Chapter 1137
This incident forced Li Li to suspect Aios of the fire in Long Linger's office and the mysterious theft of Jin Menglan. "Aios came here eagerly to cooperate with Longquan Group. Could it be that he already knew that Longquan Group was going to use the 'Supreme Beauty' to enter the wine market?" Such a thought suddenly passed through Li Li's mind, and then He then thought of what Li Haoran had told her about the possibility of spies in the Longquan Group.Connecting all these together, Li Li's eyes on Aios changed suddenly.He changed his words and said: "Oh, it sounds very tempting. Since Mr. Aios flew to Huaxia himself, he must have a detailed plan for cooperation in his heart, right? If that's the case, you might as well just say it!"

Aios said cheerfully, took out a beautifully bound agreement from the lockbox, and sent it to Li Li, saying in a deep voice: "This is the plan we drafted, and we have already sent it to Li Li. Our meaning is clearly written on it, Miss Li might as well take a look." Li Li'e took the contract with a frown, and began to read it carefully.After reading a few lines, Li Li couldn't help but sneered, and said: "This kind of cooperation is really rare. Mr. Aios is playing with our 40.00% shares of Longquan Group with his mouth. It's really a lion's mouth!"

Aios said indifferently: "Miss Li may not have seen it clearly. We are not asking for it, but buying it with cash."

Li Li said: "Buy? Use 100 billion yuan to buy 40.00% of Longquan Group's shares. Mr. Aios, you think we are too worthless, right? With the current market price of Longquan Group, it is definitely no less than 1000 billion U.S. dollars. What's the difference between doing business and gun money if everyone's doing business like you do?"

Aios had expected Li Li to have such a reaction long ago, he seemed calm and calm, until Li Li finished venting, Aios said quietly: "It turns out that Miss Li is dissatisfied with the purchase price we offered. In fact, this has already It is a very high price, and I have not underestimated the value of Longquan Group at all." "Then I would like to hear how Mr. Aios calculated this result." Li Li calmed down and said lightly. Said.

Aios said: "If Ms. Li can read the second half of the contract patiently, I don't think you will be so angry. The 100 billion yuan is just the cash we paid for the purchase of 40.00% shares of Longquan Group." This is only a part. In addition to cash, we will also develop a red wine with Longquan Group for free. This is the most important thing. The profit created by this red wine for Longquan Group will be far greater than that of Longquan Group 40.00% Jiu's shares!" Hearing what Aios said, Li Li instinctively thought of 'Supreme Beauty' in her mind, and at the same time, a deep ominous premonition lingered in her heart.Li Li narrowed her eyes and said in a low voice: "Oh, there is such a wine? It should be very unusual to be so respected and favored by Mr. Aios?"

Aios smiled and said: "Of course! I brought a bottle today specially for Ms. Li to taste. I believe that after Ms. Li drinks it, you will definitely change your current opinion." , clapping their hands lightly, a bodyguard holding a bottle of red wine, opened the door and walked in.When Li Li noticed that the bottle of red wine in the arms of the security guard was shining with a ruby-like pure and seductive light in the sun, her mind suddenly lifted up, her pretty face became more serious than ever before, and at the same time, the trace in her heart The ominous premonition also became more solid and intense.

Seeing the change in Li Li's face, Aios's mouth curled up into a smile, and he took two clean wine glasses from the wine rack beside him. Li Li's mood became a little bit tense, and his eyes were blank. Watching Aios's every move, as if something terrible was about to happen, her heart was suspended high, and her breathing became a little bit short of breath.

When Aios skillfully opened the wine bottle with the corkscrew and released the rich aroma of the wine.Li Li's face suddenly turned extremely pale, her eyes were full of disbelief, she snatched the full wine glass, and took a sip with her brows fixed.When the red wine was swirling on the tip of her tongue, Li Li felt as if she had been stripped naked and thrown on the street, and her anger enveloped her like a raging flame...

Li Li's face suddenly became extremely pale, her eyes were full of disbelief, she snatched the full wine glass, frowned and took a sip, when the red wine was swirling on the tip of her mouth Li Li felt as if she had been stripped naked and thrown on the street. Her anger enveloped her like a roaring flame, and she stared at Aios as if her eyes were about to burst into flames. She said gloomyly: "What's going on here?" Aios asked pretending to be confused: "What's going on?" Then he said with a look of sudden understanding: "Are you asking why this red wine is so delicious? Yeah?"

Li Li slapped the table furiously and shouted, "Why are you pretending to be confused! You understand what I mean! I didn't expect the famous president of the Otama Group to be a thief!" Li Li's words changed Aios' complexion, and he smiled Then it froze on his face, and he said sinisterly: "Miss Li, I am a visitor from afar, so don't talk nonsense and ruin my reputation! You call me a thief, which is a great deal to me." Insult, I reserve the right to pursue it!" Li Li snorted, put the wine glass heavily on the table, and said angrily: "You have the face to complain first. Then I will explain to you that this red wine is obviously How could the product that our group has just developed become your Otama Group? This is clearly theft, and it is the most despicable kind!"

Aios had expected that Li Li would be furious, so he had already prepared a full stomach of arguments, and was waiting for her to attack.Hearing what she said, she didn't panic at all, and sat down on the sofa again, adjusted her posture to make herself as comfortable as possible, and then said slowly: "Joke! As we all know, your Longquan Group produces food by Liquor is the main thing, when did you change your career? I said I was a thief, and I still want to say that you are stealing!" "You..." Li Li was so angry that she almost didn't have the impulse to pick up the wine glass on the table and slap her. smashed past.He nodded resentfully, and said angrily: "Okay, you wait!" After speaking, he opened the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of 'Supreme Confidante' trial-produced by Longquan Group, and slammed it in front of Aios.Said: "We will continue after you have tasted the taste of this bottle of wine.

Aios waved his hands and said with a smile: "No need." Li Li sneered and asked: "Why, are you afraid?" Aios shrugged and said: "I have nothing to be afraid of. It's just that I'm not here The habit of drinking at noon, I don't want you to waste such a good wine." 'What do you mean? " Li Li's heart was shocked, and she asked with frowned eyebrows. Aios said lightly: "Even if this wine is exactly the same as mine, so what?My wine has now officially entered the market. In just a few days, I have already received tens of billions of dollars in orders from almost all major wine distributors in the world. "Speaking, Aios took out a thick stack of photocopies of orders from his briefcase, and placed them in front of Li Li.

Li Li hurriedly picked it up and looked at it, only to feel dizzy for a while, and almost fell to the ground.Aios did not lie to him, these orders are not only huge, but also almost include all the largest wine distributors in the world.This not only shows that "Supreme Beauty" has an amazingly broad market and great prospects, but it also shows that Otama Group already has the independent property rights of "Supreme Beauty" in name.Because dealers in any country in the world now think of Otama Group instead of Longquan Group when they mention 'Supreme Confidante'.

"This..." Li Li never dreamed that the Otama Group not only stole their "Supreme Confidante", but also spread it to the market so quickly in such a short period of time, and got the market's attention. Recognizing the Otama Group as the top consortium in the world, its ability is really amazing.Seeing Li Liman's surprised expression, Aios became more and more proud, and said with a chuckle: "Not only that, we have obtained the certification from the relevant international department. Miss Li, you said that we stole this wine from you, May I ask, what evidence do you have to prove that this wine was invented by your Longquan Group?"

"I..." Li Li was speechless when asked by Aios, how could she have any evidence?Faced with such a well-prepared Aios, Li Li was hit by a wrong hand and couldn't speak.However, the anger in her heart made her refuse to admit defeat. She stared into Aios's eyes and said word by word: "Aios, you dare to swear to your God that you didn't steal this wine from us!" Is it?" Aios was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help laughing, pointed to Li Li and said with a smile: "Miss Li, I have to admit that you are a very cute Chinese girl, but you have to admit that, You are not a good businessman. I don't have to swear to God because he doesn't exist. In my business empire, I am God, and I only believe in myself!"

Aios's words made Li Li angry, but also helpless. It seemed that the supreme beauty had already fallen into Aios's hands. Li Li's forehead could not help but ooze drops of cold sweat, the value of the "supreme beauty" It's really too big, and her significance to Longquan Group is also very great.It is likely to lead Longquan Group to create a new era, which will have a profound impact not only on Longquan Group itself, but even on the entire China.Li Li couldn't help but watch her fall into the hands of the foreign devils, but at this moment she was cornered by Aios, and there was nothing she could do.

(End of this chapter)

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