The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1041 Letting Go

Chapter 1041 Letting Go
The deans of the Senate and the House of Representatives came forward to exert pressure at the same time, which had never happened in the history of the Washington Police Department. No wonder Hansen couldn't bear the pressure and asked Nancy to let her go.Like Hansen thought, Nancy also felt that Pike's identity was becoming more and more unpredictable.On the surface, he is just a gangster, at most the leader of a third-rate gang, but secretly he can mobilize the speakers of the Senate and House of Representatives of country M.One must know that combining the energies of such two people is no less than that of the president of country M. Nancy dared not even think about how much power it takes to do this.

Seeing that Nancy was stunned, Hansen urged: "Stop standing there in a daze, let her go!" "Director, I..." It was the first time Nancy faced such heavy pressure, and she seemed a little nervous. At a loss.The director said bitterly: "Go, my lady! If you delay any longer, who knows if they will invite the president out. By then, will I still be the director?" Hearing Hansen's words, Nancy sighed helplessly, and slowly prepared to release her. "Wait!" Hansen stopped her and said, "By the way, return the seized ammunition to him."

"What!? Director, are you crazy? Those munitions can kill thousands of people, but you want to watch them go out?" Nancy asked, looking at Hansen dumbfounded.Hansen said angrily: "Not only am I crazy, but the whole world is crazy! That's what Jomez meant, and he even told me several times! I have no choice but to follow orders. Falk! What the hell is this Parker?"

Nancy was speechless, this time she was completely defeated.It can be said that it was killed by Parker.One second, she pushed Pike into a dead corner, but the next second, she was killed by a single blow from him. This feeling made Nancy feel so depressed that she wanted to go crazy.

"What about Hader?" Nancy asked listlessly.Hansen frowned, and said: "Let's release it with Parker. From now on, we will treat it as if we don't have this batch of munitions, there is no such thing! You go do it, I have to be alone, my head It's about to explode." Seeing Hansen's annoyed expression, Nancy turned and left his office without disturbing him.

When she came to the interrogation room, Nancy saw Pike put his feet on the interrogation table, looking casual, as if he was in her own home. The foot kicked Pike's feet off the table.Pike couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, if he wasn't handcuffed to the chair now, he would have jumped up and beat Nancy up.Filled with anger, Pike glared at Nancy bitterly, and shouted: "Don't think that you are a policeman, you can beat people at will. Policemen will go to jail if they break the law!"

Nancy's eyes were also full of raging flames, wishing to burn Pike to death, but behind the raging flames, there were traces of helplessness.Just when Pike was about to scold again, Nancy sat down on the chair with a bang like a car that had suddenly turned off, with tears in her eyes.Ever since Pike came here, Nancy has always been very strong, she is like a female King Kong, so when he saw Nancy who was about to cry, Pike lied for a while.In fact, Nancy couldn't hold back for a while.No matter how strong she pretends to be on weekdays, she is actually a girl after all.Girls are vulnerable, and the soft side of Pike was caught by Nancy, and it was because of a big case that Nancy couldn't even dream of.

Nancy originally thought that she could prove her ability to everyone through this case, but she never expected that in the end, she would not be able to solve the case without filming, and she would be released for no reason.This kind of grievance and frustration was something she had never experienced in her life, and she felt sad for a moment.A golden bean fell in front of Parker.Seeing Nancy leaning over the table and crying, her shoulders moving lightly from time to time, as a man, Pike felt a little sad in his heart, and couldn't help but want to raise his hand to pat Nancy on the shoulder, to comfort her, but his hands were handcuffed , and coughed softly, Pike said helplessly: "Officer, I am a heartless person. I started bullying the little sister next door when I was three years old. If you think you use a woman's Tears can defeat me, then your efforts are wasted."

Parker wanted Nancy to stop crying, but how did she know that Nancy was crying more fiercely, and the Yangtze River was about to collapse and it was out of control.Pike was completely at a loss, his face collapsed, and he said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I lost to you, what do you think of me, just tell me! Big deal, go to the knife mountain and go to the hot pot!" , it’s more comfortable than watching you cry here.”

"Really? After listening to Parker's words, Nancy raised her head and looked at Parker with tears in her eyes. Parker sighed and said, "Really! "Nancy wiped her tears and said: "Well, tell me, who are those Chinese people who are with you?" "Pike's heart was shocked, he looked Nancy up and down, and said repeatedly: "I really didn't expect that you even found out this, you really have a trick. "

"Stop talking nonsense, you promised me just now that I can do anything, you answer quickly!" Nancy said softly, she still looks like a heroic female police officer at this time, she is simply coquettish The little sister next door.Pike smiled bitterly and said, "I can't tell you the identity of Brother Feng, because I don't know. I only know that Brother Feng is called Gao Feng, and he is a mysterious and powerful Chinese man! I advise you that if you have nothing to do, you'd better not go Provoke him, because then you will get hurt!"

"Gao Feng?" Nancy muttered the name, and the figure of Gao Feng appeared in her mind, and she was a little crazy thinking about it for a while.Pike woke up Nancy from her daze, and said with a bitter face: "Mr. Police Officer, your police department's funds are not so tight that you don't give suspects food, right? Is it a disguised torture to extract a confession?" Nancy turned back, gave him an angry look, and said, "If you want to eat, go out to eat by yourself! The funds of the police station are not used to feed the stomachs of you bastards. As he spoke, he opened Parker's handcuffs before he could react. While moving his stiff wrists, Parker asked suspiciously: "What does this mean?Could it be some trick? "

Nancy frowned, and said, "You are released now. What, don't you want to leave, do you want to stay here? I'd be more than happy to handcuff you again!" Hearing that, Gao Feng couldn't believe it. Asked: "I... can I really go?" Nancy curled her lips, and said bitterly: "You have the ability, even the president of the Senate jumped out to intercede with you. Now the Senate and the House of Representatives The speaker is trying to protect you, and our police station is small, so we can't shut down your big Buddha!"

Nancy's words shocked Pike's heart, thinking that he was just a street gangster a few days ago, but today, the speakers of the Senate and the House of Representatives actually interceded for him. What a change, Pike accepted it for a while. No, a heart was pounding, as if it was about to jump out.Seeing Pike's dazed look, Nancy was even more annoyed, she pushed him, and said softly, "Go! You are lucky this time, and don't do it to me next time! By the way. Pull your toys together." Walk!"

"Toy? What toy?" Pike asked confused. "It's those imitation guns that crashed into the box, what are they not toys?" Nancy said angrily.Pike was about to say that it wasn't a simulated toy, but a real one.But after thinking about it, I took advantage of the big advantage by ostentatiously transporting these things from the police station, so I have to save some face for the police, so I smiled and said: "Understood, I will let people Take it away!" Nancy gave him a hard look, and shouted, "Why don't you go soon!?"

Pike had just walked a few steps, but suddenly stopped again, and turned around and asked, "What about Hader?" Nancy coughed, and said, "Let's release it together with you!" After hearing Nancy's words, Pike's face A sneer flashed across her, and she said darkly: "This bastard, bastard, he has his day too! Humph!" Seeing Pike's stern face, Nancy could figure it out with her toes. After going out this time, What will happen to Harder.Xiumei twitched slightly, and said coldly: "Pike, I warn you, if you dare to deal with Hader, I will never let you go!" Will speak for Harder?Didn't you always think about putting him in prison? "

Nancy snorted and said, "This is my business, it has nothing to do with you! You just need to remember my words!" Pike waved his hand and said, "I originally wanted to throw that bastard into the sea to feed the fish, since Police officer, you open your mouth, I have to give this face. Well, I will just break two of his legs and spare his life!" Nancy said with a wry smile: "The president only has two legs, okay? , do you think he is a centipede?"

Pike smiled and said, "Officer, why are you pretending to be so confused? Who doesn't know that women have two legs and men have three legs! At most, I'll save you and let him choose one of the three legs!" , with a burst of laughter, Pike walked out with his head held high.Nancy didn't understand what was going on until Pike had disappeared. Her face turned red, and with boundless anger, Nancy slammed a beer in the direction where Pike disappeared. After cursing "rogue, scum!", he stomped his feet and came to Hader's interrogation room.

Hade's handcuffs had been undone for a long time. When he saw Nancy coming in, Hader hurriedly looked at him and asked loudly, "Officer Nancy, you won't just let Parker go, right? They bought such a big handcuff. There must be a plan for the batch of arms. If they are released, I don’t know how many people will die!”

Nancy gave Hader a sympathetic look, and said slowly, "We've already let him go." "What!?" Hader's face suddenly changed, turning pale, as if he had fallen into a trap. In the ice cellar, Harder's body kept shaking. "You guys, how can you release people so hastily? This is simply dereliction of duty, it's a waste of time! How can you be worthy of taxpayers' money?" Hader yelled at Nancy angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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