The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1072 The real master

Chapter 1072 The real master

Shen Qihong looked at the thick spies' documents in Li Xiaogang's hand in bewilderment, but he didn't realize how important this document was to him.After receiving the materials from Li Xiaogang, Shen Qihong bowed his head and began to read them.When he finished reading the first page, just the first page, he was already stunned, his eyes were wide open, and the eyeballs seemed to be about to fall out.The theory of spaceflight revealed on this page was something he hadn't thought of before.

The true meaning of science is full of novelty. Although there are some places that he still can't understand with his current knowledge, he has solved many problems he encountered now. It feels like a problem, no matter how hard you rack your brains. , just can't find a solution.Just when you were feeling desperate, you inadvertently changed an angle, and you suddenly discovered that this question is so simple, so simple that you can't help but laugh.

Shen Qihong became more startled and more excited the more he looked at this information, and before he knew it, he was already immersed in it, completely forgetting the time.Seeing his obsessed and unable to extricate himself, Li Xiaogang really couldn't bear to wake him up, but now this is the enemy's territory after all, Li Xiaogang had to cough to wake Shen Qihong up from it.Startled by Li Xiaogang's coughing, Shen Qihong raised his head abruptly, his eyes radiated scorching brilliance, looked at Li Xiaogang, and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, who wrote this... this information?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said slowly: "This is a secret. However, after reading this document, do you still have any doubts about what I just said?" An epoch-making achievement. If it is announced to the world, I believe the whole world will be crazy about it. Many questions that have troubled me for a long time have found answers in it. With its help, I believe that I will be able to create a new space field. Anniversary!"

Li Xiaogang laughed loudly after hearing this: "Okay! What I'm waiting for is your words! There has always been a gap between our country's aerospace technology and Western countries. I think this is something that every self-respecting Chinese can't bear. I want you to use this material to break the monopoly of Western countries in the space field, and I want you to lead your team out of the earth and into the universe!"

Li Xiaogang's impassioned words and boundless fighting spirit infected Shen Qihong as well. He looked at Li Xiaogang with clenched fists and eyes, and said firmly, "Flying into space was my childhood dream, and it also pushed me to go to the sky. The fundamental driving force of this road. Don't worry, I will never let you down." After finishing speaking, Shen Qihong stroked the thick document tenderly as if he was stroking his lover.With that emotional expression and affectionate eyes, Serena felt a little jealous.Li Xiaogang beckoned, the document immediately broke free from Shen Qihong's hand, and flew into Li Xiaogang's hand as if it had grown wings.

The precious information in his hand suddenly disappeared, Shen Qihong's face involuntarily flashed a sense of panic, panic in his heart, subconsciously raised his head to look at Li Xiaogang, looked eagerly at the information in Li Xiaogang's hand, his expression was like a Children whose parents beg for candy.Li Xiaogang frowned, and said with a slight smile: "Now is not the time to give it to you, you don't want it to fall into the hands of people like Xianer, do you?" After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Shen Qihong thought it was true , so he forcibly suppressed the longing in his heart, and repeatedly said: "Sir, this document is very important, you must keep it properly!" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Don't worry, wait until I get you out of here." Get out and it's yours! "

Shen Qihong nodded with relief, and asked: "Then how are you going to rescue us and how do you want us to cooperate?" Li Xiaogang said: "Tomorrow night, I will launch a large-scale rescue operation. You just pretend that I didn't come today However, as usual, do what you have to do. I have already told Mr. Pope to tell other people in the town that everyone will leave here tomorrow and regain their freedom! However, I want to send all the scientists here Include it under my command and incorporate it into your aerospace research team. I am afraid that they will not agree, so I will ask Mr. Shen to come forward to persuade them when the time comes."

Hearing Li Xiaogang's worries, Shen Qihong laughed and said, "Mr. Li, you don't understand the temperament of us scientists. As long as you grasp their vital points, persuading them is an easy task that couldn't be easier."

"Oh?" Li Xiaogang frowned, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. Shen Qihong laughed, pointed to the booklet in Li Xiaogang's hand, and said, "This thing is the biggest killer copper. Many technologies recorded in it are It is the most advanced, it is what they dream of, as long as you show this, they will cry and follow you!"

Li Xiaogang looked at the technical information in his hand, shook his head with a smile, and said, "That's right, I really didn't expect it to have such great energy, hahaha..."

"Hey, what's the noise! ​​What time is it, are you still asleep!?" Li Xiaogang's laughter hadn't stopped yet, when suddenly there was a muffled bang, and their room door was kicked open rudely by a soldier.Shen Qihong was startled, and hurriedly looked at Li Xiaogang, but there was no sign of Li Xiaogang.It was like having a dream and then waking up from the dream.Shen Qihong stared at Serena dumbfounded, and Serena's expression was also surprised mixed with confusion...

Leaving the mysterious town, as soon as Li Xiaogang appeared, Gao Feng rushed up to meet him, and said loudly to Li Xiaogang: "Brother Gang, why did you come out, wait a little longer, I'm ready to rush in! "Seeing Gao Feng's depressed face that he couldn't use his fists and feet, Li Xiaogang patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said: "Don't worry, I've been patient for more than ten hours."

Gao Feng sighed, nodded, and asked: "Brother Gang, have you seen Shen Qihong?" Li Xiaogang said: "Yes, he looks a bit like Uncle Shen." "What about Brother Hong Tao?" Gao Feng couldn't wait. asked.Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "I found it. He's fine now, so you don't have to worry about him. But I didn't find your seven heavenly thorn brothers in the mysterious town, so I'm more worried about them."

Li Xiaogang's words chilled Gao Feng's heart, and he frowned and said, "Could it be that they have already been murdered by Dongfang Dehui!?" Chew and crackle.Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "Gao Feng, don't be so pessimistic. Everything will be clear when we meet Dongfang Dehui tomorrow!" Dehui beat him so badly that even his mother couldn't recognize him, so I'm not Gao Feng!"

Li Xiaogang smiled, then said with a serious face: "Now time is tight, there are two things you must do immediately.

First, prepare ten buses and ten container trucks. Before eight o'clock tomorrow night, they must be assembled outside the mysterious town and wait for orders at any time.Second, prepare a passenger plane and five heavy-duty transport planes to keep taking off at all times. Take off as soon as the people and vehicles board the plane! Gao Feng frowned and said: "The first thing is trivial, there is no problem at all."But the second thing, with so many planes and heavy transport planes, might be a bit difficult. "

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and said, "Splash with money! It doesn't matter how much money you have, if the money doesn't work, use your fists. In short, tomorrow's Washington airport will be at our disposal!"

Li Xiaogang's words are very clear, to ask Gao Feng to do whatever it takes.Gao Feng sneered, and said quietly, "Brother Gang, don't worry, I understand!" After speaking, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness in a hurry.Li Xiaogang didn't stay for long, and also left in a flash. The next morning, Dale just woke up from his sleep when he heard the news that made him extremely annoyed. Last night, someone broke into the mysterious town again.

Looking at the agents and masters who were knocked out one by one and still haven't woken up, Dale's face turned purple.Gritting his teeth, Dale roared angrily: "Who was on duty in the monitoring room yesterday, get out!" Dale's lion-like roar startled the major, and he walked out tremblingly, responding in a low voice: " Report to the general, it's me!" When Dale heard this, he took a few big steps and came to him, staring at him with murderous eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on? If you don't give me an explanation that satisfies me, I'll send you to a military court!"

The major swallowed tremblingly, and murmured: "Report to the general, I never left the monitoring room yesterday. I dare to swear by my military rank, everything on the monitoring screen is normal." The major's words made Dale more angry, He shouted like thunder: "Everything is normal? Are you going to tell me that these people passed out by themselves?"

The major's face was full of bitterness, he lowered his head and said nothing.Dale yanked him aside, pulled out the surveillance video from last night, and watched it carefully.As a result, when he finished watching a tape, he really didn't notice that such a result sent chills down Dell's spine, and he didn't say a word for a long time.At this moment, Dongfang Dehui got the news, and strode in. Seeing the agents who had been knocked unconscious on the ground, Dongfang Dehui frowned, leaned over to check them one by one, and then stood up excitedly. , repeatedly said: "It seems that the real master has appeared!" Seeing Dongfang Dehui, Dale poured all his anger on him, and roared angrily: "Dongfang Dehui, where were you last night? Why do you not know about the uninvited guests breaking into the small town?"

Dongfang Dehui snorted coldly, looked at him and said gloomyly: "Dell, don't give me such a trick. It's your responsibility to be in charge of monitoring, and I'm only responsible for blocking the enemy. I said that the more your people It's getting more and more useless, thanks to you still having the nerve to yell at me!" "You..." Dale was so annoyed by Dongfang Dehui that he wanted to bite him so much that his eyes were tearing apart.Dongfang Dehui was like a proud rooster, puffed out his chest, and said coldly: "If I were you, hurry up and set up defenses now! Obviously, the enemies coming this time are stronger than the previous two times. But It's not so easy to deal with. Fortunately, they were just doing reconnaissance last night, otherwise, you probably wouldn't be able to stand there today and show off your might." Dale took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and glared at him bitterly. With a glance, he turned around and went to arm himself.Dongfang Dehui snorted indifferently, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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