The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1042 Lessons

Chapter 1042 Lessons
Nancy frowned, and said with some helplessness: "Do you think I want to let him go? It's a pity that his power is surprising. First, it was the Speaker of the House of Representatives Devinke, and then the President of the Senate, Joe Mess. People have teamed up to put pressure on our police station, the pressure is so great that even the president may not be able to bear it, let alone us?"

Nancy's words made Hader's face even paler, and he held his head in frustration, rubbed his hair, and murmured: "God, who did I provoke?" Nancy smiled wryly, and said, "I also I don’t know, but now it seems that you have indeed provoked someone who shouldn’t be provoked. However, there is one thing that may cheer you up, that is, you are now acquitted!”

"What? want to let me go?" Hader's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, full of horror, but not half joy.He said in a trembling voice, "How can you let me go? Isn't this telling me to die! You let me go, and I was killed on the back foot, and you said it would make me happy, why don't you just shoot me now Beat me to death!" Seeing Hude's excited appearance, Nancy said helplessly: "Hade, this is the meaning of the above, and I can't help it. I just hope you can be more careful, good luck The big one escaped.

"You... what are you talking about? I'll take them all! I'm the largest arms seller in Washington, and all I sell are cutting-edge weapons that are prohibited by the M side." Harder thought that Nancy would let him say that. Stay in the police station, as long as he doesn't go out for a day, no matter how much Pike hates him, there is nothing he can do about him.

But after he said so much, Nancy was indifferent, and Harder gritted her teeth and said, "I have killed people, many, many people! All the murders you haven't solved are all committed by me." Yes. With my confession, how can you sentence me to a super murder and imprison me for 800 years."

Speaking of this, seeing that Nancy was still silent, Harder yelled a little madly: "Damn! I don't take people like you. Are there any policemen like you? I am a heinous murderer, and you don't even Catch me? Oh yes, when I was three years old, I started flirting with the neighbor's little sister. You don't know, I'm a bad person. If I'm not locked up, it will bring harm to the society and the people. How much damage..."

"That's enough, Hud!" Nancy couldn't help but twittered, and said, "Of course I know that you have been charged with many crimes, and you are not wronged at all by arresting you. But the order from above is for me to let you go, and I have nothing else to do." Solution! Nancy's words made Hader's face full of despair and frustration, and his head fell down. Nancy sighed and said: "But don't worry, I have already greeted Parker, you may Take a bite, but he will never kill you.If you can continue to live, I advise you to change from evil to good, and do less immoral things. "

Harder raised his head and stared at Nancy, and said in a word: "If I die, I will not hate Parker. I will only hate you bastard policemen, and I will not let you go if I am a ghost. You wait Look!" Seeing Hader grit his teeth and his eyes were red, Nancy felt really uncomfortable.But the reality is like this, what can she do as a little police officer?

Apart from Parker, there is probably no one else who walked out of the police station with such a big case in less than a day.After this incident, Pike's confidence soared, and his temperament also changed a lot.A kind of domineering arrogance faintly began to appear on him.From this point of view, Pike was a blessing in disguise this time.

On the front of the police station, Gao Feng took Serrad and a group of brothers from the Tri-T Party who were arrested with him were waiting for him.To tell the truth, the brothers, including Serrad, were in despair when they were in the police station.No one expected that they would come out unharmed and bring back those boxes of ammunition.As if dreaming, it gave them a deep sense of unreality.

"It's the boss!" Seeing Pike walking out in high spirits, Serrad's heart was shaken, he couldn't help shouting, and led his brothers to meet him.Seeing everyone, Pike laughed loudly, and jokingly said, "How are you guys doing in this free hotel?"

A group of people responded in a loud voice, and then let out bursts of hearty laughter.After hugging everyone, Pike came to Gao Feng and said sincerely: "Brother Feng, I know you are the one behind this time, thank you!" If the boy can avoid such troubles for me in the future, I will be satisfied! Well, I believe this incident has taught you a lot, and it can be regarded as a pitfall and a gain in wisdom! Let's go!"

Pike shook his head and said, "Don't worry, that bastard Hader hasn't come out yet." Gao Feng frowned and said with a smile, "I forgot if you didn't tell me. Then wait for him!" "Brother Feng, I'm listening Said, this time, in order to save me, the speakers of the Senate and House of Representatives of country M have come forward. Is this true?" Gao Feng smiled and said: "You have already come out now, why do you ask these things? "Pike said with a chuckle, "I'm so proud! Think about it, if something happened to us, even the Senate and House of Representatives of country M have been mobilized. Who in country M has such a big show like me? Hahaha..."

Gao Feng shook his head and said, "It's a good thing you can still laugh! I owe you such a big favor this time, and I'll see what you can repay in the future." After speaking, Gao Feng sighed and said slowly: "The most difficult thing to repay in this world is probably the debt of favor. When you become the ultimate godfather of country M, you can pay back these two big favors slowly!" Parker waved his hand and said, "No Urgent, that's for the future. Hehe..."

While the two were chatting, under the leadership of Nancy, Hader walked out of the police station dejectedly.When I saw Harder, I thought that he was black before, and then planted and slandered.Pike's teeth were itchy with hatred, and his face was full of unrestrained cold murderousness.Harder felt this murderous aura from a long distance away, and subconsciously stopped in his tracks, not daring to take another step forward.Nancy frowned, and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here!" After speaking, she took Hader's arm and strode towards Pike.Parker smiled a few times, and said to Hader in a cold tone: "Had, congratulations, I didn't expect a bastard like you to enter the police station and come out one day, hehe !"

"Pike! Don't forget what I said to you. When you go back, you'd better pray to God every day, and I hope Harder will live a long life. If something happens to Harder, whether it's you or not, I'll take you Ask!" Nancy yelled at Pike.Pike frowned, looked at Nancy, and said in a deep voice, "Officer Nancy, aren't you a bully? I'm not his guardian. What does his life have to do with me?"

Nancy said a little arrogantly: "I don't care about this! I only know that Harder has something to do, so I will settle the score with you!
"Are you threatening me?" Pike's complexion changed, and a kind of arrogance that should never appear on a punk rose to the sky, which shocked Nancy involuntarily, and faintly felt that the man in front of her Definitely not in the pool.Nancy suppressed the tension in her heart, and said softly, "Whatever you think, I don't care!"

Pike snorted coldly, stepped forward suddenly, raised his fist and slammed hard on Hader's lower abdomen, the sudden blow made Hader let out a miserable cry, his body suddenly fell short, and his mouth He retched non-stop.

Pike hit Harder in front of her face, and Nancy suddenly felt a burning sensation on her face. With infinite anger, she shouted softly, "Pike, what do you want? This is the police station!"

"Catch me if you want to!" Nancy's voice was high, and Pike's voice was even higher than hers, which startled Nancy.It seemed that Pike had undergone a complete change overnight, and Serad, the people who were most familiar with Pike, felt this feeling even more strongly.

Gao Feng couldn't bear to see Nancy's face flushed by Parker's words.Came over and patted Pike on the shoulder, saying: "That's enough, for the sake of the police officer, let's spare this guy for now..." Before Gao Feng could finish speaking, Nancy suddenly poured out all her grievances On him, he shouted angrily: "Don't pretend to be a good person here! I know he dared to do this, and it was all because you were behind him! I don't know your identity yet, but one day I will Find out, you wait for me!" Gao Feng looked at Nancy in surprise, for some reason, Nancy turned her attention to him in a split second, and said nah: "Officer, what do you say? What?"

With a gloomy face, Nancy said coldly, "You will know what I said soon, just wait!" After speaking, she turned around and returned to the police station bitterly.Gao Feng frowned, looked at Pike and said, "You saw, you were happy with your punch just now, but it caused me a big trouble. Let me tell you, this woman is difficult to deal with, and the female policeman is even more difficult to deal with." Pike said with a grin, "Okay, brother Feng, Nancy is a beautiful woman, I don't know how many men dream of letting her pester her. Besides, with your ability, you will still be afraid of her as a little policeman?" Gao Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of the police, I'm afraid of trouble."

"Gentlemen, I know that I deserve death. I'm not a thing. I beg you to show your kindness and let me go!" Seeing that Nancy had left without shelter, Harder panicked and pleaded hastily.Pike gritted his teeth, looked at Hader with a sullen expression, and said quietly: "Do you still remember how you framed us at the police station? Do you remember how I said I would deal with you? Hehe, you probably Never dreamed that this day would come so soon!"

"I...I..." Seeing Pike's eyes full of coldness and murderous intent, Harder's heart was about to jump out, and he was speechless. "Let's go, get in the car, we'll give you a ride!" Pike sneered a few times. " need, I can just take a taxi by myself..."

How could Harder have the guts to get into Parker's car, he waved his hands hurriedly and said.Pike's face turned cold, his voice was like the cold winter wind, and he yelled, "Get in the car!" Hader shuddered a few times, not daring to say another word, and ducked into the car.At this moment, a piercing sound of brakes was heard suddenly, and everyone looked for their reputation and saw a convoy stopping in front of them.The car door opened, and dozens of burly and strong men with cold faces got out of the car. The leader was a man with beautiful blond hair, with a resolute appearance and piercing eyes. He was about 30 years old, and his figure was as shapely as a cheetah. Beautiful, at first glance, she is a militant, able to fight, and good at fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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