The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1126 Sinan's Death

Chapter 1126 Sinan's Death
Speaking of Gao Feng, Devinke felt proud of his son-in-law. Hearing Senhao's question, Devinke smiled and said, "Of course! How could my son-in-law of Devink be a mortal? But , I won’t tell you his real background, you just need to know that his background is deep, and his background is strong enough!” It’s not that Devinke didn’t want to show off Gao Feng’s identity, but because of Gao Feng’s identity It was too complicated and astonishing, so he didn't dare to reveal it to Senhao easily.Think about it, Gao Feng is not only the backbone and core member of the sky thorn that makes the Middle East tremble, but also the brother of Hong Tao, a super big man who stomps his feet and is about to tremble three times in country M. These two identities are earth-shattering, He has attracted the attention of the world, if it is said, it would be no wonder that Senhao is not scared to death.

It is said that a mother is more valuable than a son, but now he, the father-in-law, has to rely on his son-in-law.Without Gao Feng, Chomez is of course his old rival of Devinke, an old enemy, but with Gao Feng backing him up, he really doesn't care about Chomez now.Because of Gao Feng's relationship, Hong Tao intentionally got closer to Devinke, but just getting closer brought unprecedented pressure on Chomez. Don't let it go, although it has not yet been completely defeated, it is still giving way again and again. In the tragic battle between the two houses of the House of Representatives, the House of Representatives led by Devinke is gradually gaining the upper hand and achieving repressive results.

Just when Devinke thought that the days of comfort were coming, something like this happened.If Gao Feng was offended because of this, then his status in Country M would be in jeopardy, literally.Chomez and his group will definitely take the opportunity to counterattack. At that time, not only will Devinke be overwhelmed, but the entire House of Representatives will be trampled by the Senate. How can he not worry about it?
Seeing that Devinke didn't intend to tell him Gao Feng's real identity, Senhao couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment on his brows.Just when this pair of old friends didn't know what to say and fell into an awkward silence, Gao Feng and Di Ya happened to arrive.When I opened the door, I saw Diya and Gao Feng hugging each other like a newlywed couple. Their faces were full of sweetness. Devinke was both surprised and happy. They were both brothers and sisters. He didn't know what to do. .Di Ya said to Devinke with some dissatisfaction: "Father, what do you want to do while blocking the door with a silly smile on your face?"

"Ah?" Devink finally came to his senses, and hurriedly held Gao Feng's hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Gao Feng, you haven't come to our house for several days, you're going to miss me, come in quickly !" No matter what purpose Devinke had, his smile at this time was sincere, although a little exaggerated.Seeing that Devinke kept greeting Gao Feng, but put her biological daughter aside, Di Ya complained a little annoyed: "Dad, have you made a mistake, I am your biological daughter. You are like this, you only have your son-in-law in your eyes!" Devinke frowned, glared at Diya and said, "It's been a long time since the peak! You are under my nose every day, it's annoying to death !"

Diya's eyes widened in surprise, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak. "Diya..." Senhao called out in embarrassment. "Uncle Senhao, so you are here!" Di Ya has retired, so she no longer calls Senhao a general.For Sen Hao to send her to China to carry out the mission, in Di Ya's heart, she didn't blame him as much as Devin Ke.After staying in the Special Forces for so long, Di Ya can understand Senhao's difficulties, which is what Ji Senhao feels most gratified about.Senhao smiled wryly, and said slowly: "Your retirement report has been approved, and I sent it to you specially. From now on, you are free, and you don't have to be under the command of me, a bad old man anymore. hehe……"

Di Ya stayed in the special team of Country M for too long, and she was about to leave now, and she felt a little bit sad, especially in the past few years, Sen Hao took good care of her, which made Di Ya very grateful.Deya smiled and said to Senhao: "You are my father's old friend, the uncle who watched me grow up, of course I still want to listen to your words." Senhao smiled wryly and said: "It's a pity, Your father no longer regards me as an old friend, and now he still hates me!"

After hearing Senhao's words, Di Chanyue cast his eyes on Devinke and said, "Father, Tanda is blaming Uncle Senhao? It's not his fault! If you want me to say, it's the president's fault! To issue such an order, and There is no difference between the bandit leader." Devinke frowned and said, "Dia, don't listen to this old guy's nonsense! If I didn't treat him as a friend, I would have kicked him out of Kong" Devinke Senhao's words lifted his heart, and he looked at him excitedly, and asked in a murmur, " still think of me as an old friend?" Devinke gave him a hard look, and said, "Even if I don’t treat you as a friend, so return the few bottles of wine you owe me first.”

At Senhao's age, the most cherished thing in life is no longer wealth, but feelings.Especially the friendship that has gone through wind and rain is what they value.Senhao wanted to restore this precious friendship with Devinke from the bottom of his heart. Hearing what Devink said, it was as if he had found a treasure, and he was as excited as a child.

"Dad, it just so happens that the peak is coming today, why don't I ask someone to cook a table of good food, and you two have a few drinks together."

Diya said excitedly.Devinke said with a chuckle: "Yes, it's a good idea! Hahaha..." "Okay! I'll get ready now." After finishing speaking, Diya hurried out.Devinke smiled and pointed at Diya's back, and said: "Look at this girl, she is more anxious than us, haha... The novel is compiled and published on..."

The knot between Devinke and Senhao was untied, and the atmosphere suddenly became cheerful.Senhao was also relieved, looked at Gao Feng with a relaxed expression, and said, "I want to thank you! You rescued Diya and my subordinates, and let them regain their freedom." Looking at Senhao, Gao Feng He frowned slightly and said, "No need to thank me, I just want to ask the general one thing." Seeing Gao Feng's heart tightening in the dignified Senhao's heart, he said seriously: "What is it, you ask!" Gao Feng nodded Nodding, staring into Senhao's eyes, he asked slowly: "I want to ask the general, do you still remember a man named Sinan?"

"Sinan!?" Mentioning this name, Senhao's heart trembled wildly. This name has troubled him for more than ten years. How could he not remember it? "Sinan?" Mentioning this name, Senhao's heart trembled violently. This name has troubled him for more than ten years. How could he not remember it?Seeing Senhao's face changing, Gao Feng said coldly: "It seems that you still remember this name." Senhao sighed a long time, and said slowly: "Some things you can forget in a flash, but some Things you will never forget in your life. This name is something I will never forget..."

"Is it because of pride or guilt?" Gao Feng asked coldly.

Gao Feng's words made Sen Hao frowned, and looked at him with flickering eyes, and asked faintly: "Why did you suddenly mention this person? It was already more than ten years ago." For another person, what happened more than ten years ago is still vivid in his memory, as if it happened yesterday. Isn’t it?” Gao Feng stared into Sen Hao’s eyes sharply and said coldly. "Another person?" Senhao asked a little confused.Gao Feng's voice suddenly rose an octave, and he shouted, "That's right! That person is Sinan's father, Sikong Ming! He is now the head of the Huaxia Dragon Group."

"Ah!?" The information revealed by Gao Feng shocked Senhao's heart, and he couldn't help standing up from the sofa, looking at Gao Feng in astonishment.Gao Feng sneered and said: "Now you understand, those of your team members fell into the hands of the dragon group, what should have happened to them. They were lucky to get out of the dragon group alive." "No wonder... No wonder I always feel that the Huaxia Dragon Group is always targeting our special forces and is deliberately hostile to our special forces. It turns out that it is because of this! God, how could such a thing happen?" Senhao murmured dumbfounded .

Gao Feng snorted coldly and said, "Why did such a thing happen? Ha, what you asked is too ridiculous. If you don't do the first grade of junior high school, how can others do the fifteenth grade? I think back then, when you planned to kill Sinan , I should have expected such a day!" Senhao said with a wry smile: "Sinan made the whole M country restless, and the president gave me a strict order to arrest Sinan within a time limit. At that time, I was forced to do nothing. It took three days and nights to come up with a plan.

Sinan arrived as promised, and everything was according to our plan. He was trapped in layers of siege and struggling like a trapped animal, killing dozens of our first-class special forces members one after another, and he himself was seriously injured.But it wasn't any of us that killed him, it was himself.Seeing that it was impossible to break through the siege, he chose to end without hesitation, even if he died, he did not give us a chance to turn back..."

Speaking of the massacre that year, Senhao is still hesitating and let out a long sigh, Senhao said slowly: "Actually, I always have a sense of awe in my heart for Sinan. He is the one I saw He is the most beautiful warrior I have ever lived, calm, alert, wise and with the dignity of the Chinese people. I have always hoped that there will be a person like him among my warriors, but for more than ten years, what I have received has always been It's all disappointing..."

"What's the use of that? He died under your conspiracy in the end!" Gao Feng scorned Sen Hao's behavior back then, and criticized unceremoniously.Sen Hao frowned and said: "I know you are dissatisfied, even contemptuous of us setting a trap to deal with him back then. I don't blame you, even I feel this way sometimes. But you have to know ,I do not regret!"

Seeing Gao Feng's eyes narrowed, filled with deep hostility, Senhao didn't change his words because of this, and continued: "Sinan's existence has already greatly threatened the security of country M. The whole country M is very important to him. It's like your own backyard, free to come and go, unstoppable. Countless country M secrets have been transported to your China in a steady stream through his hands. The interests and national security of country M are under great threat. As a Famous beauty, the safety of Country M is my responsibility. Even if I bear the infamy of the ages, I will still do this!"

(End of this chapter)

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