The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1026 This boss is too different

Chapter 1026 This boss is too different

Gao Feng glanced at Pike sideways, and said, "What can I do for you? Get rid of the Gold Hand Party?" Pike nodded hastily and said, "Yes! With the skills of Mr. Gao and the others, the Gold Hand Party must not be you. Only you can save us now." Hearing Pike's words, Gao Feng stood up from his chair without saying a word, and said slowly: "What you said is not wrong at all. As far as I'm concerned, it's easy. But after that, are you sure there won't be any Silver Hands, Bronze Hands and others coming to trouble you? What will you do then, and who will you ask for help?"

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Pike frowned, and asked blankly: "Then what should we do?" Gao Feng said: "Simply disband the Three-T Party, find a job, and support the family. The Golden Hand Party will not I'm here to harass you again." "How can I do that? I still have more than a hundred brothers under my command, what should they do?" Pike said, shaking his head like a rattle.Gao Feng's eyebrows twitched, his voice suddenly changed, and he said in a low voice: "Then there is only one way, to make yourself stronger, so strong that the Golden Hands dare not bully you again!"

"Ah!?" Pike was shocked again, with a hint of panic and confusion in his eyes.Gao Feng Zhensheng said: "In today's world, the strong are respected and the weak prey on the strong. Looking at the world, there are only two kinds of people, one is the one who is bullied by others, and the other is the one who bullies others. I don't want to be the first type, Then you have to do the second one!" Pike looked at Gao Feng with some trepidation, and said, "I...I don't understand what you mean." If you continue to bully him, then defeat him and eradicate him! Then he won’t be able to bully you anymore.” Parker said with a wry smile, “You must be joking! With us alone, I’m afraid we’ll even give them teeth. Not enough!"

Hearing Parker's words, Gao Feng's expression darkened immediately, he turned his back abruptly, and shouted angrily, "Get out!" Gao Feng's angry shout startled Parker, who was at a loss Looking at Gao Feng, he said, "Mr. Gao, I..." Gao Feng said in a low voice, "I, Gao Feng, will not try to save those spineless people. Go and ask others to help you!" "Gao Gao Sir, it's not that I have no backbone. It's just that what I said is the truth. There are only a few hundred people who think about my Three T Party, while there are thousands of people in the Golden Hand Party. The difference in strength between the two sides is too great. There may be a chance of winning. Brothers follow me to make a living, not court death!"

Gao Feng snorted coldly and said, "That's what you said, I'm surprised, we only have eight people, why would you come to beg us? You should beg those big bosses who have far more subordinates than the Golden Hand Party Rocky , isn’t it?” Gao Feng’s words made Parker speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.Gao Feng went on to say: "If the number of people can determine everything, then the world would be simple. No matter what happens, everyone can compare who has more people. How can it be so complicated?" Pike lowered his head awkwardly, Said: "I am ashamed to let Mr. Gao down."

Gao Feng said: "You should be ashamed! I am ashamed that you are a big man, but you have no courage. Before the two sides started a war, you were cowardly, just because the other party had more people than you. Like you, you have no fighting spirit and blood. What's the point of me saving you?" Pike clenched his fists tightly, and said loudly: "No, I, Pike, am definitely not a coward. It's just that, only the brothers trust me to follow me, I can't just watch Let them go to die, I can't!" "Wrong! This is just an excuse you made for yourself. Now that you have eaten this kind of food, you must have the consciousness to live with your head on your head. If you want to live with your wife and children on the bed Get out of here early! These brothers behind you are your capital to success, and they are definitely not your fetters." Gao Feng yelled at Pike unceremoniously.

Gao Feng's words shocked Pike greatly. He turned his head and looked behind him, only to see the pair of eyes behind him filled with fighting spirit like flames. Seeing such eyes, Pike suddenly felt that his past seemed to be really wrong.A word awakened the dreamer, and Pike said in a vibrating voice: "Sir, you are right! We have been angered by the Gold Hand Party enough, we want to fight back, we want to defeat the Gold Hand Party, and let them know how powerful we are!" Seeing this, Gao Feng smiled slightly, his expression suddenly changed, and he said in a deep voice, "What is the Gold Hand Party? Are you satisfied after defeating it?"

Pike's heart trembled, and he looked at Gao Feng blankly.Gao Feng laughed wildly and said, "If you really want your brothers to live a good life, then you should set your goals further. Parker, do you know that ambitious men are scary, but they are not ambitious. Don’t you want to be a poor man?” Gao Feng stimulated Pike’s fighting spirit step by step, like digging for treasure, and dug out all the shiny things in Pike’s body.Pike looked at Gao Feng in disbelief, and Gao Feng said faintly: "Use the Golden Hand Party as a springboard to unify the gangs in Washington, and then radiate the whole M from Washington, becoming the super godfather of the black forces in M!"

Every word Gao Feng said was like a heavy punch, hitting Pike's heart so hard that he almost forgot to breathe.All this was something he had never thought about* Even if it was said from Gao Feng's mouth, it seemed to him that he was joking.After being stunned for a long time, Parker gave a wry smile and said, "Mr. Gao, don't be joking. There are so many gangsters in country M. It's just a dream to unify them. Let's just talk about the biggest gangster organization in Washington—" Regional Angel, whose scale is ten times larger than that of the Golden Hand Party. Its leader, Medellin, has contacts with many congressmen, and the backstage is terrifyingly tough. It is simply a dream to defeat it, let alone the famous three Party and triads too.

Now it seems that Hong Tao is not wrong to say that Pike is a person without ambition. Gao Feng sighed and said slowly: "Have you heard of Yakuza?" It is the largest gang in the Middle East, and 50.00% of the arms entering country M are provided by people from Yakuza, but Yakuza was uprooted by a mysterious force not long ago, and has since disappeared from the earth.” Gao Feng Nodding his head slightly, he said, "What you said is absolutely right! Let me ask you again, how does Yakuza compare with the three parties?"

Pike weighed it in his heart and said: "It should be said that it is comparable." Gao Feng sneered and said: "Wrong! The power of Yakuza is far above the three parties. Almost every country in the Middle East has Yakuza. Kuza's branch, all members of which are from the regular army, have the most advanced individual combat weapons in the world, and their individual combat capabilities are by no means inferior to the marines of country M. What's more frightening is that Yakuza's Every member is a real soldier who has been baptized by the flames of war. Compared with them, the people of the three parties are like babies, and they have no strength to fight back."

"You... how do you know so clearly?" Pike asked with his mouth full of surprise when he heard Gao Feng's detailed counting of the terrible things about Yakuza.When Sky Spike first entered the Middle East, its main opponent was Yakuza, but Gao Feng had been entangled with Yakuza for more than half a year, how could he not be familiar with it.Smiling, Gao Feng said: "This is not important! The reason why I mentioned Yakuza is to let you understand that the larger an organization is, the more invincible it is. As long as there is fighting spirit and confidence, no matter how powerful an organization is One day, I will fall under your knife. The key is to see how big your heart is, and whether it can hold the world, everything!"

"But...but it's really difficult. Even if I have the heart, I don't know where to start. I..." Seeing Pike's embarrassed and confused look, Gao Feng also knew that he couldn't act too hastily .

Let a person who is used to making small troubles suddenly turn his eyes on the whole world, he will naturally feel like a tiger eating the sky and having no way to eat. "Idiot! With Mr. Gao helping you, what are you afraid of?" I have to admit that sometimes Xia En is much smarter than Pike, so he couldn't help but walk up to him, slapped Pike hard, and said softly Said.

Pike froze for a moment, then hurriedly turned his head to look at Gao Feng.Gao Feng sat back on the chair and said with a slight smile: "In short, let me help you deal with the Gold Hand Party, no need to talk about it! However, I am somewhat interested in letting me help you unify the gangsters in M!" Gao Feng said , let Parker feel excited, but soon he calmed down, looked at Gao Feng with piercing eyes, and asked: "Why? Why do you assist me to unify the gangsters in M? What is your purpose?" Parker is not Fools also understand that there will be no pies in the sky for no reason.

Gao Feng smiled and said: "If I told you that I did this for the long-term peace and stability of country M, social stability, and people's living and working in peace and contentment, you would definitely not believe it. But the fact is true, but I do it more for us in My Chinese compatriots in the United States. You also know that the Chinese are in a very difficult situation when they leave their hometowns in country M. They are also the targets of extortion by the gangsters in country M. They are fat sheep in their eyes. I don’t want this tragedy to happen to Chinese people again. So I To change the order of the underworld in country M, the best way is to unify the gangsters in country M. I only hope that after you become the ultimate godfather of country M in the future, you can issue a regulation to let the gangsters in country M treat us Chinese people Be polite!" "Just for this?" Pike asked with some doubts.

Gao Feng looked at Pike with a slight smile, and said faintly: "Then what purpose do you think I have?" Pike frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Treat me as a puppet, manipulate the gangsters of all M, maybe want to be the godfather of all M The only one is you, and I'm just the tool you use to get it all done! After hearing this, Gao Feng laughed wildly a few times, his eyes sparkled, he suddenly looked at Pike, and said loudly: "Even so, I'm afraid you don't have the capital to refuse."

Looking at Country M, there are small gangs like the Three T Klans all over the place, and there are a lot of people like you Parker jshe.Without you, I can go to someone else, but for you, there is only one Tri-T Party, and you can only live once, you have no more choices! "

Gao Feng's words were merciless, every sentence made Pike's face burn, and in the end, Pike glared at Gao Feng angrily and shouted: "If this is the case, then I would rather be killed by the Golden Hand Party than be your puppet! Gao Feng applauded after hearing this, and said: "I didn't expect you to have such backbone. I really misjudged just now. Well, if you want to die, you can die as much as you want. But these brothers under you, oh, and you Beloved woman, do you want them to accompany you to die? Hahaha—You are so different when you are the boss. Other bosses lead brothers to live a good life, but you lead brothers Go to hell, admire, admire!"

(End of this chapter)

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