The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1056 Cooperation

Chapter 1056 Cooperation
Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Understood, I did this as a consultation, who told us to be Chinese! Tell me!" The leader nodded, and said slowly: "This is the first one~ Xiaogang, Now Longteng's oil has started to be traded in the market. According to the news from Fan Xiongqi, many large oil users have already started to buy the oil produced by Longteng Group. However, this is just the beginning. I believe that in the near future, the oil produced by Longteng Group The flow of oil will have an increasing impact on the international situation. The Prime Minister and I feel that Longteng Energy Group has become a sharp weapon in our hands. Its role should not only be reflected in profits, but also in politics .As long as it is used well, the political benefits it can produce are far greater than the economic benefits it can bring, and at the same time, they are also much more important..."

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "Chief, don't tell me so complicated. I'm just a small farmer who doesn't understand so many principles. Just tell me how I can cooperate!" The leader said with a wry smile. : "I don't understand what you said. When it comes to the critical moment, you are more monkey than anyone else! You don't want to hear me rambling, so just say it straight, why are you beating around the bush. Okay, I'll go straight, the country needs to rely on the Longteng Group The energy and influence of our country, strive for our country's international influence, and improve our country's international status, which may sometimes damage the interests of Longteng Group. I hope you can give up your family and take care of everyone! It's that simple, you have you understood?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Is it just such a small matter? When you advocated the merger of Huaxia Petroleum Yiguo Branch into Longteng Group, you have already greeted me. I know it well. This is no problem. But there is one thing, You have to take it easy, don't let my Longteng Group go bankrupt." Although the leader had expected that Li Xiaogang would readily agree, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Li Xiaogang say this. He smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about that! Now, in my eyes, Longteng Group is just a baby bump, and I can't bear it to go bankrupt."

Li Xiaogang nodded, save, that's good!Now for your second thing. The leader nodded and said slowly: "The second thing is related to your desert control technology."After nearly half a year of testing, this technology has been perfected.Now the entire Taklamakan Desert has been completely covered with green clothes.There are only a few deserts that we have deliberately preserved according to the suggestions of scientists. One is to reserve them as tourist areas in the future. Second, as deserts are part of the earth, if they are completely erased, it may destroy the natural balance. produce adverse effects.The [-] square kilometers of desert you marked earlier has now been remodeled like the inland grassland, and it has fully met the standards for building permanent buildings on its surface. "

"Really? I don't even know." Hearing the leader's words, Li Xiaogang seemed a little surprised. It's only been a long time, and Zhou Zongnan and the others have achieved such a huge achievement, which is really remarkable.Seeing Li Xiaogang's surprised look, the leader gave a wry smile and said, "You are used to being a shopkeeper, so naturally you don't know. If you have time, you should really go to Taklamakan to see it, it will definitely surprise you!" Li Xiaogang nodded, and murmured, "It's time to take a look."

The leader went on to say: "Since this technology has been perfected, many countries have sent delegations to contact us, hoping to use this technology to transform their own deserts. I want to use this opportunity to It will greatly improve our international status and promote the rise of our nation. This kind of opportunity is once in a lifetime, and we must not miss it!"

Li Xiaogang smiled, and said: "The reason why I wanted to advance the research on desert control technology was because I wanted to..." Li Xiaogang stopped abruptly while talking, and laughed.Seeing that Li Xiaogang stopped talking suddenly, the leader asked a little puzzled: "What do you want to do, you just say it!"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "It's not time to talk about it yet." The leader said suspiciously but also a little depressed: "When will you learn to keep secrets, but even I have to keep things secret, it must not be something ordinary Xiao Gang, you don’t want to study nuclear weapons, do you?” The leader’s expression was half joking, half serious.There is no way, Li Xiaogang's ability is too great, and he has given him too many surprises. With him, everything is possible.

Hearing the leader's words, Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "Old man, do you think I look like a terrorist?" The leader glanced at him, shook his head solemnly, and said slowly, "No, but you Even more terrifying than terrorists. Well, the country has already handed over the [-] square kilometers of land to you, so it’s up to you. As long as you don’t blow up the earth, everything will be fine.” Li Xiaogang was very grateful to the leader in his heart Yes, for so many years, without the support of the leader, he might not have achieved such great achievements.Dao: "When I started this research, I never thought that this technology could bring so many benefits, so I didn't think too much about it. Just tell me what you want from me, and I will try my best to cooperate. "

The leader nodded, and took out a piece of printing paper from his pocket. The paper was divided into two halves, and the names of countries were densely written on it.Li Xiaogang looked at it for a while but didn't see the way. He raised his head and asked in confusion: "Old man, what does this mean?" "The countries above are all countries with deserts in their borders. willingness. Some even sent negotiating delegations to our country.” The leader said.

"Then why are these countries divided into two waves?" Li Xiaogang asked again.

"It's like this..." The leader pointed to one of the columns and explained: "Countries like Xianbei, Guba, and Bath are countries that have good relations with us, and the countries themselves are relatively poor, so I mean , you can transform the desert for free." "Free?" Li Xiaogang frowned suddenly, and the leader hurriedly said without waiting for Li Xiaogang to express his opinion: "Don't worry! I know, this will bring you huge benefits. losses, but it doesn't matter, it's free for them, and you can get the losses back from these countries!"

The leader pointed to another row of countries and said.Li Xiaogang took a closer look, and found that this row of countries included M, Israel, France, Germany, etc., which belonged to the group of countries that got rich first.The leader said with a smile: "Firstly, these countries have mediocre relations with our country, and secondly, they are rich. You can kill them vigorously. I think one hundred thousand dollars per square kilometer is enough to make up for your loss?"

Li Xiaogang smiled, and did not express his opinion for the time being, pointing to the horizontal bars drawn under this row of countries and asked: "What do these emphatically marked ones mean?" The leader laughed and said: "Hey? ...These are all countries that have serious differences with our country in international affairs. Some are because of territory, and some are because of different political views and camps." Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "No wonder, there are so many people in M ​​country. A thick black line. Hehe, old man, what do you want to do?"

The leader narrowed his eyes and said: "If it is just to blackmail these countries, it would be too cheap for them. I mean, use this technology to strangle their necks and force them to compromise on certain international disputes.

Especially in country M, the issue of the island remains unsolved, and it has become a knot in the hearts of our generations of leaders, all because country M is behind the scenes.With this technology, we can force them to let go of the island issue, and even come forward to support our country's unified action.In this way, the island lost its backstage support, and the road to return would see the light of day. "

The leader's thoughts are considered to be human nature.The mouth that eats people is soft, but the hands that grab people are short.Since country M has something to ask from China, it will naturally have to pay the price and make a gesture.The leader looked at Li Xiaogang with a smile, and asked: "Xiao Gang, in the final analysis, the key is the technology in your hands. It is much more powerful than nuclear bombs. You should cooperate with my plan. If you nod, I will immediately Organize manpower to start negotiations with these countries." According to the past, Li Xiaogang would readily agree as soon as the leader finished speaking, but now, Li Xiaogang frowned, making the leader's heart sink, and said urgently: "Xiao Gang Gang, this opportunity is once in a lifetime, you can't lose the chain at this critical moment."

Li Xiaogang gave a wry smile and said: "Old man, you know me, as long as it is beneficial to the country and the nation, I will never refuse. But right now, I do have difficulties. If you ask me to use this technology to force country M to submit, then I don't have any opinion. But you asked me to manage the desert for Xianbei and Bass countries for free, but I can't do it." The leader said eagerly: "I don't want to talk about the losses you have suffered in these countries , you can get it back from a developed country like country M. At that time, the government will fully support you!"

Li Xiaogang shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "Old man, you don't know my plan at all. You asked me to charge one hundred thousand dollars per square kilometer to help a developed country like M country control the desert, but you know my plan What is the price?" The leader frowned, and said in a nasty voice: "How high? Is it higher than this?" Li Xiaogang nodded, stretched out a finger, and said in a vibrating voice: "100 million US dollars per square kilometer !" As soon as Li Xiaogang's words came out, the leader's mind trembled suddenly, his face changed, he was dumbfounded, he stared at Li Xiaogang as if he had seen a ghost, and murmured: " much did you say, did I hear it wrong?"

Li Xiaogang said in a deep voice: "One million US dollars, I won't do anything less!" The leader couldn't help but exclaimed loudly: "You are joking! One million US dollars, my God! No matter how rich country M is , They will not spend so much money to control the desert. One square kilometer is 100 million, and that 100 square kilometers is 100 million U.S. dollars. The desert area of ​​the entire territory of M country is in the hundreds of thousands, which is hundreds of thousands Billion dollars! Country M won’t do it.” Li Xiaogang said flatly, “It’s only a few tens of billions. Compared to country M’s military budget of hundreds of billions, this is nothing more than pediatrics. What’s more, the conflict between people and land is so prominent now. Every inch of land is expensive. Turning unusable deserts into fertile fields for human habitation will generate huge economic benefits that are simply immeasurable. Country M does not lack smart calculators, and I think they will accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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