The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1040 Applying Pressure

Chapter 1040 Applying Pressure
Hong Tao waved his hand and said, "You can go to your own daydreams, I have to make out with my wife, don't give it away!" Then he moved his mouth to Shu Wenyu.Shu Wenyu shyly pushed him aside, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "I hate it..." Seeing that the two were getting more and more outrageous, Gao Feng sighed and stood up, thinking to himself: "Dear Diya, where are you? Do you know how much I miss you now? "

In a secret military base in Country M, Di Ya, dressed in military uniform, sneezed hard.General Senhao, who was assigning tasks to them, looked at Diya with concern and asked, "Diya, are you feeling unwell?" Diya touched her nose and said, "It's okay! You can continue talking."

Senhao is an old man about 60 years old.Although he has entered his twilight years and his hair is grizzled, Senhao's face is still full of unyielding determination, and his eyes are shining brightly, full of determination.At this time, he pointed to the screen on the central screen and said: "This is your goal this time, the most authoritative botanist in the world, Chinese scientist Zhou Zongnan.

"After a long time, our target this time is an old man. General, how is his health? Don't wait for us to bring him to Huaxia, he has already died. Hahaha,..." A special forces member endured He couldn't help but said with a smile.Senhao's face turned cold, and he said gloomyly: "If he is dead, I can only send you all to a military court, and then hang you all for treason!" It was gloomy, and it didn't look like a joke at all. It immediately caused a gasp among Di Ya and the others, and the originally noisy venue suddenly fell silent.

Senhao looked around for a week, and said quietly: "Don't think I'm joking. This person is very important to our country M. Even if you are dead, you can't let him lose a hair. What is he like in China? What should he look like when he came to country M." "General, who is he, is it really so important?"

A special forces member asked in agreement.Senhao said lightly: "This is not what you need to know, you just need to be responsible for bringing him back to me!" After a pause, Senhao continued: "Listen to me, Huaxia is a difficult place for people to ponder. A country that is transparent. Earlier, we also sent several teams to China to perform missions, but in the end they all went into the sea and never returned. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you. So after arriving in China, we must Be careful and be careful, understand?"

"Understood!" Including Di Ya, a total of eight special forces members stood up and responded loudly at the same time.Now here are Senhao's most proud soldiers, looking at them is like looking at his own children, although Senhao's face is calm and full of encouragement, but his heart is full of uneasiness .After the meeting was over, Senhao kept Diya and said to her: "Diya, you are the captain of this mission, I handed them over to you, you must bring them back to me safe and sound!" Diya Ya smiled and said: "Don't worry, General, I, Diya, have never failed!"

Senhao nodded and said, "That's why I entrusted you with this extraordinary task." After coughing, Senhao went on to say, "Diya, your father has told me As I said, after this mission is over, you will retire and leave the Special Forces. I want to know, is this what you mean?"

Seeing Senhao's eyes filled with hope, Di Ya's heart felt uncomfortable in every possible way.Ever since she joined the Special Forces, Senhao is like an old father. He has strict demands on her, but also loves her in every possible way. To be honest, in Di Ya's heart, Senhao's status is no less than that of Deya. Vink.It can be seen that Senhao doesn't want Diya to leave, not just because Diya is an excellent fighter and doesn't want to lose a bargaining chip to perform the mission, but more because of the father-daughter relationship between the two.Although this touched Deya, she would not change her mind because of it. She smiled and said, "General, I'm a girl. You don't want me to hang around with those male soldiers for the rest of my life, do you?"

Senhao smiled, and said quietly: "The power of love is really great, I know, you never regarded yourself as a girl before. But, you are right, I can't keep you here for the rest of my life selfishly. Okay , I approved it. After the task is completed, you don’t have to return to the team, and disband on the spot!”

Deya nodded gratefully and said: "General, you are getting old, and it's time to retire. You always leave sister Nancy alone at home, so you are so relieved?" Sen Hao thought deeply in his heart, But he said with a smile on his mouth: "I'm not worried about her, she is more savage than you. Haha!" With a smile, Sen Hao's face suddenly froze, his eyes flickered at Diya, and he murmured She said: "You know, Diya, actually this time - I didn't want you to go."

"Why? Don't deny it, I'm the best soldier under your command!" Deya asked with a smile, staring into Senhao's eyes.Senhao smiled bitterly and said: "Of course. But...but you have never been to Huaxia, and you don't know what kind of place Huaxia is. It is the nightmare of all national agents. It can be successfully executed once in Huaxia. Mission, the world is so big, you can go there!" Sen Hao's words made Di Ya feel a little disapproving, she giggled and said, "General, you think too much of Chinese people. I will definitely do it this time." successful!"

Seeing Diya's face full of confidence, Senhao said with a sad face: "Your appearance is what I am most worried about. Diya, underestimating the enemy is bound to defeat, and the person you underestimate is the most mysterious Chinese , I'm really afraid of you..."

Di Ya giggled and said: "General, I am not underestimating the enemy, I am confident. Don't worry about us. Three days later, we will definitely bring you back unscathed. It's a big gift from you." After speaking, he saluted Sen Hao with a standard military salute, and Diya walked out with his head held high.Looking at Diya's back, for some reason, the uneasiness in Senhao's heart became more and more heavy, which had never happened before.He faintly felt that he should stop Di Ya, but in the end he chose to remain silent.

In the Washington Police Department, Hansen received a call from Chomez, and when he heard that Chomez asked him to release Pike, Chomez thought he had heard wrong, so he couldn't help but ask again.When he got the same answer, Hansen couldn't help being a little excited, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Speaker, I really can't believe that you asked me to let him go! I just publicized our police department in front of the media." Isn’t he slapping himself in the face?” Chomez said in a firm and steady voice, “Hansen, don’t talk so much, let him go quickly!”

Hansen suppressed his excitement, and said: "Mr. Speaker, you probably don't know that this Parker has some kind of mysterious relationship with Devinke. Not long ago, Devinke came to me in person and forced me to let go. In the end, I pushed him back. You want me to release him now, but you are following his will!" Chomes said, "It is me, Chomes, who asked you to let him go, not him. Wenk, I don't care about the relationship between him and Pike, if you still regard me as the speaker, stop talking nonsense and let me go." After finishing speaking, Chomez hung up the phone and asked Hansen to Holding the microphone, I was stunned for a long time.

After a while, Jiang Gui, who was a little annoyed by Hansen, hung on the landline and called Nancy loudly.Nancy was speculating about the relationship between Pike and Gao Feng, when she heard Hansen's roar, her heart tightened, and she hurried to Hansen's office. "Director, are you looking for me?" Nancy asked. Hansen said immediately, "Release him immediately! "" Let who? "Nancy didn't respond, and asked in a daze. She frowned coldly and said in a low voice: "Who else can we let go?"Of course it was the kid named Pike!Release him immediately. "

Hansen's words shocked Nancy wildly. Because of surprise and excitement, her pretty face was flushed, and she murmured, "Director, I... Did I hear you right? He... He is An important suspect in a super arms case, you actually asked me to let him go? No, I can't do it!" Hansen's face darkened, and he said: "Officer Nancy, our police must pay attention to evidence when we speak. We only saw Pike appearing with the batch of munitions, but none of Pike's fingerprints were found on those munitions. Perhaps, all this is just a coincidence, Pike is innocent, but unlucky."

Hansen's words made Nancy dumbfounded, she looked at him blankly, and asked quietly: "Director, what are you talking about?" Hansen was also angry at this time, and said angrily: "I Say, Parker has nothing to do with this matter and you let him go immediately." Nancy is also a stubborn master, not to mention that she has the support of her powerful father Senhao behind her, and she will not take Hansen seriously , with a pretty face, said coldly: "It can't be done! I'm a policeman. It's my duty to arrest criminals and maintain social stability. I won't just let a criminal who is a great harm to society be released casually!" "

Hearing that Nancy dared to disobey the order, Hansen slammed the table loudly and shouted: "Officer Nancy, your task is to obey the order! I order you as the chief, let me go immediately !"

Nancy straightened her neck, and said in a vibrating voice, "I'm sorry, Director, I can't do it!" Hansen laughed angrily, nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay! You can do it! Since I can't command you, I'll let you go." !" Nancy raised her eyebrows, and said quietly: "Yes, but I will immediately tell the media about this matter. You can think about how much impact it will cause."

"You..." Hansen almost had a heart attack from Nancy's anger, his face turned livid, and his breathing became short of breath.After gasping for a few breaths, Hansen came back and pointed at Nancy, with helplessness written all over his face.Hansen suddenly let out a long breath, tried hard to stabilize his emotions, and said slowly: "Well, I won't hide it from you anymore. Just now, the President of the Senate, Mr. Chomez, personally Called me and urged me to release him immediately. Nancy, you understand now, Parker is not a simple character. Chomez and Devinke have always been at odds, like a pair of cross-eyed roosters, who I don't agree with anyone. But this time, the two joined hands for Pike, do you think Pike's identity will be simple?"

Hansen's words took Nancy by surprise, and she couldn't help but froze there, and it took her a long time to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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