The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1035 1 Breakfast

Chapter 1035 A Breakfast

Nancy snorted coldly and said, "If you want me to believe you are innocent, unless the dog spits out ivory. Tell me, what is going on?"

Harder pretended to be confused and said: "What do you want me to say? I told you everything on the way here. I was really unlucky. I happened to bump into their arms deal. As a result, those people wanted to sell I grabbed it and wanted to kill people to silence it. If it wasn't for my fate and you arrived in time, I'm afraid I would have turned into a ghost by now."

"Still making up stories with me? Do you think I'm a fool! That batch of munitions belongs to you. In Washington, no one else can get such things except you. Do you still want to deny it?" Facing the old man Hard Nancy's face was full of anger like a fritter.Hader smiled wryly, and said faintly: "You really think highly of me, this will flatter me..."

"You're being talkative, aren't you? You think I can't do anything about you?" Nancy's expression was unkind, which made Harder's heart ache, and said bitterly, "Officer, I really don't care about my business, I swear!"

Nancy said in a cold tone: "Since you said that this batch of arms has nothing to do with you, why did we find your fingerprint on one of the guns?" "Ah? This..."

Harder didn't expect that Nancy would suddenly come up with this move, which was a bit wrong, and his forehead was immediately covered with fine beads of sweat.Nancy said sarcastically: "You continue to make up, why don't you make it up? Do you want us to give you some time to think about it and see how to make it up?" Zhaode's face at this time There is only a wry smile left on the face, where is the glib tone just now.

Nancy seized the opportunity and said: "What the hell is going on, why don't you tell me?" Hard coughed and said seriously: "I want to see my lawyer. Before I see the lawyer, what am I? I won’t even say it!” “It’s black and white, right? You chose the place to trade, but during the transaction, the other party suddenly made trouble and swallowed this batch of goods, isn’t that so? Otherwise, with the three t party It is impossible for the powerful forces to have so much money to buy this batch of arms!"

Nancy looked into Hader's eyes and spoke her guess.Harder shook his head, and said expressionlessly: "I told you before, I won't say anything until the lawyer comes."

"Okay, if you're ruthless, I don't believe that I can't find out the truth!" After speaking, Nancy walked out angrily.As soon as she walked out of the interrogation room, she saw a big man making shameful noises from afar. Nancy leaned over in confusion, and found that Director Hansen was being interviewed by media reporters. late.Nancy was startled, she knocked off the microphone facing Hansen, and asked in a loud voice, "Director, what are you doing?" Hansen didn't notice Nancy's anger, seeing her, yes Pointing at her at the camera, he said with a smile: "This is the hero who seized a large amount of ammunition tonight, Officer Nancy, we ask her to say a few words to everyone."

As soon as Hansen's words landed, several microphones were aimed at Nancy at the same time.Seeing such a situation, Nancy's lungs were about to explode. She pushed away the microphone, pulled Hansen out of the crowd, came to a secluded place, and shouted in a cautious voice, "Director, what are you doing?" What happened!" Seeing Nancy's angry face, Hansen frowned and said, "Nothing, what's wrong with setting up a glorious image of our Washington police? Our police station has not cracked anything for a long time. It’s a big case, and now that I’ve finally caught this opportunity, of course I’m going to make a big splash.”

Nancy said angrily: "Propaganda? What about the criminal organization behind this arms case? They got the news and didn't run away. Where do you want me to catch them?" Hansen said with a smile: "Don't worry Well, I have already considered all these. My trick is called knocking the mountain to shake the tiger. Those criminals hidden behind the scenes will definitely be in chaos after seeing this news. Sen's words made Nancy dumbfounded, and said, "Knock the mountain to shake the tiger? I hope you didn't scare the tiger away." She turned and left angrily.

"Hey, Nancy, you are the protagonist tonight, go and say something to the media!" Hansen shouted behind Nancy.Nancy waved her hand without looking back.

After returning from the pier, Gao Feng returned to his room and fell asleep.After working day and night all day, even the peak feels a little tired.However, before he could sleep for a while, he was woken up by a rush of phone ringing.Gao Feng answered the phone in a daze. The call was from Xia En. Xia En's tone was full of anxiety, which shocked Gao Feng's heart, and he sat up sleeplessly...

"What happened? Xia En, don't worry, just speak slowly," Gao Feng said into the microphone.Xia En's voice seemed to be about to cry, and he said tremblingly: "Brother Feng, watch TV!" Gao Feng frowned, turned and turned on the TV in the bedroom.As soon as the TV screen unfolded, Gao Feng was stunned. On the TV, Hansen's spitting speech made Gao Feng's heart feel cold.It never occurred to them that Pike and the others fell into the hands of the police just after breaking up for a while.In the face of gangsters, Gao Feng can take the most ruthless means without hesitation, even if it is to kill them all.But when confronted by the police, Gao Feng had to think about it.

"Brother Feng, what should we do? You have to think of a way, otherwise Pike will never get out of prison for the rest of his life!" Xia En said pleadingly.Gao Feng sighed and said, "Don't worry, I was the one who made Parker go down this road, and I will definitely find a way. Don't worry."

Gao Feng's guarantor, Xia Jie, calmed down a little from anxiety, and his voice was no longer trembling. He said, "Brother Feng, I will leave everything to you. I really have no other choice." Gao Feng comforted Xia again. En said a few words, then hung up the phone and thought about it carefully, Gao Feng slowly stood up, it was time for Devinke to come forward.Seeing that the sky outside was already bright, Devinke, who was used to the early days, should also get up by this time. Gao Feng washed up and walked out of his room.Sure enough, in the dining room, Devinke and Yass were having breakfast.Seeing Gao Feng, Yasi asked with a smile, "Why don't you sleep a little longer? You have a heavy burden on your shoulders now, don't let your body collapse."

Gao Feng smiled and said, "I'm not so easily broken." After speaking, he turned to Devinke and said, "Uncle, I'm afraid it's your turn to come forward this time."

Devinke folded the newspaper in his hand, put it aside, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm just in a daze too. Tell me, is there anything I can do?" Gao Feng frowned and trapped Pike. The police station told Devinke that he couldn't escape.Gao Feng originally thought that this was just a trivial matter for Devinke, and maybe it could be settled with a few words, but after hearing this, Devink frowned tightly.Seeing Devinke's expression, no, Gao Feng's heart sank, and he asked, "Why, is there a problem, Uncle?" Devinke sighed, and said slowly, "Gao Feng, you just came to country M I don't understand the constitution of this country. In country M, there is not only the House of Representatives, but also the Senate.

The House of Representatives and the Senate are in the hands of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party respectively. One is the ruling party and the other is the opposition party.You also know that I have always acted mildly in country M, so I have more friends than enemies.However, among the few enemies, the President of the Senate, Chomez, is definitely the one that gives me the most headaches.Not only were we at odds with each other politically, but we were also at odds with each other in how we behaved. "

Hearing Devinke say so much, Gao Feng asked a little confused: "Does this have anything to do with saving Parker?" Devinke smiled wryly and said: "Of course it does. Then Hansen, the chief of the Washington Police Department , is also a member of the Senate, and is Chomez's staunch partner. I'm afraid he won't buy me. If I use my power to suppress him, Chomez will be involved immediately, and then I'm afraid he will It is about to turn into a dispute between the two parties and the two chambers, and a political storm will be rolled up. Therefore, this matter can be big or small, and I have to be cautious."

Hearing Devinke's words, Gao Feng also felt a little helpless. Although country M's system is conducive to democracy, if democracy is too much, it is also troublesome.In order to bring down the ruling party, the opposition party will definitely do whatever it takes. Even if it is a fart big thing, it will be known to everyone, and it will rise to the point of shaking the state power.

"Then what should we do? If Pike cannot be rescued, then everything we have done so far will be in vain!" Gao Feng said with a frown.Devinke pondered for a while and said: "Well, no matter what, I'll try it first! What Pike is doing is for the future of country M, and those people in the Senate may understand!" Gao Feng narrowed his eyes and said "Uncle, I'll go with you!" Devinke nodded.

After a night of torment, Pike was visibly haggard.Nancy, on the other hand, looked full of energy, obviously having a good night's sleep.Seeing Nancy holding a breakfast exuding a tempting aroma, Pike regained some energy and a gleam of light flickered in his eyes.Nancy smiled softly, put the breakfast on the table, and said, "What, do you want to eat?" Pike looked at her and said, "I really can't see it. You are so kind and bought me breakfast." .Although I don't want to eat it, but because of your sincerity, I'm reluctant to do it. By the way, did you buy the hamburger in the third block, there is a lot of meat and it's cheap!" While talking, Pike stretched out his hand.

Seeing that his hand was about to touch the breakfast bag, Nancy suddenly raised her hand and took the breakfast far away, making Pike's heart feel cold involuntarily, and he looked up at Nancy.Nancy's pretty face was full of narrow smiles, and she said quietly: "Want to eat? If you want to eat, you have to cooperate with me!" Pike sneered a few times, and said: "With a breakfast You just want to pry my mouth open, don’t you underestimate me?” Nancy snorted coldly and said, “Do you think that if you don’t cooperate, I will have nothing to do with you? Rushan, it is impossible for you to deny it. Since you want to be scapegoated for your mastermind, then I will fulfill you and let you die for others!"

(End of this chapter)

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