Chapter 1073
Leaving Dongfang Dehui's command room, Dongfang Dehui went straight to the cell where Hong Tao and Shu Wenyu were being held.Seeing that Hong Tao's face was rosy and full of energy, and he seemed no longer troubled by his dual world of ice and fire, he couldn't help being startled, and looked at Hong Tao with a frown.Seeing that it was Dongfang Dehui, neither Hong Tao nor Shu Wenyu had a good look on their faces. Hong Tao even turned pale, and said gloomyly, "Dongfang Dehui, I'm not afraid to tell you that your death may be coming soon."

Dongfang Dehui smiled slightly, and said faintly: "It seems that someone has lifted the restriction on you. It is the mysterious master you told me about? He came here last night, right?" Hong Tao smiled coldly Said: "That's right! He's already here, and he will appear suddenly at any moment and cut your neck off!" Dongfang Dehui couldn't help being startled by Hong Tao's words, and subconsciously looked around him.As a result, Hong Tao laughed.Dongfang Dehui's old face became hot, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't be complacent! When I catch him here too, you won't be able to laugh!"

Hong Tao snorted softly full of disdain, and said, "It's up to you? I'm afraid you don't even know how you died in the end!" Dongfang Dehui gave Hong Tao a deep look, and said, "You really treat him Just so confident? Since he is so powerful, why didn't he save you from here?" Hong Tao laughed a few times and said, "That's because he wants me to stay here and wait to see how he kicks your ass. "Bastard!" Dongfang Dehui was irritated, roared, pointed at Hong Tao and shouted: "Stinky boy, I will make you suffer, just wait!" After speaking, he turned around, angrily Quickly left.

When Li Xiaogang returned to the headquarters of the Golden Dragon Gang, he heard a loud noise from a distance.Li Xiaogang took a closer look, and it turned out to be Parker and Nancy.Nancy looked at Pike with a cold face and said, "Let your boss come out, I want to see him!" Pike said in a deep voice, "How many times have I told you that I am the boss here? , what's the matter with you?" Nancy curled her lips, looked Pike up and down, and said with some disdain: "You? , then I’ll go find it myself.” Then he took out the police badge and said skillfully: “Now the police are handling the case, you get out of the way immediately, or I will arrest you!”

"Stinky bastard, don't bully people too much!" Serad yelled at Nancy angrily.Nancy pulled out the pistol abruptly, pressed it against his forehead, and said through gritted teeth, "Big man, you'd better keep your mouth clean, or I'll smash your head!" Opening and closing constantly, a pair of copper bell-like eyes seemed to pop out.Nancy was not at all moved by his hideousness, she gave him a cold look, turned around and walked towards the headquarters of the Golden Dragon Gang.

Nancy now has too many questions in her mind.Especially Gao Feng and Li Xiaogang kept her awake at night.Nancy has been working as a policeman for several years, and she has encountered many criminals. She has seen all kinds of people, but she has never seen Gao Feng and Li Xiaogang.The super abilities of the two seemed to be engraved in her mind, and she would never forget it.Out of responsibility as a policeman, Nancy forced herself to find out the details of Gao Feng and Li Xiaogang, otherwise in her heart, the two of them would be two super heavyweight nuclear bombs, which would suddenly explode at some point and destroy the whole world. Washington, and even the entire M country were bombed to the sky.

Nancy had a gun in her hand and an amulet on her body, and Pike didn't dare to forcefully stop her, so he had to let her break in.

Arriving at the headquarters of the Golden Dragon Gang, Nancy didn't find Gao Feng's figure, but she saw the huge golden dragon banner hanging on the wall in the middle of the hall at a glance.Nancy was immediately attracted by the lifelike golden dragon on the flag.It was as if there was some kind of mysterious magic power that slowly pulled her in front of Jinlong.Nancy slowly stretched out her hand, wanting to stroke the golden dragon.When her hand was about to touch it, a blur suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Li Xiaogang's figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and she moved her hand aside immobilely.

Seeing Li Xiaogang, the horror scene of that night suddenly appeared in Nancy's mind, and an uncontrollable fear surged in her heart. She instinctively stepped back a few steps, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.Li Xiaogang smiled faintly and asked softly: "Officer, what's the point of visiting late at night?" Nancy only realized when she heard Li Xiaogang calling her a police officer.Taking a look at the police uniform on his body, he realized that being a policeman should not be so cowardly, so he straightened out his tall and plump chest, and said in a trembling voice, "Where is the other one?"

Li Xiaogang was stunned, and asked, "Who?" Nancy said angrily, "Stop pretending to be confused with me, the other Chinese person who was with you, where did he go?" Said: "He has something to do, he is not here." Nancy said: "He is not here, you are fine. Now, as a police officer in Washington, I will formally interrogate you. Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to Washington?"

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said faintly: "It seems that I need to call my lawyer..." Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Nancy interrupted him, and said softly: "You'd better Don't play tricks with me, answer my questions honestly, otherwise I will take you back to the police station for slow interrogation."

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said slowly: "Does your Washington police have the power to arrest people at will?" Nancy snorted coldly: "Of course not! But you have already committed a crime, and at least the people who were killed or injured by you that night There are 500 people, based on this, I have every reason to arrest you!" Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows, his expression changed instantly, and he said impatiently between his brows: "Little girl, I don't have the heart to mess with you now! Get out of here immediately , you are not welcome here!" "You..." Nancy has met many bastards who dare to insult her, but she has never seen one who dares to look at her with such contempt, like looking at a child like Li Xiaogang. people.This made Nancy very upset, she took out the bright handcuffs from her waist, and said cautiously: "Now I will formally arrest you, come with me!"

A sneer twitched from the corner of Li Xiaogang's mouth, and he said faintly: "Okay, you can handcuff me!" Li Xiaogang stretched out his hands slowly while speaking.Although Li Xiaogang made a cooperative gesture, Nancy still felt nervous for no reason.Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Nancy came up to Li Xiaogang cautiously. Just as she was about to handcuff Li Xiaogang's wrists, suddenly a gust of wind swept by. It fell into Li Xiaogang's hands.

While playing with the handcuffs, Li Xiaogang said sarcastically, "Can even a toy like this be handcuffed?" After speaking, he held the handcuffs in the palm of his right palm, and with a little force, a pair of handcuffs made of fine steel popped up. It turned into a cloud of silvery powder, and drifted away with the wind from between Li Xiaogang's fingers. Nancy stared at Li Xiaogang dumbfounded, her eyes filled with horror.As if seeing a ghost, even his breathing became short of breath.Li Xiaogang said coldly: "Little girl, I really admire your courage. If the male policemen in Washington were half as brave as you, Washington wouldn't be in such a mess. But courage is based on wisdom. In terms of recklessness, that is stupid, and it will kill you! Get out of here before I change my mind. There are many places that need you in Washington, and there is no need for you to spend here."

Li Xiaogang's words were full of irresistible majesty, Nancy's mind could not help being captured by it, and she walked out subconsciously.It wasn't until she was about to walk out of the headquarters of the Golden Dragon Gang that Nancy came back to her senses and turned to look at Li Xiaogang. Seeing Li Xiaogang staring at her with a smile on her face, Nancy couldn't help but let out a long sigh, knowing that there was nothing she could do about Li Xiaogang up.

Shaking her head with a wry smile, Nancy said to Li Xiaogang: "Medellin of the Hell's Angels was furious when he heard the news that Marcus and many Hell's Angels fighters had been defeated! He has invited top-notch killers from all over the world to come. When dealing with you, you'd better be more careful!" "Thank you!" Hearing the news from Nancy, Li Xiaogang showed a calm expression, nodded at her and said softly.Nancy let out a long breath, feeling relieved for a while.The main purpose of her coming today was to reveal this news to them, and she didn't know exactly why. In short, she didn't want the Golden Dragon Gang to be destroyed, and she didn't want Gao Feng to be killed.

"Boss, where's Brother Feng?" Pike asked anxiously when he saw that Gao Feng didn't come back with Li Xiaogang.Seeing that the worry on Parker's face was completely sincere, Li Xiaogang felt a little relieved in his heart.He smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about Gao Feng, he has followed my orders. It's getting late, you all go to rest, I still have some things to deal with!" Pike asked: "Do you need help?" Li Xiaogang thought for a while and asked, "Which of you can drive a large container truck?" As soon as Li Xiaogang finished speaking, more than a dozen people stood out from the crowd, Serrad was among them.

Li Xiaogang glanced at everyone, and said: "Okay, I will pick the ten best among you, and I need you tomorrow! Serrad, you will be in charge of this matter!" Serrad said with a smile: "The problem of servitude Simple!" Li Xiaogang let out a long breath, and said: "Okay, there are still important things to do tomorrow, you go to rest!" Pike and Serrad looked at each other, without saying a word, led the crowd They went to rest.

After Pike and the others left, Li Xiaogang immediately called the leader.The leader seemed to be eating breakfast, and his speech was a bit slurred.

"Xiao Gang, what happened to calling so early in the morning?" Li Xiaogang said with a slight smile: "Now the world is peaceful, what can happen?" The leader laughed and said: "Since there is no If something goes wrong, then it must be that you need my help. In short, you don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do.” Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly and said, “It’s really been determined by you. It’s really important for me to call you Ask for something!"

(End of this chapter)

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