The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1027 Domination Step 1

Chapter 1027 The First Step of Dominance

"I..." Pike was a little speechless by Gao Feng's words, and his brows frowned into an iron knot.Seeing Pike's depressed expression, Gao Feng suddenly laughed.Said: "Why did you say that I really want to use you as a puppet? Hehe, one... Your worries are completely unnecessary, I will not treat you as a puppet. In addition, you are also thinking and intelligent. Creature, won't you resist?"

"Ah?" Pike was awakened by Gao Feng's words.Yes, others can treat him as a puppet, so can't he resist?Looking back at Serad and Sean, they saw that their eyes were full of encouragement and longing. Pike looked at the brothers behind him again, and everyone's eyes were filled with fire-like excitement and monstrous fighting spirit.Looking at these pairs of eyes, Parker's heart was filled with infinite enthusiasm. He changed his usual cautiousness, and roared with courage: "Damn it! It's two shoulders on one head. Others can do it. I have no reason to do it." No. Mr. Gao, if you are really willing to help me complete this grand ambition, I will never let you down!"

After talking for a long time, Gao Feng was waiting for this sentence. After listening to the table, he stood up and said in a vibrating voice: "Okay! Let me tell you how wide your heart is, and the stage that belongs to you is as wide as it is! Standing on the stage Bian Ying is a forgotten clown, or stands in the center of the stage and becomes a star that everyone is watching, it depends on how big your heart is. Of course I will help you, because we have the same goal." Parker was full He nodded excitedly. From this moment on, Pike finally embarked on a path that was destined to be extraordinary. Looking back on this moment many years later, Pike still couldn't help his heart beating with excitement.

What woman doesn't want her man to excel and achieve some amazing feats?The happiest person watching Pike at this time is Xia En.I saw tears streaming down her big eyes, and she faintly wanted to cry with excitement.Serad raised his hands high to the sky, the muscles on his arms lifted up, and a transcendent fighting spirit erupted like a volcano, like a prairie fire, instantly infecting all the people around him.Violent cheers sounded one after another, like waves hitting the coast, endless.

Hearing the shocking exclamations around him, Pike suddenly realized that what he did in the past was actually suppressing the nature of his brothers. Perhaps these brothers were not as happy as he imagined following him. .They are men, they thirst for glory, they are beasts, they thirst for blood! "Mr. Gao, what should we do first? Should we flatten the Golden Hand Party and use Rocky's head to sacrifice the flag?"

Infected by this atmosphere, Pike also became excited, staring straight at Gao Feng, and asked loudly.Gao Feng smiled and said: "No!" "Then what are you going to do?" , Pike asked with some astonishment.Gao Feng pointed to Parker and the others, who were dressed in strange, colorful and disheveled clothes, and said: "First, you need to change your temperament! You are big people who are about to go to the center of the stage, how can you dress so fancy. Especially you, wearing This pair of open leather jackets, people who don’t know will think you are a rock singer! If you look at them again, the clothes are nothing, and the hairstyle is too ugly, like this broom head, alien head, Cut them all for me. Then each of you will go to buy a decent suit. Before long, you will be the spokespersons of all M gangsters. You can’t embarrass the gangsters in M ​​country, understand?"

Parker blushed a little at Gao Feng's words, scratched his hair, and said, "Mr. Gao, it's not that we don't like buying suits but..."

Coughing, Pike said cheekily: "Brothers follow me, money is relatively tight, basically one hand goes in, the other hand goes out, I can't afford it." Gao Feng frowned and snapped his fingers , a sky thorn immediately walked to the inner room, took out a leather case the size of a computer bag in a short while, and handed it to Pike.Pike opened it, and couldn't help but gasped. The box was neatly filled with green dollars.He has lived for almost 30 years, and he has never seen so much money.Seeing so much money, Serrad, Shane, and a group of brothers from the Three T Party couldn't help but let out an exclamation at the same time, their eyes were bigger than a bull's eye, and everyone held their breath. Breathing, as if they were gasping for breath and would blow the money away.

"Mr. Gao, this..." Parker looked at Qian and said to Gao Feng in amazement.Gao Feng said lightly: "Here is 100 million US dollars. You take it back first. Part of it is for the brothers to buy some decent clothes, and part of it is used to decorate the bar that was blown up by the Gold Hand. After all, we need a place to party. I can’t come here every time. As for the remaining money, use it to buy guns!” “Guns!?” Although country M is a country full of guns, it is not out of control.

Especially for those gangsters who own guns, the government tends to pay a higher degree of attention.This kind of attention is not ordinary attention, so any smaller gangster will not easily use firearms in order not to attract the attention of the government.What's more, the price of guns in country M is not low. Ordinary small gangs, like the Three T Party, cannot afford guns.

Hearing that Gao Feng asked him to buy a gun, Pike was taken aback, and asked mutteringly, " a gun? What is it for?" Gao Feng smiled wryly and asked, "What do you mean? Use a machete to deal with the three parties? The remaining money is enough to buy a batch of the best guns in the world to equip your brothers. Remember, buy the best, the most powerful!" Pike frowned and said: "But Mr. Gao, guns will attract the attention of the government, and we don't have any backers..." Gao Feng snorted, "How do you know we don't have any backers?"

"Ah?" Pike's eyes flashed a trace of confusion and doubt.Gao Feng smiled lightly, and said: "Remember. Not only do we have a backstage of the Three T Party, but the backstage is much stronger than that of the regional angels. You just let go and do something, and someone will take care of it for you." Go!" Gao Feng's words shook Pike's heart, he nodded confidently and said: "Understood!" After a pause, Pike asked again: "Then when can we launch an attack on the Gold Hand Party?" Gao Feng wrinkled Frowning, he said in a deep voice: "Why do you only have the Gold Hand Party in your head? The Gold Hand Party is just a small piece of dirt on your way to success, not even a stumbling block. It's worth treating them like this." Are you paying attention?"

It's no wonder Pike.It's human nature.Since the establishment of the Three-T Party, it has faced the Gold Hand Party, and the Gold Hand Party has been suppressing the Three-T Party for so many years. Rocky has already been deeply imprinted in Pike's heart, as if A leaf covered his eyes. If he didn't take this leaf away, Pike would not see the wider sky and earth.Pike Xianshan smiled, causing Gao Feng to sigh helplessly, and said slowly: "You don't need to worry about the Golden Hand Party, someone will naturally settle them down."

"Who? Is it you? Do you want to do it yourself?" Pike asked curiously.Gao Feng clicked his tongue and said, "Don't ask what you shouldn't. Now let me tell you, the second thing you have to do." Pike straightened his waist and ears.Gao Feng glanced back at the members of the Three T Party, and said: "The second thing you have to do is to receive rigorous training. These trainings include fighting, firearms, strategy and so on.

You know, you people are the backbone of the future strong Three-T Party, and each of you must have the ability to stand alone!From now on, the seven people behind me are your teachers, and they will teach you everything they know.Of course, how much you can learn depends on your own abilities!Parker, from today on, you will be by my side! Gao Feng's words undoubtedly told Parker that he would personally teach him. Thinking of Gao Feng's unpredictable Chinese kung fu, Parker was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Then what about me!" At this moment, Xia En couldn't wait to jump out, and asked Gao Feng eagerly.

"You?" Gao Feng was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You... you should be responsible for cooking and washing for everyone." After hearing Gao Feng's words, Xia En opened his mouth, his face was full of displeasure, and he filled in Said: "Mr. Gao, you are clearly looking down on us women, and it is childish and ridiculous machismo! This is not fair!" Gao Feng smiled wryly, and said: "Isn't there nothing I can do? Look, including me Well, all the masters here are male masters, so it’s inconvenient to bring you a female apprentice.” “If there’s any inconvenience, I’ll follow you, with Pike!” Xia En said softly with a curl of his lips.

Gao Feng turned to look at Pike, hoping that he could say a few words to persuade his woman.But Pike and Sean have stayed together for so long, and he knows Sean's temper best. Seeing Sean's excited face now, it is clear that he has made up his mind and lost his resolve. It is no different from trying to persuade her. , turned his head to the side, completely ignoring Gao Feng's gaze.Seeing this, Gao Feng smiled wryly, and said to Xia En seriously: "Okay, since you insist on following me, then I agree to you. But at the same time, I want to give you a task, which is to take good care of me. Supervise Pike, if he refuses to work hard or is lazy, you will teach him a lesson for me!" "Isn't it good?" Pike immediately cried out with a bitter face.Xia En let out a triumphant laugh like a wind chime, and accepted the task very happily.

After ordering everything, Gao Feng waved to Pike and said, "You go. Remember today, today will be a very meaningful day for country M, and it will be the same for you!" Pike nodded heavily, and turned to leave.

Gao Feng suddenly called out to stop him.Pike looked at Gao Feng with some doubts, and asked, "Mr. Gao, do you have any orders?" Gao Feng frowned and said, "Don't call me Mr. Gao in the future, if you want, call me Brother Feng Let's go." No matter how big the cultural difference between Chinese people and M country people is, Parker heard Gao Feng's meaning and was greatly moved. He respectfully shouted to Gao Feng, "Brother Feng! He left the descendants of the dragon.

Xia En walked at the end, turned his head to look at Gao Feng with a smile, and said, "I will definitely complete the task, master! Hee hee..." Looking at Xia En's back jumping away, Gao Feng smiled bitterly, no Knowing that when they found out that Gao Feng was using them, would he still be so grateful to him.

(End of this chapter)

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