The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1138 Threats!

Chapter 1138 Threats!

"You planted a spy in our Longquan Group, who is he?" Li Li suppressed the anger in her heart, staring at Aios and asked word by word.Aios smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Today, I don't need to play charades with you anymore. It's not bad at all. There is indeed someone like me in the Longquan Group. As for who he is—I'm not convenient now." Let me tell you, but one day you will know, so there is no need to worry.” Li Li snorted and spit out two words, “Despicable!” “The shopping mall is like a battlefield! Only when I am among the enemies can I see the opportunity and win every battle! This is not a despicable thing, I prefer to regard it as a small means." Aios retorted unhurriedly.

"In that case, you admit that you stole this wine from us." Li Li said again.Aios said: "Even if I admit it, what's the use? You have to convince the judge. But in my opinion, your Longquan Group is now without evidence. It is not easy for the judge to believe you. "Although what Aios said is a bit annoying, it is true. The current situation is extremely unfavorable to Longquan Group.

Seeing Li Li's expression fluctuating, Aios said with a chuckle: "Excuse me, Miss Li, can we continue to discuss cooperation now?" Li Li frowned and looked at Aios. In her eyes, Aios was a cunning old fox.He took a long breath of relief, sat back on the chair slowly, and asked in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, I can't decide this matter. I can't continue talking with you until Chairman Long comes back." Ai Ou Si smiled and said: "It's okay, if the business can't be negotiated, we can still talk about our relationship."

"About feelings?" Li Li looked at him suspiciously.Aios groaned, and said with a chuckle: "Miss Li, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that. Now I'm an old man who is almost unable to walk, and I don't have much interest in that aspect. The emotion I am talking about is the emotion for wine. In my whole life, in your Chinese dialect, I have formed an indissoluble bond with wine. Since I was eight years old, I have accompanied my father in and out of various wineries, tasting All kinds of fine wines. Over time, I have developed an extremely deep affection for wine. Since I was a child, I have sworn to brew the most perfect red wine in the world. I have tried countless times, but the results are not satisfactory. Until the 'Supreme With the appearance of Hongyan', I saw hope again."

Li Li snorted coldly, and said quietly: "It's a pity that you stole us, the Supreme Beauty!" Aios smiled indifferently and said, "Even if it is, but what does it matter? This' The Supreme Confidante will be recorded in the annals of history together with my name. After a hundred years, people will only remember me!" "Shameless!" Li Li shouted angrily, and said, "A despicable person like you, Would you like to talk about wine too?"

Aios said with a chuckle: "I don't care whether it's worthy or not, and neither do you. It will be judged by future generations. I'm talking about this with you to say that the person who can brew such top-quality red wine must be He is a person who has a great love for wine. Presumably the birth of this wine is the result of his endless painstaking efforts. I think he must not want this "Supreme Beauty" to die before it is born? He must hope that it can be alive in the world. Infinite brilliance blooms in front of your eyes! After all, which parent does not want their children to shine "the world?"Am I right? "

Li Li asked unhappily: "What do you want when you talk so much nonsense?" Aios said lightly: "What I said is not nonsense, but a senior who has been immersed in wine. What this junior said is from the bottom of my heart. I want you to know that Longquan Group had better agree to all my cooperation intentions if you want the "Supreme Beauty" to not be a flash in the pan. Otherwise, I guarantee that the bottle of "Supreme Beauty" in front of you will last forever. It is the last bottle of 'Supreme Beauty' produced by your Longquan Group. If you produce another bottle, I will sue Longquan Group for bankruptcy and nothing!"

"You are threatening us!" Li Li said angrily.Aios shook his head, and said quietly: "No! I'm just giving you a piece of advice, pay attention to me, Aios, every word I say, and every word on that piece of paper." Li Lileng He snorted, and said slowly: "I almost forgot, this 'Supreme Confidante' is not the kind of ordinary red wine that can be made successfully after mastering the craft. There is a very special raw material in it, which is not so good I found it. Without this raw material, what you brew can only be vinegar! Otherwise, with your character of Aios and the Otama Group, which always like to enjoy exclusive profits, how could you cooperate with us kindly? Hehe... "

After laughing a few times, Li Li continued: "I know, you sent someone to burn Chairman Long's secret room and stole the Jinmenglan stored there, but these Jinmenglans are limited after all, even if they are all used to make wine, the brewed 'Supreme Confidante' may only be able to meet one-tenth of these orders. At that time, not to mention that future products will not be available, even the orders you have already accepted will not be able to complete the delivery. If you cannot complete the order, that is It is not a small amount to pay someone else's money. Aios, you are too impatient!"

Aios frowned, and said slowly: "I know you Chinese people are impatient and can't eat hot tofu, but we M country people always pay attention to efficiency. If I didn't move so fast, I might force your Longquan Group into such a passive position." But you are right, this Jinmenglan is indeed a rare plant, and it is impossible for me to find it in a short time. This is why I have to cooperate with you. Cooperation is to get what you need , Integrating the superior resources of both parties and seeking common profits is beyond reproach. But if Longquan Group wants to blackmail me with this point, it would be too inferior. This will only make the "Supreme Confidante" disappear from the earth. I don't think the decision-makers of Longquan Group are that stupid, right?"

The last move Li Li could think of also ended in failure.What Aios said was right, watching the 'Supreme Confidante' die in the womb, this is indeed what Li Li, Long Linger and Li Xiaogang don't want to see.Aios firmly grasped that the 'Supreme Confidante' was Li Li's child, and it was impossible for parents to watch their own flesh and blood die young.In order for the 'Supreme Confidante' to survive in this world, even if their parents suffer a little, they have to endure it.Li Li's heart is full of helplessness. Aios is really too powerful. His grasp of people's psychological activities and the situation are so perfect that it makes people shudder. Facing him, Li Li feels more Yes... helpless.

There is no doubt that in this negotiation, Li Li lost, and lost badly.Seeing Li Li's expression dimming little by little, Aios knew that his goal had been achieved today.stand up.He said with a smile: "Okay, Miss Li, let's stop here for today's conversation. Wait until someone from Longquan Group who can make up his mind comes back, and you can go to me again. Huaxia is really a beautiful place, I will be there Stay here for a few more days. But it's only a few days, you have to hurry up. Hehe..." Hearing Aios's laughter, Li Li was so angry that she wanted to lash out at these hateful old men mouth!

Hearing Aios's laughter, Li Li's teeth were itching with hatred, and she wanted to slap the old man's mouth!Touching his upper and lower lips, he coldly threw out two words, "No!" Aios smiled indifferently, like a handsome old gentleman, carefully tidied up the wrinkles on his suit, then rushed to Seeing Li Li wave her hand, she turned and walked out of the office. .Not long after Aios left, Li Haoran opened the door and walked in. Seeing Li Li's angry face, he came forward and asked with concern: "Ali, what is that old fox Aios doing here?"

Seeing Li Haoran, thinking of the anger she received in front of Aios just now, Li Li almost shed tears of grievance, and murmured: "Haoran, this is too bad, the Otama Group stole our 'Supreme Beauty', Aios wanted to buy our Longquan Group with 'Supreme Beauty', what should I do now? Ling'er has only been away for a few days, and I have made Longquan Group like this. I... how can I explain to her." Li Li became more and more disturbed as she spoke, tears poured out uncontrollably.Li Haoran made a distressed and surprised look, and said repeatedly: "How could this happen? 'Supreme Beauty' has always been the top secret of our group, how could Aios steal it?"

Li Li said with tears in her eyes: "You're right, our Longquan Group really has a spy planted by Aios! Bastard, if I find out who he is, I'll have to bury him alive!" Li Li rubbed He shed tears, his face was full of hatred, which made Li Haoran's heart chill for a while.Holding Li Li in his arms and sitting on the sofa together, Li Haoran comforted softly: "Ali, don't be like this. Since the matter has developed to this point, we have to face it. 'Supreme Confidante' is very important to our Longquan Group. It is very important, we must not just watch it being stolen like this!

Li Li frowned, and said, "I know this too! But what can we do now? Aios has done everything impeccably, and has pushed us to a dead end, leaving us no chance to fight back. What can we do?" Li Haoran said in a deep voice: "No matter what, 'Supreme Confidante', as a fine wine handed down from ancient times that can cause a revolution in the wine industry, should not die before it is born. A Li, do you think However, for the sake of "Supreme Beauty", we should compromise with Aios and cooperate with him.

"What did you say?" Li Li looked at Li Haoran in surprise, and murmured.Li Haoran hurriedly said: "Ali, don't be in a hurry, listen to me slowly! There is no doubt that Aios is a shameful thief, and I despise him from the bottom of my heart. But he is indeed a winner now, give us There are not many choices left. You don’t want to let the “Supreme Beauty” disappear just like this? Thinking about it the other way around, if Aios can spread the “Supreme Beauty” to the whole world and let its light shine on the earth, What does it matter whether we are happy or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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