The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1034 Tell me who is behind the scenes

Chapter 1034 Tell me who is behind the scenes

Nancy had a gun in her hand, and Pike didn't dare to act rashly. Even if Nancy didn't have a gun, what would Pike do?Assault the police?In country M, assaulting the police is a serious crime.In desperation, Pike had no choice but to think of a way, while following Nancy's instructions, he found a corner and squatted down.Nancy opened the car door cautiously, looked inside, and saw a few boxes on the back seat, and Hader with a bruised nose and a swollen face.Seeing the usually majestic Hader being beaten like this, Nancy looked a little surprised, but at the same time she was very relieved and couldn't help giggling.

Harder looked at Nancy helplessly and said, "Officer Nancy, even if you hate me, you wouldn't laugh seeing me being beaten up like this, right? Don't forget, you are a policeman!" Sternly said: "What the hell is going on here? Also, what are those boxes beside you?" Hade laughed a few times and said: "Officer, today is the day for you to perform meritorious deeds. It's full of ammunition!" He said and opened the lid of the box violently.Seeing the real guys of different lengths in the box, Nancy gasped involuntarily, and said quietly: "Oh my god, so many ammunition, are you going to start a war?" After finishing speaking, she stared at Harder and said : "Had, I'll see how you explain it if you are dirty and punished this time."

After hearing this, Hader hurriedly said: "Officer, you misunderstood! These arms are not mine, they all belong to those guys outside. I was also unlucky. I went to the wrong place at the wrong time and saw what I shouldn't see That’s why it became like this! Officer Nancy, you must believe me, this time, I’m really innocent!” Nancy snorted coldly and said, “If you can believe what you say, even a sow Can climb a tree!" Hader smiled bitterly and said: "Officer Nancy, I know you have always had opinions on me. Yes, I am a bad person, but that doesn't mean that all the bad things are caused by me. Officer Nancy, this time you have to believe me no matter what, I am really innocent!"

Nancy frowned and said, "I'll find out whether you're innocent or not. Now all of you follow me back to the police station!" After hearing Nancy's words, a bitter smile flashed across Pike's face Second, just buying a munition has created so many troubles out of thin air. It seems that their road to dominating the world is not destined to be too smooth! "Let's go, what are you doing squatting here? Didn't you hear what the police officer said, you want to take us to the police station. This time, you scoundrels are going to instigate!" Hader sat in the car, full of schadenfreude and complacency, said to Pike .

Harder's words made Pike mad with anger, and he threw a punch like Harder smashed it. "Stop, I can't help you acting wild!" But before his fist landed on Hader's chubby face, Nancy's roar followed, followed by the sound of a bullet being loaded.Pike abruptly withdrew his fist, gritted his teeth and pointed at Harder and said, "You wait for me, and you will regret it!"

Hade smiled and said: "I'm waiting, but I'm afraid I have to wait for many years. Such a large amount of arms, and all of them are in short supply. If you don't stay for decades, you will never get out of prison to instigate Haha..." After laughing, Harder proudly yelled at Nancy: "Officer Nancy, you are really the patron saint of our good citizens! I will definitely write a letter of commendation to your police station and let your boss , reward you well!"

"If you don't want to be shot, just shut up!" Nancy pointed a gun at Harder and said coldly.

Harder was startled and shivered, Shan smiled and closed his mouth. "Boss, she's alone, why not overthrow her, let's run away!" Serad approached Pike and asked in a low voice.Pike said in a low voice: "No! Didn't you hear what Hader said? Her backstage is too strong, we can't afford to provoke her." Serad said: "Didn't Brother Feng tell us that our backstage is also very strong?" Is it tough? I’m afraid she’s an idiot!" Pike said: "It’s really hard and it’s fake, only Brother Feng knows, we can’t take this risk! Go to the police station first, play by ear, don’t be reckless!"

"Hey, what are you two muttering about?" Nancy shouted at the two of them.Parker smiled slightly and said lightly: "We are discussing what brand of cosmetics you use and how your skin is so good. We also want to buy some and give them to our girlfriends when we go back. Hehe..."

"Hmph! Are you still thinking about going back? Stop dreaming, you guys should still discuss about such a large munitions, how can you not feel bored in the long prison life!" Nancy snorted coldly and pushed Pike away. After getting into the car, one person seized such a large amount of ammunition, which immediately caused an uproar in the Washington Police Headquarters.

Nancy accepted everyone's praise and applause like a hero.Even Director Hansen was no exception. In front of his colleagues in the overall situation, he praised Nancy a lot, and almost said that she was in the sky, but there was nothing in the earth, and that Jesus was reincarnated.In contrast, Pike and the others were in a miserable situation. They were rudely sent to small cubicles by a bunch of rough policemen, where they were strictly guarded.Harder was no exception. This guy, who had already been blacklisted in the police station, was treated several times better than Parker.Harder's miserable screams could be heard throughout the police station.

"Director, I want to start interrogating the prisoner immediately!" Nancy found Hansen and asked.Hansen nodded and said, "I have seen that the arms you brought back this time are all top-level arms that are strictly prohibited by the government of M country. Those people can get these arms. The background must be not simple. I suspect that this involves a Huge criminal organization, you start to investigate immediately, you must dig to the bottom! You want people, I will give, you want things, I will give things, in short, this matter is fully up to you, and I will do my best to support it you!"

With Hansen's words, Nancy's confidence became stronger. She saluted gracefully and said softly, "Yes, sir!"

In the interrogation room of the police station, Parker was handcuffed to a chair, restless.I racked my brains and couldn't think of a way to help myself get out, so I was a little frustrated.With such a large batch of munitions involved, I am afraid that it is impossible to regain freedom if I don't sit through the prison.Thinking of this, Pike felt useless.

Since deciding to do something big, it seems that all the troubles have come to him at the same time.Now that he is faced with the embarrassing situation of dying before he can finish his job, how can he not feel annoyed?At this moment, Pike thought of Gao Feng. At this time, perhaps only Gao Feng could save him.But Pike really doesn't have the face to beg Gao Feng anymore. From knowing Gao Feng to now, Gao Feng has saved him n times. Pike is also a man, and he doesn't want to rely on Gao Feng everywhere.But in the face of the current situation, who can he ask for if he doesn't ask for the peak?

Just when Pike was about to go crazy, Nancy walked in with light steps.Seeing Nancy with an unconcealable smile on her face, Parker frowned, and said angrily, "Now that you have made great contributions, what else do you want?" Nancy sat down opposite Parker. .Opening the folder in his hand, he read slowly: "Pike is 28 years old and unemployed. He was arrested for theft at the age of 15 and released because he was underage. He was arrested at the age of 16 for participating in a fight. Three months in prison. Participated in robbery, involved in fraud at the age of 19, and at the age of 20..." Nancy read Parker's glorious deeds over the past 28 years in one breath, and said with some sarcasm after taking a breath: "I really didn't read it. Come out, you are so capable."

Pike frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Stop talking sarcastic here. Just say what you want to do to me?" Nancy said flatly, "It's not what I want to do to you, but what the law wants to do to you." How about you? Do you know, according to the laws of country M, how many years will you be sentenced for such a large arms case?" Nancy stretched out five slender fingers in front of Gao Feng while speaking.Gao Pike said: "Five years? Although it's not short, it's not too long either!"

"What are you thinking! It's 50 years! You are 28 years old now, and when you come out, you will be 78 years old. Maybe you will live longer and enjoy a few years of old age."

"50 years?" Pike was taken aback, his face changed a little.And this is exactly what Nancy wanted. Seeing this, Nancy smiled slightly, and said quietly: "However, there is still a chance, as long as you want, you don't have to squat for so long." Parker hurriedly asked: "You What do you want me to do?" Nancy smiled and said, "It's actually very simple. I want you to cooperate with the police and find out who is behind your scenes. At that time, the police station will ask the judge to reduce your crime according to your performance. If you are lucky, you may be able to get out after a year or two of squatting."

"The mastermind behind the scenes?" A trace of confusion flashed across Pike's eyebrows.Nancy said, "Of course! I've already checked your background. You're just the little boss of a third-rate gang. If someone wasn't behind your back, where did you get the money to buy such a big munitions, would you still Tell me obediently, and why are you buying so many arms? Is it to rob a bank or a vault? After hearing what Nancy said, Pike said with some displeasure: "You obviously look down on me!Let me tell you, there is no mastermind, if it were Yu, it would be me! "

Nancy's complexion changed, and she said coldly: "Pike, are you going to hold on until now? What you are doing is just exonerating others and being scapegoated. In your opinion, this is called righteousness , but in our opinion, this is called stupid! By the way, don’t you still have a girlfriend, don’t you have the heart to leave her outside alone? You won’t feel sad to see her become someone else’s bride? " I'm going to call my girlfriend Shane! "Pike ignored Nancy's words and suddenly raised his head and said.

"Okay, as long as you tell me your mastermind!"

Pike roared angrily: "What the hell is going on with you woman? I have said many times that there is no such thing as your so-called envoy. I am the one who wants to buy this batch of arms!" Nancy got a little angry, and shot The table yelled softly: "Are you being stubborn? Okay, you can stay here. When will you explain it? When will you call your beautiful girlfriend again!"

"You... this is my power!" Pike shouted angrily.Nancy shrugged her shoulders very coolly, and said, "I'm sorry, your power is invalid now. Think about it, when I figure it out, I will come to talk to you again!" After finishing speaking, Nancy said in a chic way Turn around and leave. "Bitch! Hader's right, cousin!"

Leaving Pike's interrogation room, Nancy went straight into the interrogation room where Harder was being held.Seeing Nancy coming in, Harder immediately had a smile on his face, and said, "Officer Nancy, I am innocent, you must believe me!"

(End of this chapter)

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