The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1023 I Decided to Take You Together

Chapter 1023 I Decided To Take You Along
Seeing that Rocky's face was full of joy, Jide hurriedly asked: "Boss, what makes you so happy?" Rocky lay down on the leather chair with a smile, and said with a smile: "It's early this morning. , in the House of Representatives, Devinke suddenly decided to postpone the implementation of the 'Black Storm' indefinitely." "There is such a thing? But...but why is this? He spared no effort and is known as the anti-black hero. How could he suddenly make such a decision?" Jide couldn't believe Rocky's words, and couldn't help asking repeatedly.

Rocky laughed a few times, and said: "Heroes are also humans, and humans only have one life! As I said a long time ago, there is no one who is not afraid of death. Our kidnapping must have stimulated Devinke, It made him realize how terrible we are, so he had no choice but to change his position. Hehe... If I had known this would be the result, I would not have killed those idiots." "Could it be like this?" Jide asked hesitantly road.It wasn't like what he knew Devink was doing.He murmured: "Although Devinke is elegant, he is by no means cowardly. On the contrary, he possesses extraordinary courage. Otherwise, he would not have resolutely thrown out the 'Suppressing Black Storm' when the underworld is rampant. Boss, Do you think there is any conspiracy in this?"

Rocky snorted coldly and said, "What conspiracy is there? It's not the same today. Devinke's father-in-law was first brought down, and then he almost lost his official position, and then he was kidnapped by us and endured This series of blows, no matter how tough a person is, will become weak. It is not surprising that he will change his position at this time. Besides, the "Su Hei Storm" is simply a joke. Black and white are born in opposition, and there is no black , then there is no need for Bai to exist. To completely exterminate the underworld, unless all human beings are dead!"

Although Rocky's words were vulgar, they made sense. Jide nodded, and said slowly: "Boss has an opinion." Rocky laughed and said, "Now our biggest trouble has been solved, and the next step is Expansion. Taking advantage of Devinke’s lack of courage to entangle us again, we must hurry up and exaggerate our power quickly. By the time Devinke recovers, we have grown to the point that he cannot reach, At that time, if he throws out any proposals such as "Suppressing Black Storm", let's see how I deal with him!"

"The boss said, so where do we start?" Jade asked.Rocky waved his hand fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "Naturally, it's the Sant Tang. I didn't expect this small organization to be so tenacious. It's really abominable to defeat our annexation several times. If I don't swallow him for a day, I will There will be no peace in my heart for a day! Jide, think of a way to level him!" Jide frowned and said: "Although the number of the three halls is not large, they are quite familiar with each other and united. If we want to deal with them , I am afraid there is only a strong attack!"

"Then attack by force. I have lost the patience to continue dealing with them. Pike, an ignorant bastard, I originally planned to save his life for my own use. It seems that it is unlikely now, so I will As long as his territory, hehe - and his coquettish and hot sexy girlfriend. By the way, what is her name? - Oh, remember, it's Sean. Jed, you have to give her Please come back safe and sound, but don't hurt her, understand?" Rocky said nervously.Jide nodded expressionlessly, turned around and went to do it.

Although the 51st block in Washington is not very prosperous, it is undoubtedly the most stable block among the hundreds of blocks in Washington, just because there are three t parties stationed here.Organizations like the Golden Hand Party are mostly protected by protection fees but do not perform protection duties.On the contrary, as long as thieves and other gangsters pay enough money, they can still run amok here.But the style of the Three T Party is completely different. They take people's money to eliminate disasters for others, and they will do their best to protect the shops here as long as they have paid protection fees.Even if a store is stolen or robbed, the members of the Three T Party will definitely help them seek justice and recover their losses.Therefore, among all the gangsters in Washington, the protection fee of the Tri-T Party is the easiest to collect. Often, the shops line up to pay the protection fee of this month at the headquarters of the Tri-T Party regularly, as if paying utility bills.

However, all this seems to be a thing of the past. The law and order in the 51+[-] block is becoming less and less optimistic, and groups of people come here to make trouble here every now and then.The place is so smoky that even pedestrians are scared when they pass by, and the business of various shops plummets like diving.Facing the frowning store owner, Pike was also full of helplessness.He knew very well in his heart that those who came here to make trouble were all thugs of the Gold Hand Party, in groups, sometimes more than the members of the Three-T Party.Perhaps realizing that the three t parties are simply unable to cope with the current situation, some shops in the [-]st block have already begun to relocate.

There is a Queen's Bar in the 51st block, which is the only property of the Klan and also their headquarters.Inside the bar, the lights were dim, and it was full of members of the Three-T Party.Looking at the frowning Pike, the elites of the Three T Party also fell silent.In the face of the aggressiveness of the Golden Hand Party, the power of the Three T Party seems too weak.Xia En snuggled tightly into Pike's arms, although she didn't speak, but from her worry-filled double formation, one can clearly see her inner anxiety and worry about Pike, "Pike, what are you still hesitating about?" If things go on like this, we will be forced to die by the Gold Hand Party. Instead of waiting to die, we might as well give it a go. Taking advantage of their unpreparedness, they broke into the Gold Hand Party headquarters and killed Rocky. Die, the Golden Hand Party must be finished!" The person who said this was a burly and strong man, not inferior to Arnold in the slightest.Called Therad, was one of Pike's best playmates and is now Pike's best brother.Serrad is a good fighter in fights, and the weight of his punches is no worse than Tyson.It is no exaggeration to say that he has unstoppable courage.

After hearing Serrad's words, Pike had a wry smile on his face, Serrad said it was easy, the Golden Hand Party is like a dragon's den, how can it be so easy to break into?This plan can no longer be described as an adventure, it is simply to die.

Seeing Pike's hesitation, Serad said a little irritably, "If you don't go, I'll go!" Then he walked out.Pike frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Stand still!" Serad turned to look at Pike and said, "Now I don't want to sit and wait for death. This is the only way. If the Golden Hand Party continues to make trouble like this, our 51st Street The shops are about to be moved, so why don't you let the brothers drink the northwest wind?"

Pike said: "I know that our situation is very difficult now, but recklessness will not solve any problems, but will make brothers suffer innocent casualties. I absolutely do not agree." "Then do you have any other solutions?" Sera De yelled angrily.Pike's brows became tighter and tighter, his face full of helplessness and confusion.When the two were at a stalemate, there was only a creak, and the door of the bar was gently pushed open, and then a Chinese with a moderate build and a weird smile on his face appeared in their sight.Gao Feng glanced around for a week, finally fixed his eyes on Pike's face, and said with a faint smile: "The environment here is really good, the place is full in broad daylight, hehe..."

In Pike's eyes, Gao Feng was like an idiot, and he said angrily: "It's closed now, go to another place!" Gao Feng didn't listen to him, found a seat and sat down on his own, and said: " There is only one bar here on this street, which other place do you want me to go to? Waiter, have a glass of cold beer first, damn it, this day is going to steam people." Facing more than 100 pairs of unkind eyes, Gao Feng seemed to be in the land of no one, and this bearing and courage all fell into Xia Si's eyes.Pike was feeling upset right now, and couldn't help but angrily said, "Don't you understand what I'm saying? It's not business hours now, get out of here immediately!"

Xia En hurriedly took his hand, smiled and said to Gao Feng: "Sir, don't mind, he's not in a good mood. Beer, right? Yes, I'll get it for you right now!"

"Xia En, you..." Pike gave Xia Si a puzzled look, and Xia En winked at him, then hurriedly went to prepare beer.Gao Feng said as if in a dream: "I think you should prepare more by the way. There is a large group of people coming here. It seems that they are all 'hot..." Gao Feng's words shocked Parker, and he hurriedly asked one of his subordinates. With a wink, the subordinate immediately rushed out of the bar.About a few minutes later, the man ran in panting, and said nervously, "It's the Golden Hand Party, led by Jide, and there are about 200 guards."

"Damn it, you're being bullied right up to the door, brothers, copycats!" Serrad yelled wildly, overturned a table violently, and pulled out Cheng Liang's machete from under the table.The others were also unambiguous. At this moment, they only heard the sound of bang bang, and there was an extra thing in the hands of more than a hundred brothers.Xia Si ignored the irritable man, went straight to Gao Feng's table with a beer, and poured him a glass himself.Gao Feng held the wine glass in one hand, and pointed at the three T-Klan members who were at war with each other, and said calmly, "What are they doing, making a movie?"

Xia En frowned, and said: "Sir, you'd better leave quickly after drinking this cup, it's dangerous to stay here." After hearing this, Gao Feng gave a small award and said: "Miss, it's better if you have a good heart. Okay, I'll just listen to you, but since it's so dangerous here, you should go with me, lest you stay here and die with them!"

"This one..." Xie Si looked back at Pike, shook his head and said, "No, I can't go, I have to stay... Oops!" With a cry, she looked down and saw that her wrist was tightly held by Gao Feng, and couldn't help but asked in surprise. It's okay to use your hands and feet. Countless killers stared directly at Gaofeng with angry eyes, especially Pike, who was even more furious. He jumped in front of Gaofeng in three or two steps, pointed the sharp machete in his hand, and roared like thunder: "Let go of your hand, or I'll scratch you alive today!"

Gao Feng didn't pay attention to his meaning at all, stared straight at Xia En with smiling eyes, and said: "You are so beautiful and kind, how can I bear to see you in danger, so, I Decided to take you with me."

(End of this chapter)

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