The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1104 Tease Diya!

Chapter 1104 Tease Diya!

Seeing that Ge Jun was about to interrupt, Gao Feng interrupted him with a wave of his hand and continued: "I haven't finished yet. The country M special forces team is not only a competitor of your dragon team, but also a partner of your dragon team fighting side by side. Don't forget , The purpose of the country M special forces is similar to yours. They are all to fight crime, eliminate evil, and ultimately maintain the stability of the world. The dragon team frantically attacked the M country special forces, and will not weaken their combat effectiveness again. The only ones who are happy are those criminals who are waiting to move. Brother, what do you think?"

What Gao Feng said was very reasonable, and Ge Jun had to admit it. Frowning, Ge Jun said with a gloomy expression: "But don't forget, this time the M country special forces sneaked into our country to kidnap the authoritative expert Mr. Zhou. , this is clearly directly endangering the national interests of our country..."

Gao Feng took over the conversation and said: "So it is necessary to teach them some lessons. But this lesson must also be measured, right? Is it enough to destroy the entire M country special forces team? Brother, the M country special forces team The punishment they received this time is already heavy enough. I believe they will never have the guts to attack Huaxia again. Now that the goal has been achieved, why not be a favor so that they can learn a lesson and be grateful to us. Don't tear your skin apart , see you later!"

Gao Feng had actually persuaded Ge Jun. Ge Jun smiled slightly, looked at Gao Feng and asked, "Tell me, how much benefit did the Special Forces of Country M give. How dare you act as a lobbyist for them like this?" Shaking his head proudly, he said, "What is the M country's special forces? I have never taken them seriously! Even if the entire special forces were given to me, I might not give them this face." People in China have always had such a kind of arrogance, Ge Jun understood, and asked with a smile: "Then why did you travel all the way back to China to persuade me to release the prisoners of the special forces of country M?" Gao Feng smiled wryly, faintly Said: "To be honest, I have my reasons..."

"Difficulties? What are your difficulties?" Ge Jun asked curiously.Gao Feng glanced at Qun with a wry smile and said, "Well, I have nothing to hide from you now. Among the captured special forces, there is one person who has a special relationship with me. She is my fiancee." Fiancee!?" Ge Jun's heart was shocked, and Di Ya's figure immediately appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help asking: "Is it a woman?"

Gao Feng glared at him dumbfounded and said, "Nonsense! Could my fiancée still be a man?" Ge Jun couldn't help laughing, and said, "No, no, that's not what I meant. After being captured There is indeed a woman among the special forces members of country M. This woman is very special. I have suspected her identity for a long time, but her mouth is very hard. I couldn't find out after asking several times. I really didn't expect , she will be your fiancee. Hahaha..."

Seeing Ge Jun smiling happily, Gao Feng's expression was even more bitter. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said guiltily: "Brother, this matter really makes me feel a little bit embarrassed. I think I am a patriotic person, but I never imagined that my fiancée would do such a disgraceful thing to the country. It is because of my incompetence in training, I am really ashamed of my ancestors." Seeing Gao Feng's face Full of deep remorse and guilt, Ge Jun patted him on the shoulder comfortingly and said, "Brother, don't be like this. Everyone is a brother, don't I understand you? If you knew what she was doing, you would definitely will stop her."

Gao Feng nodded, and said to Ge Jun: "Brother, can you give me some noodles and let Diya go." Ge Jun frowned and said: "You are just persuading now, but if the other person doesn't nod , I can't help it either."

"Who?" Gao Feng frowned and asked. "Our chief, Sikong Ming!" Ge Jun said with a puzzled expression: "There is no one who is the happiest person to have captured so many special forces from country M. I think it is not so difficult to get him to agree to release them. Seeing Gao Feng's brows frown, Ge Jun said again: "But Gao Feng, don't worry, our chief is not a stubborn person. What you said is very reasonable, and there is a high possibility that he will agree. "

After listening to Gao Feng, he hurriedly stood up and said, "Well, it's not too late, let's go to him now!" Ge Jun understood Gao Feng's eagerness at this time, nodded, and stood up.Seeing that the two seemed to be leaving, Zhou Yuting hurried over, looked at them and said, "Brothers, please stop." The two turned their heads to look at Zhou Yuting, and Gao Feng asked, "What's wrong?" What's the matter with you?" Zhou Yu listened shyly, and said boldly, "It's like this, thanks to the help of the two big brothers today, I think I would like to treat you to a light meal to express my gratitude."

Gao Feng laughed and said, "No need, we still have urgent matters to deal with. Just treat today's coffee as your invitation to us. By the way, here is my phone number. If those bastards dare to come here to make trouble again Just give me this number." After hearing Gao Feng's words, Zhou Yu felt a little disappointed in his heart, nodded lightly, answered the phone number, and sent the two of them outside the door. She waved goodbye to the two of them.Both of them walked a long way, Ge Jun looked back, Zhou Yuting was still standing in front of the door, watching them.

Ge Jun smiled slightly, and said to Gao Feng: "You see, the girl is still seeing us off. Tell me, is she seeing you off or me?" Gao Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, "Okay, you say You are afraid, oh, no, a man who respects his wife, where do you get so many ideas?"

"Who says you can't have other ideas if you respect your wife? The so-called red flag at home will not fall, and colorful flags are fluttering outside the house. This is the realm!" Ge Jun pouted.Gao Feng laughed a few times, and said quietly: "Okay, I will tell your family Lanlan what you said, and listen to what she will say." "Don't!" Ge Jun seemed to be stepped on Jumping up like a tail, covering Gao Feng's mouth in fear, he shouted anxiously: "Idiot, do you want me to die?"

Seeing Ge Jun's nervous appearance, Gao Feng couldn't help laughing. He temporarily forgot the worries in his heart and came to Longzu's secret base on the outskirts of the city. Ge Jun winked at Gao Feng mysteriously and asked: "Would you like to meet your beautiful fiancee first?" Gao Feng asked, "Will this cause you trouble?" Ge Jun smiled and said, "It doesn't matter! Although I don't have the right to let people go, Uncle, you still have the right to visit. But before you see your fiancée, I have to see her first?" "Why?" Gao Feng asked puzzled.Ge Jun said dumbfoundedly: "Why? Hehe..." No wonder Ge Jun made such an expression.

Ever since Diya was captured, it had given him a lot of headaches, so he had to make a point and save some face no matter what.Now in Deya's world, every minute is as long as a day.Although the dragon group is sure to abide by its consistent principles, it is worried about the captives.They ate well and slept well all day long, but for Di Ya, freedom was the most precious thing after all.As long as she calms down, the shadow of Gao Feng will keep appearing in Deya's head.For Gao Feng, she misses and feels guilty at the same time.Some even didn't know how to face him.Diya wanted Gao Feng to appear in front of her suddenly like a god descending to save her from trouble, but also hoped that Gao Feng would never appear. She couldn't bear Gao Feng's eyes full of disappointment and blame.

The whole day, Di Ya didn't say a word, her big charming eyes were full of distressing hesitation.Just when Di Ya was restless, Ge Jun walked in briskly.Deya turned her head and glanced at him, then cast her gaze elsewhere.Ge Jun chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "Miss Di Ya, I heard that you have a poor appetite today, and you didn't eat a single bite of food."

At the beginning, Diya didn't respond well, and was just about to open her mouth to scold Ge Jun, when she suddenly came to her senses, she stared at Ge Jun with wide eyes, her voice trembled because of surprise, and she asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?" ...How do you know my name?" After speaking, Di Ya cast her angry eyes on the comrades who were captured together with him. Seeing Di Ya's angry and puzzled eyes cast over, they shook their heads hurriedly to swear that they were not themselves. Diya who betrayed.Ge Jun smiled coldly and said: "Pull it down, don't doubt your comrades anymore. It is not too difficult for our dragon group to find out your identity. Miss Diya, I really didn't expect that you have Such an amazing identity background."

Diya's expression darkened, and she said slowly: "It seems that you already know that I am Devinke's daughter." It was really beyond our expectation. But with such a trump card in hand, it seems that we are going to increase our leverage in negotiating with your government!" Ge Jun said with a wild smile.

Di Ya's face became even more ugly, and the last thing she expected to see finally happened.Di Ya looked at Ge Jun with flickering eyes, and asked with a cold face: "You are not so despicable, are you?" Ge Jun snorted coldly, and said: "We are despicable? Are you kidnapping our country's scientists? Isn't it mean?"

Diya and the others were at fault for this matter. After hearing Ge Jun's words, they were speechless and lowered their heads in silence.He murmured and asked, "What exactly do you want?" Ge Jun said with a hey smile, "How? Of course it is to maximize your value and seek the greatest benefits for us. Although the conditions we offer will make you People from country M are bleeding, but because of your special status, I think they will still accept it."

Thinking that not only did she fail to complete the task, but she might also bring huge losses to the country, Diya, who has always been strong, now felt aggrieved and wanted to cry.He said in a hurry: "You guys are clearly extorting, you can't do this, you can't!" Seeing that Di Ya was cornered by him, Ge Jun finally let out the anger of the past few days, and his heart was filled with tears. Carefree, with a bright smile on his face.He laughed and said: "Why can't you do this? You can do it in the first grade of junior high school, so it's rare that we can't do it in the fifteenth grade?"

(End of this chapter)

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