The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1054 Ask Li Xiaogang for Support

Chapter 1054 Ask Li Xiaogang for Support

Gao Feng said with a bit of bitterness: "Boss, we have found Shen Qihong and verified Uncle Shen's suspicion. He is still alive." Don't change your face in front of you.But this time, he couldn't control himself, he stood up abruptly, and asked with a trembling voice, "Is what you~ said true?" Gao Feng smiled wryly, and said, "Boss, what am I Have you ever played such a joke with you before? Shen Qihong is still alive, and has married a family with a pair of children."

"Then, then, hurry up and get them to Saudi Arabia, and realize the dream of Uncle Shen's family reunion." Lightning couldn't help but urged repeatedly.Gao Feng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Boss, things are not as simple as you imagined. I called you to tell you that our rescue operation failed. Not only did the rescue operation fail, but Brother Hong Tao , and the seven sky thorns you sent me are all lost."

"What did you say!?" Gao Feng's words surprised Lightning, and he roared loudly.But after thinking about it, the people of country M made a fake car accident and imprisoned Shen Qihong, which in itself is a huge scandal for country M. If he were the president of country M, he would do his best to guard Shen Qihong to prevent the scandal from being exposed.But regardless of whether Hong Tao or Tianci are first-class figures, they missed and were captured at the same time. The power invested by country M is too strong. After calming down, Lightning said slowly: "Gao Feng, don't worry, Tell me slowly, what's going on."

Gao Feng sorted out his thoughts, and said slowly: "After Hong Tao's investigation, we discovered that there are not a few world-renowned scientists who have experienced the same experience as Shen Qihong. They were captured by the M country's government and then caused some Xing accidents. The fait accompli that caused them to die, but they themselves were detained by the government of country M in a small town guarded by tens of thousands of troops. These scientists regard scientific research as their life, and the people of country M have grasped their temper and will The results of their research over the years have been stolen and taken for themselves, and used for the scientific development of their own country."

A trace of anger surged in Lightning's heart, and he said bitterly: "It's because they did it, you bastard! Gao Feng, even if it's as you said, but with Hong Tao and your skill, you can snatch a few people out of thousands of troops. , It’s not difficult. Especially Hong Tao, we’ve sparred before, his martial arts are on par with mine, even if he can’t save people, it’s not a problem to escape, how could he fall into it?”

Gao Feng said bitterly: "Boss, you don't know that country M has not only mobilized a large number of troops, but also recruited many masters from all over the world. Among them is a Chinese master who is amazing in ancient martial arts. I and seven Sky Spike, even if he joins hands, he is no match for him, if not for the desperate entanglement of the brothers, I would probably fall into his hands now."

"There is such a master!?" Lightning asked in surprise.Gao Feng nodded, and said slowly, "That's right, I think Brother Hong Tao fell into his hands at the time." After a pause, Gao Feng continued: "Boss, now Brother Hong Tao and our seven brothers are all It fell into the hands of the other party, and it is impossible for me alone to rescue them. Although, I believe that even if the other party tortures and extracts confessions, it is impossible to take things out of our brothers, but brothers must have something It's been a lot of trouble, we have to think of a way!"

Lightning gritted his teeth, a few cold lights flashed in his eyes, and said faintly: "This person must be saved. But if there is really such a super expert as a hindrance, then I have to transfer all the sky thorns to him." , but right now, the Middle East has just calmed down, and someone must be in charge. Transfer all the thorns away from the Middle East. Once the news spreads, it may cause turmoil. We can't take this risk lightly." "What about that? manage?"

Gao Feng asked eagerly.Lightning said lightly: "Gao Feng, don't worry, let me think about it. The current situation is that if you want to save people, you must dispatch the whole army. If only part of the army is dispatched, it is likely to be a refueling tactic, which will only increase casualties... ..."

Lightning frowned while pondering, and after about a while, Lightning let out a long breath and said slowly: "It seems that the only way to do this is to invite Brother Gang. If Brother Gang is here, with his means , even if country M sends ten more troops, even if there are ten more super immortals, they will never be able to stop him!" "Yes, yes! Boss, hurry up and ask Brother Gang to come out, he is the only one who has the ability now Lightning nodded, and said, "Don't worry, Gao Feng, hold your ground, and I'll contact Brother Gang right away." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Hearing that Lightning would ask Li Xiaogang to come forward, Gao Feng finally settled down.Gao Feng saw Li Xiaogang's method once by chance, and it is still as clear as engraved in his head until now.That kind of overwhelming, earth-shattering majesty, let him think about it, and he can't help turning his flesh and blood into admiration.If Li Xiaogang makes a move, as Lightning said, even gods can't stop him. "Brother Feng, what mysterious town did you just mention?" Pike asked Gao Feng with a face full of curiosity.Gao Feng was startled. He was in such a bad mood just now that he didn't even notice that when he was calling, Gao Feng, Shane and Serrad were standing beside him.

Gao Feng frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Remember, you three, everything I mentioned today is a first-class secret, and none of you are allowed to reveal it to me, otherwise your little lives will be destroyed." Whether you can keep it or not is up to you. It’s best to forget all of this and just pretend you haven’t heard anything!” Parker saw Gao Feng’s serious face, even with a murderous look on his face, he didn’t dare to talk nonsense, and hurriedly nodded obediently. nodded.

"Brother Feng, just now I heard you talking on the phone, one boss at a time. I didn't expect that someone as strong as you would have a boss. Hehe!" Xia En relied on being a girl, and Gao Feng had another thing for girls. You are polite, so you smiled without any scruples.Gao Feng said lightly: "There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are mountains beyond the mountains. It's not surprising that there are more people who are stronger than me. You all go back to rest, and you will continue training tomorrow!" Pike shook his head and said, "Brother Feng , we heard your call just now, it seems that our seven masters have been arrested. We can't just sit idly by, see what we can help, just let us do it!"

Gao Feng turned his head to look at Pike, and saw the sincerity on his face. These words were obviously from the heart, and he couldn't help feeling relieved.It is said that the people of M country are indifferent and do not show emotion, which seems to be a bit biased.Shaking his head, Gao Feng said in a deep voice: "I don't need you to do anything, I only have one thing. During this period of time, you should focus on your cultivation and don't cause trouble everywhere. The current Golden Dragon Gang is still very small. What a big trouble, and my brother and I are not here, but no one will save you." Pike nodded and said, "Don't worry, Brother Feng! When your brothers come back, we will definitely give them a surprise Let them see, we apprentices, they didn't teach for nothing!"

Gao Yuanyuan's home in the provincial capital of S Province.The leader sat on the sofa, his face covered with sorrow.He has been waiting here for three days, but he still hasn't seen Li Xiaogang's shadow.The central government has many things to do, and the prime minister often calls to urge him to go back.But this time he didn't see Li Xiaogang, the leader always felt that something was wrong, and he didn't want to make this trip in vain.The leader was in a hurry, but Chang Xuefei was even more anxious than him.All day long, all she could think about was the scene of the conversation between the two when she saw Li Xiaogang, which often made her restless.But there is one thing that makes her feel happy, that is, her relationship with Hu Rong, Long Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan is getting better and better, sometimes they are like sisters.This was all thanks to the leader's reminder, so Chang Xuefei was always grateful to the leader.

Seeing the frowning look of the leader, the three women all knew why the leader was troubled.Gao Yuanyuan said helplessly, "Leader, don't worry too much. Xiaogang is like this. He leaves when he says he wants to leave, and comes back when he says he wants to come back. Maybe he will appear in front of you in the next second." The leader smiled wryly. With a voice, he said: "Okay, Gao Yuanyuan, don't comfort me, I'm not a child, what will appear in the next second, why don't you give me a lollipop and coax me to sleep..."" Who wants to eat lollipops?" The leader was talking, when Li Xiaogang's voice suddenly came from mid-air, everyone was shocked, and they all looked in the direction where the voice came from, only to see that the space there was distorted, and a figure gradually emerged from the The fuzziness turned into clarity, it was none other than Li Xiaogang, whom the leader longed for and longed for.

Li Xiaogang was eager to see Gao Yuanyuan and the others, and wanted to give them a surprise, so he simply teleported to his home.It's just that he didn't expect that there were outsiders in the family.The leader is fine, after so many times, the leader is already familiar with these things, but Chang Xuefei is in trouble, seeing that her mouth is so wide open that she can almost stuff a fist into it, and her eyeballs are about to close. Staring out from the sockets of her eyes, Li Xiaogang was surprised why she was here, and even more regretted that she should have been so reckless, now that she is fine, she has caused trouble.

Seeing the way Chang Xuefei stared at him, Li Xiaogang knew that she would have N many questions to ask him, and he didn't want to trouble him, so he asked first: "Why are you here?" "I..." Chang Xuefei was still immersed in the situation just now In the strange scene, he was stunned and couldn't recover.Li Xiaogang remembered her "fierce and pungent" clearly, his eyes narrowed, and he said with some annoyance: "You are really a woman. Last time, I have forgiven your rudeness, you Fortunately, not only do you not know how to restrain yourself, but you even came to your door today. Okay, tell me, what exactly do you want?"

In Chang Xuefei's mind, she had imagined countless scenes of meeting Li Xiaogang, and countless possible conversations between the two of them.But none of them are like this, and they can't help but be at a loss.Seeing Li Xiaogang frowning at her, Chang Xuefei felt aggrieved in her heart, her always strong and resolute eye sockets were faintly red at this moment.Seeing Li Xiaogang being so fierce to Chang Xuefei, Gao Yuanyuan and the three daughters couldn't stand it anymore, they stopped in front of Chang Xuefei together, glared at Li Xiaogang, Gao Yuanyuan said softly: "Why are you treating Xuefei like this? Fierce? She's a girl, can you please be a little more graceful?"

(End of this chapter)

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