The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1055 Illusions

Chapter 1055 Illusions
Li Xiaogang was dumbfounded as the three girls scolded him, protecting Chang Xuefei, and murmured, "What's wrong with you? She's a shrew, why did you get together with her?" "What shrew? Xue How could Fei be a shrew when she is so gentle and beautiful? Hey, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!" Hu Rong retorted fiercely.

"Yes, if you say that, sister Xuefei will be so sad!" Long Ling'er also stared with dissatisfaction, staring at Li Xiaogang vigorously.Li Xiaogang's head felt a little confused, he looked at the three girls dumbfounded, and was speechless for a long time.

"What are you looking at: Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Sister Xuefei?" Gao Yuanyuan said in a clear and sweet voice. "Apologize? You want me to apologize to her?" Li Xiaogang realized that he was going crazy. "What do you think? You have to apologize not only to Sister Xuefei, but also to us! Who told you to walk away quietly for such a long time without telling us any news." Gao Yuanyuan was aggrieved Pulled down the corner of his mouth and said.

After hearing Gao Yuanyuan's words, Li Xiaogang thought that the reason why Gao Yuanyuan and the others forced him to apologize to Chang Xuefei was because they wanted to take revenge on him for leaving quietly.He also felt that what he did this time seemed to be a little too much, and it was not good to refute Gao Yuanyuan's face, even if he was wronged a little, it would be good to let them vent their anger, so he said, "Okay, how do you want me to apologize? "You don't need to apologize, you just need to tell me what happened just now!"

Before Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong, and Long Ling'er could express their views, Chang Xuefei rushed to express the most urgent question in her heart.

Li Xiaogang frowned, pretending to be confused and said: "What's the matter? What happened just now?" Chang Xuefei said anxiously: "Just now, why did you suddenly... jump out of the air suddenly. This is amazing, It's completely against science, and I want to know how you did it." Li Xiaogang made an expression like you were crazy and said: "How can people jump out of the air? Are you suffering from paranoia? If If so, I advise you to hurry up and get treatment, you must know that this disease cannot be delayed.” Hearing Li Xiaogang’s answer to Chang Xuefei, Chang Xuefei was a little stunned, and said hastily: “Just now I clearly saw you just now from the air. Jump out, don't try to fool me."

Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm not a god, how could I jump out of the air? You must have been dazzled just now, if you don't believe me, ask Gao Yuanyuan and the others!" Although many people know his secret now, Li Xiaogang Still don't want to tell Chang Xuefei.Because from his point of view, only those who are closest to him are worthy of knowing this secret, but Chang Xuefei is obviously not, she is just a shrew, in his heart.

"Sister Gao Yuanyuan, Sister Rong'er, Sister Ling'er, you saw it just now, right?" Chang Xuefei couldn't wait to turn her eyes full of inquiries to the three women and the three women understood Li Xiaogang's intentions, this was his biggest secret , once spread out, it will definitely cause an uproar.Not to mention Li Xiaogang, even they don't want this secret to be known by too many people.But on the other side was Chang Xuefei who had a good relationship with them, and the three girls couldn't bear to lie to her and let her down, it was really difficult.Gao Yuanyuan coughed, and said to Hu Rong and Long Ling'er: "Rong'er, Ling'er, let's prepare meals, let the leader and Xiao Gang have a few drinks." Hu Rong and Long Ling'er were worried that they could not dodge When Chang Xuefei caught her gaze, she hurriedly responded with a "good three daughters" and ran to the kitchen in a hurry.

Seeing such a situation, Chang Xuefei couldn't help curling her lips in disappointment, turned her head to look at Li Xiaogang, and said in a firm voice: "My eyes won't deceive me." "Oh? Really?" Li Xiaogang Hearing this, he smiled and swayed his body lightly, and there was another Li Xiaogang beside him.Two Li Xiaogangs appeared at the same time, which made Chang Xuefei's mouth open again, she rubbed her eyes vigorously in disbelief, and then looked over again.The extra Li Xiaogang disappeared, and there was only one Li Xiaogang left in front of him, Chang Xuefei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But before her mind could relax completely, Li Xiaogang's body swayed again. This time, there was another Li Xiaogang on his left and right side at the same time. looking at her.

"Ah!" Chang Xuefei was completely shocked by the scene in front of her, and couldn't help shouting.She couldn't help closing her eyes, and slapped her head with her hands for a few times. When she couldn't stand the pain, she opened her eyes in fear, and the other two Li Xiaogang finally disappeared.

"Illusion, it must be an illusion!" Chang Xuefei kept hypnotizing herself.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang sneered a few times, and his figure moved again. Li Xiaogang's body seemed to be a big room, and one after another Li Xiaogang jumped out of his body. , on the floor, on the tea table, and even on the ceiling, there are 'Li Xiaogang' standing all over.They are laughing, crying, jumping, jumping, still, or moving, each is different.

Chang Xuefei was really frightened, she screamed, closed her eyes tightly, crouched down with her head in her arms, Li Xiaogang retracted the phantom, with a satisfied smile on his face, and said slowly: "How about it, now Do you still trust your eyes like just now?" Chang Xuefei calmed down, stood up slowly from the ground, the fear on her face disappeared, she looked at Li Xiaogang fixedly, and said faintly: "Yes, just now You have successfully deceived my eyes. But this also made me more sure that the bizarre scene I saw at the beginning was not out of my delusion. I am also more sure that you do have extraordinary superpowers, or , you are simply a fairy living among ordinary people!"

Chang Xuefei's words surprised Li Xiaogang. He wanted to make Chang Xuefei give up his curiosity about him through all this, but he never expected that Chang Xuefei's character was so strong and his mind was so shrewd. Being intimidated by himself, on the contrary, verified the conjecture in his heart.Li Xiaogang has seen too many extraordinary women, and Chang Xuefei is definitely one of them.

Seeing Li Xiaogang looking at her speechlessly, Chang Xuefei giggled and said, "What, I didn't expect to shoot myself in the foot with a rock, did I?" , said with a bit of threat, "You are wrong, you are the one who lifted a rock and shot yourself in the foot. I am going to use my magical powers and replace your human brain with a pig brain!" "Ah! Don't , I don’t want to become a pig!” Chang Xuefei was shocked when she heard this, jumped up as if she had been electrocuted, hugged her head, and hid behind the leader in embarrassment.

Seeing Chang Xuefei's movements and expressions, Li Xiaogang knew that he had won in the end, and he felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction in his heart, and couldn't help laughing.In this world, what makes a man more proud than conquering a smart and capable woman?Stopping the laughter, Li Xiaogang said slowly: "If you don't want to become a pig overnight, I advise you to forget everything you saw and heard today." I was scared, but now I have calmed down, and my heart is full of annoyance and regret.Not to mention whether Li Xiaogang can turn her into a pig, now in front of the leader, even if Li Xiaogang can do it, the leader will not let him do it.

Chang Xuefei coughed, and walked out from behind the leader with some embarrassment, looked at Li Xiaogang very seriously, and said softly: "Actually, I came this time... to apologize to you. In Z I was too self-willed when I saved it, if there is anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, please forgive me!" Li Xiaogang was a little surprised, it was really not easy to hear this from a woman like Chang Xuefei.Look at Chang Xuefei's expression, it's full of sincerity, it doesn't seem to be artificial.Li Xiaogang is not the kind of narrow-minded man, he will not care about a woman, so he waved his hand and said: "I also have something wrong, let the past pass, why don't we forget it together!"

"You... are you really willing to forgive me?" Chang Xuefei's face suddenly flashed a hint of surprise, and asked Li Xiaogang with a pair of charming big eyes full of brilliance.Li Xiaogang rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Of course! I don't look like a man with a small belly. Hehe..."

The leader has been watching these children messing around, and seeing that Lianren has let go of the past, he is also happy for Chang Xuefei. After all, she has taken the first crucial step. No matter what the future holds, she has been forgiven by Li Xiaogang , is definitely a good start. "Hey, don't be in a hurry to love me, don't forget that my old man is still sitting here!" The leader said to the two with a smile.Chang Xuefei's pretty face turned red, and she glanced at the leader, and said cautiously: "You're talking nonsense again, how can we... Qingqing and me." Li Xiaogang also looked a little embarrassed, laughed a few times, and looked at The leader said: "Old man, you are a famous busy person, why do you have time to come to me today?"

"Today? Heh heh, you don't even fart when you go out. I've been waiting for you here for three days!"

The leader glared at Li Xiaogang, and said angrily. "Three days? For ordinary people, three days are only 72 hours, which is not a big deal. But for leaders, there are too many things that can be done in three days, and they are also much more precious! Therefore Hearing that the leader did not hesitate to go all out for three days just to wait for him, Li Xiaogang instinctively thought that something terrible happened, and hurriedly asked: "What happened?Did a tsunami break out, or did aliens invade the earth? "

The leader smiled wryly and said: "You think I'm a mourner. I'm looking for you because of such troublesome things!"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly. In his impression, it was rare for the leader to seek him out because of something good.

Perhaps the leader himself thought of this, and looked a little embarrassed on his face.Fortunately, the leader has already cultivated into a human spirit, so this little embarrassment is nothing to worry about.After coughing a few times, the leader said seriously, "I came to you this time because I have two matters to discuss with you. In fact, to be precise, the country has two matters that need your cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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