The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1022 Golden Hand Hall Lodge

Chapter 1022 Golden Hand Hall Lodge

After hearing what the leader said, Long Ling'er asked with some puzzlement: "Chief, is it possible that you have something important to do with Brother Gang?" The leader smiled and said, "Yes, if it's not important, I won't I came all the way with the Prime Minister. It just seems that we came here by accident, and we failed to catch him, hehe..." As he spoke, the leader looked at the Prime Minister and said, "I don't think it's better to wait here, you Go back to the capital first. I don’t know when Xiaogang will come back, and someone needs to be in the base camp.” The Prime Minister nodded, looked at Chang Xuefei and asked, “Xuefei, why don’t you go back with me?”

When Chang Xuefei heard it, her small mouth immediately pouted, and she said softly: "No, I will stay here and wait for Li Xiaogang!" I thought that Chang Xuefei would retreat after meeting the three daughters of Hu Rong, but unexpectedly, Chang Xuefei Xue Fei was still so determined that both the leader and the prime minister were greatly surprised, and they looked at each other in surprise.And Chang Xuefei's resolute demeanor and words also aroused the vigilance of the three girls, and they all set their eyes on Chang Xuefei.Long Ling'er raised her eyebrows and asked slightly: "Excuse me, what do you want from our Brother Gang?" Let Chang Xuefei realize that she is alone and weak, and don't continue to pester her overwhelmed.

Chang Xuefei's character is originally of the tough and arrogant type, if not for this, when she first met Li Xiaogang, the relationship between the two would not have been so rigid.Chang Xuefei snorted unceremoniously and said: "I have something to do with Li Xiaogang, why should I tell you. You are just Li Xiaogang's girlfriend, not his wife." "You..." Gao Yuanyuan was told by Chang Xuefei Her face flushed red with anger, her voice trembled faintly.Seeing that a war without gunpowder was about to break out, the leader hurriedly stood up and smoothed things over and said, "Okay, Gao Yuanyuan, do you have anything to eat here? The Prime Minister and I have traveled a lot, and we are still hungry. Go and give us some food." Eat something!" Gao Yuanyuan frowned, gave Chang Xuefei a hard look, and went to the kitchen with Long Linger and Hu Rong to get food for the leader and the prime minister.

After the three of them entered the kitchen, the leader said helplessly to Chang Xuefei: "Xuefei, I know you have feelings for Xiaogang, but you have also seen that he already has so many confidante by his side, I guess he won't I accept you, so don't waste any more time." Chang Xuefei snorted, and said, "If you don't pursue it, how will you know the answer? Science is not guesswork, and love is the same! No matter what, I will Try it." Seeing Chang Xuefei's firmness, the leader smiled wryly and said, "Even if you want to try, you have to change your attitude, right? Let me tell you, Xiao Gang is a very emotional person." People, you want her to give up Gao Yuanyuan and the others for you, this is absolutely impossible, you give up early. You can't own Xiaogang alone, if you want to be by Xiaogang's side, you have to learn to share with others He. And if you still treat Gao Yuanyuan and the others as before, your situation will be quite passive."

After hearing what the leader said, Chang Xuefei frowned and fell into deep thought.The leader knew that Chang Xuefei was an extremely smart girl, and he didn't need to be too thorough when talking to her. Enough would often have better results.So I will stop abruptly here, and I will not continue.After being silent for a while, Chang Xuefei seemed to lose some determination, her pretty face changed, and she smiled more.Seeing her expression, the leader knew that she had figured it out, smiled slightly, and said in his heart, this time it seems that the kid has taken advantage of it again, I hope he can endure so many beauties.

In the kitchen, Gao Yuanyuan was making food, and said in a low voice: "What do you think is the origin of that Chang Xuefei?" Long Ling'er said angrily: "No matter what the origin is, it is not a good origin anyway! She obviously They are here for our husband, what do you think we should do?" Hu Rong curled her lips, and said, "What else can I do? Tell her to quit! She almost wanted to get my husband's idea out of her way." Son!" Gao Yuanyuan frowned, and said worriedly: "But we still don't know Li Xiaogang's attitude, if Li Xiaogang also likes her, and we go too far, will Li Xiaogang give birth to us? Angry?"

Gao Yuanyuan's words caused Hu Rong and Long Ling to fall into silence immediately. Both women knew Li Xiaogang's personality. If Li Xiaogang really liked Chang Xuefei, then if Gao Yuanyuan and the others accepted Chang Xuefei, it would not affect Li Xiaogang at all. The love for them, because Li Xiaogang's love is never divided equally between the woman he loves, but for everyone wholeheartedly. It can be said that Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong and Long Ling'er, and even Song Shuang who is far away in the sky, they They all independently have a complete love of Li Xiaogang, which is exactly the magic of Li Xiaogang, and also his enviable art of controlling women.

Therefore, after Chang Xuefei joined them, it would not reduce the love they received from Li Xiaogang.But if they didn't accept Chang Xuefei and obstructed it in every possible way, and Li Xiaogang really liked Chang Xuefei, then they might lose Li Xiaogang completely, which was a heavy blow that none of the three girls could bear.

After thinking for a long time, Long Ling'er couldn't come up with a good solution. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said in a coquettish voice full of anger: "Damn Li Xiaogang, he clearly promised us that he would never mess around outside again, but we still trust him like that." Gao Yuanyuan smiled wryly and said, "Aren't we too demanding of Xiao Gang? He is so outstanding, like a star in the sky, how can he not attract the attention of other girls? Xiao Gang is not a saint, he also has a Fan Xin, there are so many temptations in front of his eyes, if he is not tempted, unless he has no heart." "That's right! But what should we do now? People have already come to the door, is it so easy I am not willing to accept her!" Hu Rong muttered.

"Yes, and have you seen that Chang Xuefei is so arrogant, as if she is a queen, I can't get along with such a person!" Long Linger recalled Chang Xuefei's attitude just now, full of Said dissatisfied.Gao Yuanyuan placed the food on the tray one by one, sighed and said: "Forget it, let's wait until we understand Xiao Gang's meaning." Long Ling'er shook his head helplessly, and said: "That's the only way. Hey, who made us fall in love with such a man destined to be great!"

As soon as the three of them walked out of the kitchen, they saw Chang Xuefei coming up with a smile on her face. The three girls looked at each other, not knowing what Chang Xuefei was planning, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.Chang Xuefei giggled and said with a coquettish voice: "Three sisters, let me do it." As she said that, she took the tray from Gao Yuanyuan's hand involuntarily.Gao Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "How embarrassing, you are guests, so I'll come." The contrast between Chang Xuefei's front and back was really big, and Gao Yuanyuan had to wonder if she had an illusion.

"It's okay, my little sister has a lot of things I don't understand, and I need the advice of the three older sisters. This is what I should do!" Seeing Chang Xuefei handing over the food to the leader and the prime minister with a crisp laugh, the three girls still seemed to be in the middle of the night. As in a dream, there is no time to come back to God.Seeing this, the leader couldn't help chuckling a few times, and quietly gave Chang Xuefei a thumbs up.Next, Chang Xuefei was even more courteous, gentle and considerate in every way, trying to please Gao Yuanyuan and the third daughter in every possible way.Although Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong, and Long Ling'er felt something was wrong in their hearts, but in the face of Chang Xuefei's strong offensive to curry favor, they still couldn't help but forget that Chang Xuefei was here to snatch their husbands. The children quickly let go of their previous suspicions and played together.

In the end, the Prime Minister returned to the capital by special plane to take charge of the overall situation.The leader stayed and waited for Li Xiaogang. Liu Changhe, who got the news from Gao Yuanyuan, hurriedly put down all the work at hand, and made a special trip to take the leader to the most luxurious hotel in the provincial capital.The leader did not refuse either, and just took this opportunity to get in touch with the officials of Province S, and at the same time inspect various tasks in Province S.With the strong rise of Li Xiaogang's Longxi, Longmu, Longquan, Longyu, Qiangnong, and Tianhao managed by Hu Rong and other industries in S Province, today's S Province is in the whole country occupying an increasingly important position.The tax paid to the country every year exceeds [-]% of the total tax revenue of the country. It seems to have surpassed the southern coastal province G and has become the country's number one economically powerful province. It has attracted more and more attention from the central government.

And Chang Xuefei was actively stayed by Gao Yuanyuan. Anyway, staying in a hotel alone is meaningless. Living with Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong and Long Linger, there are endless conversations among peers, and it is more lively.Besides, being able to mingle with Gao Yuanyuan's three daughters is also of great benefit to Chang Xuefei in winning Li Xiaogang's heart in the future, so Chang Xuefei happily stayed at Gao Yuanyuan's house, keeping Gao Yuanyuan's company during the day, and at night the four girls went shopping and sang together. I had a very happy life.It's just that Li Xiaogang didn't show up for a long time, which made Chang Xuefei faintly anxious in the dead of night.

The subordinates failed to catch Devinke and Yass, which made Rocky very annoyed. With an order, several kidnappers who participated in the kidnapping of Devink and his wife, including the leader, were thrown into the sea. "Boss, what should we do now? How about I send a few more people?" Jide, the second in command of the Golden Hand Hall, said cautiously to the angry Rocky.Rocky raised his eyebrows, stared at him fiercely, and said viciously: "Do you think Devinke is an idiot? He has been kidnapped once, and he will give you a second chance? We haven't waited for us If someone appeared, they might have been shot to death by Devinke's bodyguards! We only had one chance, but these scumbags failed to catch them. Damn them all!"

Jide said bitterly: "Then what should we do? Do we just watch Devink drive us to death?" Rocky roared angrily: "The devil knows what to do? Did you ask me to mention Did you shoot all those bastards in the House of Representatives?" When Rocky was getting restless, the phone rang suddenly, Rocky answered the phone, and asked angrily, "Who? Talk!"

There was a whisper on the phone, causing Luo Qi's face to change suddenly, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and a faint smile appeared, and he asked: "What you said is true, aren't you lying to me?"… …"Hmph, I don't think you have the guts! I'll get someone to deposit money into your account... What? You don't want it? Heh heh, you have to have it if you want it, and you have to have it if you don't want it!" Hang up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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