Chapter 1105

" kill me!" Di Ya's heart was ruthless, and she looked at Ge Jun with hatred and roared tenderly.Ge Jun snorted coldly, and said lightly: "Kill you? No, no, no, I can't bear it! You are a big treasure in our hands. I can't wait to confess you. How can I be willing to kill you?"

Diya never thought that Ge Jun would be so hateful now, she wished she could touch his feet, and said softly with an angry face, "Damn it, you will definitely be punished!" "Hahaha... ok, I'll wait .But before that, you and your country must be punished."

Ge Jun now feels more and more that teasing Diya is a fun thing, but he didn't know that he played too much this time.Diya felt extremely wronged, and couldn't hold back for a while, tears fell down.Seeing Diya crying, Ge Jun couldn't help but let out a wry smile. Women are women after all, and when they encounter problems that cannot be solved, they will always cry.But obviously, women's tears are a sharp weapon against men. Seeing Di Ya's tears, Ge Jun felt a little embarrassed, and couldn't help frowning and said: "Hey, you can't do that, right? You are also the leader of these people anyway. , don’t you feel embarrassed to shed tears in front of so many of your subordinates?” Ge Jun didn’t say anything but fortunately, Di Ya cried even more fiercely, which made Ge Jun even more at a loss.He hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Okay, okay, let me surrender!"

Hearing Ge Jun's words, Di Ya really stopped crying, and Lihua looked at Ge Jun with big rainy eyes, and asked in a low voice, "You mean you won't use me to blackmail me again. My country?" Ge Jun snorted coldly, and said: "We Chinese talents will not stop at such a despicable thing! I was just trying to scare you just now." Looking at Ge Jun who is righteous and righteous, his face is full of righteousness. , couldn't help but Diya didn't believe his words, she finally let go of her heart, exhaled a long breath, and wiped the tears on her face.

Seeing that Di Ya finally stopped crying, Ge Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself, "I really don't know how that guy Gao Gao can bear you." At the peak, Di Ya looked at him excitedly, and asked anxiously, " you know Gao Feng?" Ge Jun smiled faintly, and said, "The reason why I just said your The background is amazing, not to say that you have a father who is the speaker. To be honest, a small speaker may be as big as the sky in the eyes of others, but in our eyes, it is not worth mentioning at all. I'm talking about your fiancé, Gao Feng, he is my good brother! Brother who died, speaking of it, I have to call you brother and sister!"

After listening to Ge Jun's words, Di Ya now had a feeling of seeing the sun behind the clouds, and she said with great enthusiasm: "Since you are Gao Feng's good brother, then... can you let us go?" Ge Jun smiled and said : "I don't have that much power yet! But you can rest assured, now Gao Feng is doing his best to rescue you. I believe you can leave here in a short time. But after you leave, I hope you will stop messing with the Huaxia people!"

Di Ya was very excited, and nodded in a hurry. There was no need for Ge Jun to remind her. After this lesson, Di Ya has learned how to behave, "Gao Feng... When will he come to rescue me?" Di Ya asked urgently .Ge Jun smiled and said, "It's already here!" "What? It's already here?" Diya was taken aback for a moment.At this moment, a call that she was extremely familiar with sounded, "Diya!" This call made Diya feel as if she had been electrified, her body trembled, and her eyes were full of tears, she looked in the direction of the sound Go, only to see there, standing the stalwart figure of the peak she has been thinking about day and night.Ge Jun smiled, patted Gao Feng on the shoulder, and then left the cell.

"Gao Feng..." Di Ya stared blankly at Gao Feng, with mixed emotions in her heart, which made her at a loss.Gao Feng's face was as deep as water, and his eyes were radiant with cold light, which made Di Ya's heart sink, and said anxiously: "I can explain!" Gao Feng's voice was low and full of anger, "Explain? What else is there to explain? I I never dreamed that just when I risked my life to help your father suppress the gangsters in country M and maintain the social stability of your country M, but you were behind my back and dealt with us Huaxia. How can you be worthy of me? Did you ever think about how I felt when God was old to Zhou? You are my fiancée, Gao Feng, but you don’t even care that your fiancé is a Chinese who opposes his motherland, have you ever put me in your eyes? How can I be embarrassed? How can I face my brothers who live and die with me? How should they look at me?"

Gao Feng asked several times in succession, like heavy punches one after another, knocking Di Ya back several steps, her body kept leaning against the corner of the wall before she stood still.Diya's delicate body kept trembling slightly, her face was full of boundless grievances and remorse, she couldn't help but cover her face with her hands and hey in a low voice.Tears slowly spilled from the gap between the fingers, which made people feel distressed.James was like an enraged lion at this time, roaring at Gao Feng, "Why do you treat Diya like this? She is innocent, bastard!" Pinned on James' body, he said with a cold expression: "What are you? You don't have a place to talk here!" After speaking, he waved his right palm, and a powerful palm wind swept towards James immediately.

James, a foreigner, had never seen such a strong palm force before. He couldn't help being horrified to the extreme, and stepped back again and again.However, Gao Feng's palm was not aimed at him. There was a muffled thud, and the three steel bars that were thick and thick as thumbs on the iron yoke bar that separated Diya from him were forced towards James by Gao Feng's palm force. One side bent a lot.Gao Feng just slapped him in the air, and he did it with only the wind of his palm, which made James almost scream like a woman in horror.You know, such a thick steel bar may not be able to bend even if he pulls it with great strength.At this time, James looked at Gao Feng as if he was watching a monster, and the fear in his heart grew like crazy weeds. His body subconsciously leaned against the corner again, wishing he could break through the strong wall and escape.

Gao Feng was very disdainful of him, and he was not in the mood to tangle with him. He just snorted and gave him a warning look, then focused his attention on Di Ya, and said in a deep voice: "You still have the face Crying? I'm the one who should be crying!" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Di Ya had nothing to say and could only say sorry over and over again.

The pitiful expression finally softened Gao Feng's heart. Gao Gao sighed a long time, stopped the anger that kept spreading, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, don't cry. Wipe away your tears , don’t forget, you are their captain!”

Diya obediently wiped away the tears on her face, looked at Gao Feng with teary eyes, and said quietly: "I'm sorry Feng. I know that I will do you great harm by doing this. But... I am a soldier, and I am the only one There is obedience. You have the right to blame me, as long as you can forgive me, let me do whatever."

Gao Feng said slowly: "It's too late. Once some things happen, there is no room for recovery. In fact, I have thought about it carefully, and you really can't blame you for this matter. You are from M country, and you are doing it for your own country. Doing everything is right. If you want to blame, you can only blame our union is a mistake. If you are not my fiancee, then you will not be sorry for me, and I can't blame you..."

Gao Feng's words chilled Di Ya's heart, she looked at him blankly, and asked in a low voice, "Feng, you...what are you talking about?" Gao Feng shook his head and said, "It's nothing. I will find a way to get you Rescue him and return you to freedom, just endure for a while longer." Hearing that Gao Feng would rescue him, Di Ya's heart instinctively relaxed, pointing to James and others and asking: "What about them? Feng, I know You are the most powerful, if you can save me, you will be able to save them. Please, help them." Gao Feng raised his eyes and glanced at Xuemus and the others, and said, "I will do my best!" After speaking, he turned around left the cell.

Outside the cell, Ge Jun was already waiting there. Seeing Gao Feng's gloomy face, he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you? Seeing your fiancée is doing well, shouldn't you be happy? Why are you doing it now? With a straight face, it looks like someone has been hanging two hundred dollars for a long time."

Gao Feng frowned and shook his head, and said, "Take me to see Sikong Ming." Seeing that Gao Feng seemed unwilling to talk more, Ge Jun couldn't force himself to do so, so he agreed and took Gao Feng to Sikong Ming's office. Going to the dragon group, a Ge army came, and such an earth-shaking change has taken place. What will it be like if there is another peak?
When Sikong Ming heard that Gao Feng was also a member of the Tianci, and he was also Ge ​​Jun's best friend, this thought instinctively crossed his mind.The face is full of smiles, as if a flower is in full bloom.It was busy smoking and pouring tea again.Ge Jun had been following Sikong Ming for a long time, and he had a basic idea of ​​his temperament. Looking at Sikong Ming's actions, he could tell what was going on in his mind.I couldn't help but wonder whether to laugh or cry.

"Brother Gao, you must have had a bad time in the sky thorn, right?" Si Kongming asked suddenly.Gao Feng froze for a moment, not understanding why Sikong Ming said that.Seeing Gao Feng's eyes full of doubts and inquiries, Si Kongming laughed and said, "If brother Gao is living a happy life, how can he be so dull? But brother Gao doesn't have to be like this. Although the sky thorn is good, But my dragon team is not bad. As long as brother Gao is willing to come to my dragon team, I will immediately appoint you as the deputy leader of the dragon team. In this way, you can reunite with Brother Ge Jun, fight side by side, and display your talents. Complete the ambition. How about it?"

After hearing Sikong Ming's words, both Gao Feng and Ge Jun couldn't help laughing.Sikong Ming is really courageous, he dared to blatantly dig up the corner of the sky thorn. If Lightning knew about it, it would be strange if he didn't lead the sky thorns to wipe out the dragon group in one fell swoop in a fit of anger.Gao Feng squeezed a wry smile on his face, and said, "I appreciate the director's kindness. The reason why I'm depressed is not because I didn't go well in the sky thorns, but because I encountered a huge difficulty. Please help the chief."

(End of this chapter)

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