The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1128 Compromise

Chapter 1128 Compromise
Aios said with a chuckle: "Mr. Speaker, you have drunk the wine now, so please give me a comment?" Devinke frowned, coughed lightly, and said, "This is the wine I drank in my life. The best red wine I’ve ever had!” The smile on Aios’s face became wider, and he said quietly: “This is just the taste of this bottle of wine, any sommelier will give me such an answer. I want to hear from you Here it is, another answer!"

Devink knew what Ios meant, and from the moment the wine was born, it was destined to become the darling of people all over the world.Especially in the current world, which has developed from a round table meeting to a wine table meeting, a bottle of good wine can often solve a problem that troubles many people.Especially after Longquan Group launched Longquan fine wine, seeing Huaxia use Longquan fine wine to make a big fuss and win a lot of political and economic benefits for Huaxia, it also inspired the ambitions of various countries to develop their own fine wines, and they all paid attention to their own wines. The wine industry has invested heavily in the development of wine culture. Country M is no exception.

With the birth of Longquan fine wine, the grain wine has been monopolized by Longquan Group. Experts from all over the world have regarded it as impossible to brew a liquor that is more delicious than Longquan fine wine, so most countries are paying attention to it. It's in the red wine area.However, Europe's special geography, climate, and water and soil conditions make Europe a natural source of top-quality red wine. It is extremely difficult for people from M country to brew better red wine than Europeans.Under such a background, it is a miracle that the Otama Group can brew such top-quality red wine, and it is also the best gift to country M.This is what Otama referred to earlier about the special taste of the bottle.

Devinke, as the core of country M, of course knows that this wine can be said to have a profound impact on country M and is of great significance, so his brows are involuntarily frowned.According to the results of his recent investigation, the tax evasion of the Otama Group for more than ten years can basically be regarded as conclusive evidence, and the amount involved is extremely huge. I want to get out of prison again.To throw a profiteer and scum like Aios into prison, Devinke would not hesitate at all, even if Aios piled up a golden mountain in front of him.

But now Aios's attitude is very clear. If he goes to jail, then such a wonderful red wine will disappear in this world like a flash in the pan. How much impact will this have on the political situation of country M, and even the future of country M? Influence, Devinke himself is not sure.

Seeing the embarrassment on Devinke's face, Aios said: "Mr. Speaker, you have checked our accounts for so long, I believe you should have obtained evidence of tax evasion by our Otama Group by now, then I will also I will no longer hide anything from you. That’s right, for more than ten years, the Otama Group has been evading taxes by means of reporting sales, making false accounts and deliberately losing money. The amount is as high as tens of billions of dollars. Even I I feel like a greedy, annoying bastard. But I can’t control myself, after all, the more money the better. But please believe me, after your investigation this time, I finally understand that country M is very strict with tax evasion and tax evasion. The determination to crack down, I have learned this lesson, I will never pay less tax, and at the same time, I will make up all the taxes I have missed in the past ten years!"

Seeing that Devinke was still sullen and silent, Devinke gritted his teeth and continued: "In addition, in order to repay our country, I am willing to donate the brewing method of this wine. Hehe... I know, now M country and On the surface, Huaxia is friendly, but in fact it is more competitive. And unfortunately, now Huaxia seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and it is bit by bit suppressing the prestige of our M country, and the Longquan fine wine produced by Longquan Group It is one of the sharpest weapons in the hands of the Chinese. It is like a sharp little dagger, stabbing country M with cuts and bruises.

I believe that we urgently need this top-quality red wine produced by our group to win the game. After all, looking at the whole world now, the bottle of red wine we just enjoyed can compete with Longquan Fine Wine.Against the sharpest spear, the strongest shield must be used, am I right, Mr. Speaker? "

Devinke snorted, and said slowly: "I have to admit, you are a businessman with great political vision and talent!" Devinke smiled and said: "Although our country M is a commercial country, But politics still has a great influence on business, and if you want your ship to remain unsinkable, you need to know more about political trends." Devinke frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Do you mean Said, if I don't let you get out of the tax evasion case, you will let the red wine recipe be buried in the ground? This seems to be threatening me!"

"Threat? No, no, no, I really don't like this word. In my opinion, this is more like a deal. You give me freedom, and I give you this strongest shield. Not only that, in order to enhance our Guowei, I am going to buy Longquan Group wholly. By then, Longquan Fine Wine will be made in country M, and even the sharpest spear in the world will be ours. Wouldn’t that be better? Hahaha..." Aios With an appearance of having grasped the whole situation in his hands, he let out a long laugh.

"What a big tone!" Gao Feng said dissatisfied.Longquan Group is the property of Li Xiaogang, which is well known to Gao Feng. It is no wonder that Gao Feng is not angry when he hears that Aios is brazenly wanting to acquire Longquan Group.Hearing Gao Feng's words, Aios turned his head to look at him, and said with a smile: "Longquan Group is the pride of your Chinese people. I can understand your feelings. But the mall is changing rapidly, and annexation and being annexed are like It is a natural law that big fish eat small fish. Although Longquan Group has Longquan fine wine, Longquan fine wine is grain wine after all. No matter how expensive it is, it is only a few thousand dollars. Grain wine is really a commoner among wines, not worth mentioning But red wine is the well-deserved king of wine, aristocrat. With such top-quality red wine in my hand, do I still worry about not being able to defeat Longquan Group? Hehe, my Chinese friend, I think you should be more realistic."

Gao Feng also tasted the pure and perfect taste of the red wine, and had to admit that what Aios said was indeed true.I couldn't help but feel a little worried about the future of Longquan Group in my heart. Seeing Gao Fengdiao speak, Aios smiled triumphantly, turned his gaze to Devinke again, and said slowly: "Mr. Speaker, what are you considering?" how's it going?"

Devinke frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "Aios, can you really mass-produce red wine like this without changing the taste?" The matter was interesting, and he replied with a bright smile: "Of course! You can rest assured of our technology!" Hearing Aios's words, full of confidence, Devinke couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Putting a profiteer like Aios in jail for tax evasion is certainly a great joy, but it can only be a moment of joy. Compared with the interests of the entire country, the joy of this moment is so insignificant, even narrow.Thinking about what Aios said, if this wine can really become a sharp weapon in the hands of country M, it will greatly change the current passive situation of country M. If you support Otama Group to successfully acquire Longquan Group, it will be a big deal for you. Country M is even more beneficial, and maybe it can turn passive into active. Thinking of this, Devinke was tempted.

Aios wasn't in a hurry, he just played with his wine glass on his own, quietly waiting for Devinke to figure it out.He is confident that Devinke is an excellent politician who knows how to take the big from the small, and the current hesitation is more of a conflict of conscience, in other words, it’s just pretending, so Aios has no I don't worry about it, but Ji Gaofeng is getting more and more upset the more he looks at his appearance, I wish I could give him two slaps!

The longer he stayed by Li Xiaogang's side, the more Gao Feng believed that it was impossible for Li Xiaogang to be defeated.The current bottle of red wine is good, but relying on this bottle of wine alone to defeat Li Xiaogang, in Gao Feng's opinion, it is simply a fantasy.Gazing at Aios coldly, Gao Feng sat aside and fell silent.After a few minutes, Devinke finally made up his mind and said slowly: "Aios, we have calculated the amount of tax evaded by the Otama Group. I want you to Make up this number, if you can't, after five years, no matter what the situation is, I will send you to prison!"

What Aios wanted today was Devinke's words, and now he has followed his wish. Aios was overjoyed, and smiled at Devinke as if blooming on his face: "Mr. Please rest assured, after five years, I will pay back all the evaded tax with interest."

Devinke frowned and said in a deep voice: "Also, don't forget your promise!" He pointed to the empty wine bottle on the table.Aios nodded hastily, and said: "I must, I will hand over the brewing method of this red wine to you in a short time." On the surface, Aios is relaxed and at ease, but at this moment, his heart hurts Blood. The value of the secret recipe of red wine is so great that it far exceeds the tax revenue he evaded. He is really unwilling to hand it over to the superior. Although he still has the opportunity to use this secret recipe to create wealth, but It's like the same chicken that lays golden eggs has two owners, which makes him very unhappy.

However, no matter how valuable this secret recipe is, compared to his freedom, Aios is not a fool to take whoever he wants.However, there is still a hidden worry in Aios's heart, that is, he has not fully obtained the secret recipe of this wine.

"Hey..." Aios laughed a few times, and said to Devin coquettishly: "Mr. Speaker, I still have a few bottles of this good wine, or can I have someone bring it to you?" Devin Although Ke wanted it desperately, but the responsibility of the speaker made him shake his head firmly, and said in a deep voice: "No, if I want to drink, I think it won't be long before I buy it from the store myself. Yours Keep those few bottles for yourself to drink slowly."

Aios said with a chuckle: "Mr. Speaker's reputation of integrity is indeed well-deserved. I will not force it, but please take the matter of the Otama Group into consideration." Devinke said: " I don’t need to bother you about this, I naturally know what I should do. But it’s an extraordinary time now, and I can’t stay longer. You can just invite me first.” Aios has achieved his goal, and he doesn’t want to stay longer. He smiled, rushed to the peak and Senhao nodded, got up, took his leave and left.

(End of this chapter)

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