too many laws that tie people's hands and feet. To be honest, I have long wanted to eradicate Jinshoutang. The law not only protects good people, but also protects bad people, so I dare not act rashly. However, Rocky is getting bolder now, and he even dares to kidnap the Speaker of the House of Representatives!" Gao Feng laughed and said: "I'm afraid he is also very helpless .I have seen Devinke's 'Suppression of Black Storm'. If it is really implemented, it will simply be the end of the gangs in country M. No wonder he will put all his eggs in one basket and take the risk!" Hong Tao nodded in full agreement and said: "Yes! So I admire Devinke's courage from the bottom of my heart. This is undoubtedly an enemy of the gangsters in country M, and it is precisely because of this that I readily agreed to Lightning to let Devink go. In country M There are not many officials like Devinke in this land where freedom has passed fire."

Gao Feng said with a smile: "If you let him hear that you have such a high opinion of him, I think he will be so happy that he will laugh out loud in his dreams." Hong Tao said slowly: "When I first came to country M , I’m just a poor kid who doesn’t understand anything. I was angry with the people of country M, and hated them very much. But when I became the president and got in touch with more things in country M, I realized that M How difficult it is for Chinese people to live in such a country. It is said that life is not easy for people, and it is even more difficult to live like the people of country M. Now in my heart, I do not hate people of country M, but sympathize with them. Gao Feng, you just came to country M , still can’t understand. When one day, you control the gangs across the United States and become a master, you will understand.”

Gao Feng smiled and said: "Maybe. Brother Hong, you mean that I should choose Pike to control the gangs in the United States through him?" Hong Tao nodded heavily and said: "Yes! This is a great opportunity, you Not only do you have the full support of our Huaxia Federation, but you have also received the official approval of country M. In the future, you will face much less resistance. Seize this opportunity, make a career, and show the prestige of our Huaxia people!" Gao Feng's expression was full of solemnity, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will never let you and our boss Lightning down!"

"Pike and his brothers have been operating in a block not far from here, which is their base. You will definitely see Parker when you get there. Remember, if you want to conquer the people of M, you have to defeat them first. They The worse the defeat, the more they will respect you. You don't have to be polite, use your fists to beat them hard!" Hong Tao said.Gao Feng chuckled, flashed Liangdou's big fists, and said with a chuckle: "I'll make them look good, hahaha..."

Just when Hong Tao and Gao Feng were having a good talk, at Gao Yuanyuan's home in the capital city of S province in Huaxia, three beautiful and lovely girls who were as beautiful as goddesses were sitting on the sofa with frowning faces, making noises from time to time, which made the man feel pity and heartache. Broken sigh. "Is there still no news about him?" Gao Yuanyuan glanced at Hu Rong and Long Ling'er and asked.Long Ling'er's eyebrows were tightly clustered, and she said: "It's been a few days, that guy seems to have evaporated from the world, and he can't even find a shadow. It's really unreasonable!" Hu Rong bit Gritting her white teeth, she said in an annoyed voice, "This bastard, don't let me see him again, or I'll have to cut him off!" , looked at her and asked: "Why, are you really willing?" "I..." Hu Rong froze for a moment, and gave Long Ling'er a blushing look.

A few days ago, Li Xiaogang disappeared suddenly. The three women searched all the places where Li Xiaogang would go in the provincial capital, but they couldn't see anyone, and they couldn't get through on the phone. It was as if Li Xiaogang had never existed in this world. humanlike.Whether it was Zhang Shanshan, Li Yong, Lightning, or Scar, they all acted calmly when they heard the news of Li Xiaogang's disappearance.It can't be their fault, Li Xiaogang has disappeared too many times, they are used to it.Only the three girls would look around stupidly.Just as the three girls were guessing about Li Xiaogang's whereabouts, a crisp doorbell rang suddenly.

The three women jumped up from the sofa at the same time and rushed to the door at the same time.Gao Yuanyuan opened the door, and was surprised to see that the people standing outside the door turned out to be the leader, the prime minister, and an unknown beauty.Long Ling'er and Hu Rong were also taken aback. "Why, aren't you going to invite us in?" The leader said to the surprised three girls with a smile.Only then did the three girls come to their senses, and hurriedly stepped aside, Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to come, so I was a little rude, please forgive me!"

Let the leader into the room, served hot tea for the leader and the prime minister, and served drinks for Chang Xuefei, Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong and Long Ling'er worked very hard, and then sat down.The leader turned his head and looked around, but he didn't see Li Xiaogang, so he asked, "Where is Xiaogang? Why didn't I see him?" Gao Yuanyuan said bitterly, "We don't know where he went. Now, I'm looking for him everywhere!" "What? He's gone?" Before the leader responded, Chang Xuefei couldn't help shouting in disappointment.

Her cry immediately attracted the eyes of Gao Yuanyuan and the third daughter to her.Because Li Xiaogang has a 'convicted record', the three women who are involved now will unconsciously have a sense of vigilance in their hearts against girls who are more beautiful, let alone super beautiful women like Chang Xuefei who have lost to them in the slightest.The three women looked at each other, and they all caught a trace of tension in each other's eyes.Long Ling'er frowned, looked at Chang Xuefei and asked: "This lady is..." The leader let out a sigh and said, "I forgot to introduce you, this is an authoritative expert in oceanography. Miss Xuefei..." Afterwards, the leader introduced Gao Yuanyuan and the three daughters to Chang Xuefei respectively, and said to Chang Xuefei with deep meaning: "These three are Xiaogang's...confidantes. You should get to know each other well. Let's go."

Even a fool can see that Chang Xuefei has a deep-seated love for Li Xiaogang. The leader said this, just to let Chang Xuefei understand that there are already so many beautiful and smart girls around Li Xiaogang, so let her treat Li Xiaogang earlier. Give up.But his good intentions obviously did not achieve the expected purpose.Chang Xuefei looked at the three girls carefully. Although she admitted in her heart that the three girls were all rare beauties and strong women, she also found that she was different in both appearance and ability. If he didn't lose to the three girls, it didn't make sense that Li Xiaogang would like them but not himself, and he felt extremely confident in his heart.It seems that Li Xiaogang's love affair cannot escape no matter what.

"You just said that Xiao Gang is missing?" The leader asked, "What do you mean by missing? My intelligence officer told me that Xiao Gang just came back here a few days ago. How could he disappear?" Gao Yuanyuan smiled wryly. Said in one voice: "You also know that Brother Gang is like this, playing and disappearing at every turn." Gao Yuanyuan deliberately bit the word "Brother Gang" very hard, meaning to emphasize that she and Li Xiaogang are very close, making Chang Xuefei Retiring despite difficulties, sometimes the city of a woman is really terrible.

"Since he often disappears like this, why do you look for him again?" The Prime Minister asked with a slight frown.Gao Yuanyuan said: "Yeah, we shouldn't be worried at first. But when Brother Gang left, he would always say hello to us. But this time it's different. He didn't say anything to us, and disappeared quietly. That's why we are worried." The leader said in a deep voice, "Since he didn't greet you, there are two possibilities. No need to say hello. Regardless of the possibility, news will come back soon. It seems that we will stay here for a few more days."

(End of this chapter)

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