The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1127 Aios' Red Wine

Chapter 1127 Aios' Red Wine
Although Senhao despised everything he did to Sinan back then, his words were not wrong.When his motherland is threatened, Gao Feng will do whatever he can.With a long sigh, Gao Feng said in a deep voice: "As a warrior, you did something wrong. But as a soldier who is in danger to the country, what you did is understandable. In fact, I didn't mean to blame you for bringing up this past incident. You, but hope to resolve the hatred between the Huaxia Dragon Group and the M country special forces. As the world's two major forces against terrorist forces and criminal organizations, you must cooperate. Blind confrontation can only make those who endanger human safety The bastard is even more proud and rampant! Since Sikong Ming agreed to return your special forces to you, it shows that he has the sincerity to cooperate with you, and I hope you can also seize this opportunity."

Senhao can't wait for such an opportunity.Ever since Senhao planned to kill Sinan, the Huaxia Dragon Group and the country M Special Forces have been hostile for more than ten years.In these more than ten years of contests, to be honest, the special forces team is not the opponent of the dragon group at all, and they suffer countless losses, and the losses they suffer are more and more heavy. Senhao has long wanted to reconcile with the dragon group, but Suffering from not being able to find a way out, when he heard Gao Feng say this, he was so excited that he almost jumped out of the door.He asked urgently: "Can you really help me contact the person in charge of the dragon team?"

Gao Feng smiled and said: "That's natural!" Senhao said with satisfaction: "If this is really possible, I must personally express my apology to Sikong Ming now. This is a heavy stone that has been on my chest for more than ten years. , I can finally let go!" "Ha, what are you talking about so happily!" At this moment, Diya walked over with a smile.Devinke said with a smile: "It seems that your Uncle Senhao has a regret that he has not been able to let go of for more than ten years."

"Really? Then it's really time to celebrate! This gentleman, please go to dinner with me?" Diya said to the three playfully.Today Devinke was very happy and in a particularly good mood. He stood up, patted Di Ya's plump buttocks, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's have a few drinks! Haha..."

Just when the three of them were about to sit down and have a few drinks, the doorbell suddenly rang.Diya's expression brightened, and she said, "Could it be that mother is back?" After speaking, she hurried to open the door.After a while, a well-dressed middle-aged man with a big belly came back.I saw him holding a bottle of red wine wrapped in tin foil in his hand, with a smile on his face that made Gao Feng feel uncomfortable.For this man, Gao Feng and Senhao were a little strange, turned their heads to look at Devinke, and saw that Devinke's face was a bit ugly, obviously this man was also an unexpected visitor to him.

"Haha... It seems that I came at the right time! I think the honorable speaker, Guangsheng, will be generous to invite me to dinner, right?" The middle-aged man didn't seem to know what politeness means, and before Devinke could express his opinion, he Pulled an armrest and sat down. Devinke looked at him coldly and said: "Mr. Aios, the CEO of the famous Otama Group, the meal will be on my dining table. My pleasure"

Senhao couldn't help being surprised when Devinke revealed Aios's identity.Otama Group is one of the largest luxury sales groups in the world, making huge profits by selling all kinds of expensive luxury goods.Because of the special relationship between the products of the Otama Group, they have the most high-end customer base unmatched by any public prosecution in the world.Many of them are wealthy businessmen and politicians who have shaken the world, so much so that Aios has become a hot public figure in country M.

It's just that he is one of the few people Devink doesn't want to catch recently. The reason is very simple. The Otama Group has recently been involved in a huge tax evasion case.If all the investigations are true, then this will become the largest tax evasion case in the history of M country.The person who supervised the case was Devinke.In order to get the Otama Group out of this case, Aios spent a lot of time on Devinke.And Devinke has always insisted on principles, but villains are hard to guard against. In order not to fall into the trap of Aios, Devinke has been avoiding him recently, but he did not expect that he would be so bold as to come directly to the door.

Aios smiled wryly, and said: "There is an old saying in China called 'The dragon swims in the shallows, the tiger falls in the flat sun'. Even the most powerful hero will have a day of trouble. I, Aios, are not the same today. , Those villains who flattered me in the past, now wish to stay away from me, lest I get involved with them." Devinke said lightly: "The clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid. If you really don't If you have any problems, you can just take this opportunity to see clearly who are the people who are really good to you! It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

Aios shook his head and said: "In this world, everyone wants to be innocent, but how many people can tell right from wrong?" You have to have a clear conscience!" Devinke said in a deep voice.Aios clapped his hands and said: "The speaker is the speaker. The consciousness is higher than ordinary people, I admire it!" Devinke said impatiently: "Aios, let's open the skylight and speak honestly! If you are here today for the sake of Austria The tax evasion of the Tamar Group came here, so please don’t open your mouth!” Aios’s face froze, and he said in a deep voice: “Mr. Speaker, let’s not mention these for now. I brought a bottle of The good wine is produced by a winery under my Otama Group, and I specially brought it here for Mr. Speaker to comment on."

Since it is a luxury provider, wine is naturally also within the business scope of the Otama Group.Of course, they are dismissive of low-quality wine worth tens of dollars a bottle.The major wineries under Otama produce all the top and first-rate red wines in the world, and it is not uncommon for each bottle to sell for tens of thousands of dollars.Devinke smiled coldly and said slowly: "Aios, I think it's better to forget it. It's okay to let me drink, let me taste wine, ha ha - you have found the wrong person. I advise you to give this wine Take it to the real tasters. They'll give you a fair opinion."

Aios schemingly laughed a few times, and said quietly: "Only you can taste the true taste of my bottle of wine. Those sommeliers will only treat it as ordinary wine, and cannot taste the political value in it." !" Aios' words made Devinke frowned, and looked at him deeply.Aios smiled silently, picked up the bottle opener on the table, and skillfully opened the cork.As soon as the cork was removed, a strong aroma of wine filled the air.As soon as the aroma of the wine dissipated, Devinke, Senhao, and Gao Feng couldn't help but feel refreshed, and a look of shock crossed their faces.All three of them knew more or less about red wine.Devinke and Senhao are often in high positions in country M, and they naturally have a lot of success in various high-standard banquets, and they also drink a lot of top-quality red wine.Because of Lightning, Gao Feng is also no stranger to world-class red wine.

Adding up the best red wines these three people have drunk, basically the most first-class red wines in the world are among them.However, the three of them drank so much good wine, but they had never smelled such a pure red wine that could exude a rich and fragrant lily, so they couldn't help being surprised.Seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of the three of them, Aios seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and a trace of deep satisfaction flashed across his face.Thinking of how surprised he was when he first drank this wine, Aios couldn't help but laugh.

"This... what kind of wine is this?" Devinke is a person who loves wine, and he couldn't help asking with impatience.Aios said with a chuckle: "As I said just now, this is a new variety that has just been trial-brewed by the wineries under our group. It has no name yet, and it has not been listed yet. Mr. Speaker, now you can enjoy your face and comment on it." ?” Devinke couldn’t resist the temptation from the fine wine, and murmured, “Just smelling the aroma of the wine is so intoxicating, if this wine is really on the market one day, it will definitely cause a revolution in the world’s wine industry!”

Aios smiled and said nothing, took Devink's wine glass and poured it himself.The ruby-like wine sparkles with dazzling light, and it has a shocking power that is not inferior to the aroma of wine.It was as if steel had met a magnet, and Devinke's eyes were firmly attracted by the wine, unable to move away for a long time.Aios was not stingy, and poured a glass for Gao Feng and Senhao respectively, and finally filled the glass in front of him.

Devinke raised the wine glass with slightly trembling hands, and first brought it to his nose and took a deep breath, allowing the rich and attractive aroma of the wine to fill his nostrils. Devinke could even feel the scent flowing down the The nasal cavity went straight into the lungs, the heart, and then spread all over the body. That wonderful feeling made Devinke feel as if he was sitting on a soft cloud, his whole body was light, and every cell in his body was filled with comfort.Unable to bear it any longer, Devinck pressed his tongue lightly and took a small breath.

The bright red wine, like an elf, swirls in his mouth on his tongue, and as the wine spreads throughout his mouth, all the good taste sensations are instantly stimulated, gathering in the At the same time, just like the explosion of an atomic bomb, Devinke's head was blown blank, leaving only a good feeling, like a big tide, hitting his heart one wave after another, making his whole body tremble involuntarily up.Close your eyes tightly, the fragrance in your mouth is like a lingering lingering sound, refusing to dissipate for a long time.At this moment, Devinke felt as if he was naked and bathed in the warm spring breeze, and his mind was completely relaxed.

With the passage of time, the fragrance in the mouth finally began to fade a little bit, as if afraid of losing this wonderful enjoyment, Devinke couldn't wait to take another sip into his mouth, when the feeling became solid again When it was good, Devinke’s heart was full of satisfaction—when Devinke was enjoying the wonderful feeling brought by the red wine, Gao Feng and Senhao also took a sip successively.The same wonderful feeling was also circulating in the bodies of the two of them, and it lasted for a long time.No one spoke, and no one wanted to break the rare tranquility. They just took small sips and kept sipping the red wine in the glass until they drank up the whole bottle of red wine unconsciously.

When the last drop of red wine was swallowed by Devinko with Fukasawa's reluctance, and when the last trace of wonderful and moving feeling finally dissipated, Devinke reluctantly opened his eyes with some regret .At this time, Aios looked at him with a smile on his face like a lion that had already trampled its prey under its feet.Devinke's heart sank, and he realized that his performance just now might have been a little too much, but he couldn't help himself. Under the stimulation of the red wine, he couldn't care about anything, even though he knew that Aios brought the bottle The purpose of Red Wine coming to see him must be impure.

(End of this chapter)

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