The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1139 Revealed!

Chapter 1139 Revealed!

"Then... Then, wouldn't it be cheaper for Aios? What's more, he wants 40.00% of our Longquan Group's shares. He is clearly laying the groundwork for the future annexation of the entire Longquan Group." Li Li said anxiously. Said.Li Haoran nodded, and said: "I admit, in this way, Aios has indeed taken advantage of it, but the question is, do we have other options besides doing this?" Seeing Li Li being asked by himself Speechless, Li Haoran hugged her gently, and murmured: "Baby, I know you have a deep affection for Longquan Group. But generations will let it last forever, who will do it? What does it matter to the ruler?"

Li Li turned her head to look at Li Haoran, and said in a deep voice: "Haoran, after hearing what you said, sometimes I really wonder if you are the spy that Aios planted beside us..." Li Li Li Haoran's heart was lifted by the words, and just about to hide a few words, Li Li giggled again, quickly kissed him on the face, and said: "But I believe that you love me, and I believe that you love me even more. You won't do something that makes me sad." Li Haoran gave a wry smile, and murmured: "Then if one day, you find out that I am the spy, what will you do?"

Li Li raised her eyebrows, stared firmly into Li Haoran's eyes, and replied word by word: "I will castrate you mercilessly!" place, there was a faint chill that pierced the heart, and he couldn't help shivering violently.

"No!" Li Li picked it out from Li Haoran's arms, brushed her somewhat messy hair neatly, put on her coat, and said, "I have to go find Ling'er! If she doesn't show up again, Longquan Group will be really scared." There is going to be a big mess." Seeing Li Li's anxious look, Li Haoran asked aloud: "Even if you find Long Ling'er and tell her all this, what can she do? Now Longquan Fine Wine's next The batch order is about to expire, and even if we have enough liquorice grass now, I am afraid it will be too late. It can be said that Longquan Group has fallen into a huge reputation crisis, which is an internal worry. And Aios has spotted this opportunity , took the opportunity to put pressure on the palace, now our Longquan Group can be said to be suffering from internal and external troubles, Long Ling'er is no smarter than you, and she can only be like you, helpless!

Li Li shook her head firmly, turned her head and said to Li Haoran: "You are wrong! Long Ling'er may be as helpless as I am, but she can contact Li Xiaogang. What is difficult in our eyes is in his eyes Maybe it's just a piece of cake, he will definitely find a way to help Longquan Group get through this difficult time." Li Haoran couldn't help but sneered, and said: "You always say that Li Xiaogang is omnipotent, is he God? If he was really a god, he wouldn't have been forced by Cha Feifei back then to use a trick of fake suicide to get rid of the golden cicada's shell!

After hearing Li Haoran's words, Li Li's complexion suddenly sank, and she said quietly: "Haoran, it's fine in front of me. Don't say that in front of Linger and the others, they are very taboo!" Li Li's brows were full of unhappiness, Li Haoran said slowly: "Ali, don't blame me, I also speak out in a moment of impatience. I just want you to know that the only way to cooperate with Aios is now. This is the best way to save the Longquan Group. After you find Long Linger, you must find a way to convince her. Do you understand?"

Li Li chuckled a few times and said: "Don't worry, Longquan Group is not so easy to be attacked. There must be a way, but we haven't thought of it yet. I may not go home to sleep tonight. You should go to bed early alone." !" After speaking, he left Li Haoran and walked out quickly.

After leaving Longquan Group, Li Li rushed to Gao Yuanyuan's home in the provincial capital like a gust of wind. Gao Yuanyuan opened the door and saw that it was Li Li again. Can't we find Ling'er?" Li Li pushed Gao Yuanyuan away, threw herself into the sofa as if limp and powerless, and said, "Stop lying to me, you must know Ling'er's whereabouts, otherwise With the relationship between the three of you, if you can't get in touch with Ling'er for a few days, you have already turned the world upside down. Two sisters, stop playing, tell me where Linger is, I have something urgent to find She!" Li Li looked pitifully at Gao Yuanyuan and Chang Xuefei, wishing to kowtow to them, as long as they would tell her Ling'er's whereabouts.

Gao Yuanyuan gave her a blank look, and said to Xue Fei: "Xue Fei, let's go, I'll go to the kitchen and teach you how to make big plate chicken, let's ignore this lunatic!"

Li Li jumped up from the sofa when she heard it, and stood in front of Gao Yuanyuan and Xue Fei with unprecedented agility and flexibility. Her eyes almost popped out and she stared at them. She couldn't help roaring loudly: "Hey, do you two still have humanity? Ling'er is probably being raped by a group of vicious men who don't take a bath once a year, waiting for us to save her, but you two still have thoughts What kind of big plate chicken? If your plate is big enough, you might as well make me up!"

After listening to Li Li's words, Gao Yuanyuan looked at her seriously, shook her head, and said, "You are too fat to taste like chicken." "I'm fat!?" When Li Li heard that Gao Yuanyuan dared to slander her With a human figure, I wanted to make a fuss on the spot, but suddenly remembered that the purpose of my coming here was to find Long Ling'er, and I didn't have the mind to entangle in such boring issues, so Li Li could only swallow her dissatisfaction. In his stomach, he made a surrender appearance, and said: "You two aunts, I was wrong, it’s not good if I accept it! Please do me a favor and tell me where Linger is now? You don’t know, Longquan Group It's almost someone else's!
"Is it that serious?" Gao Yuanyuan frowned and asked in a low voice.Li Li said dumbfoundedly: "Of course! Otherwise, there is something wrong with me, I am so eager to find Linger." "But we really don't know where Linger is?" Gao Yuanyuan shrugged her shoulders and made a look Helpless expression.Li Li was really about to cry, and said bitterly: "Are you still playing? Please don't play, I'm about to be played to death by you. I ask you to call Linger and let her come back quickly Right." Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing and said: "You are so funny, you can't get through the phone, can we get through?"

Li Li thought about it, and asked in a murmur, "Could it be that you can't get in touch with Ling'er at all?" Gao Yuanyuan smiled wryly, "Of course." Still can't figure it out.Chang Xuefei smiled and said, "How do you know we are not in a hurry? Of course we are, but not as anxious as you. Ling'er is so smart, she has always let others suffer, when has she ever suffered? Maybe her It is normal that the phone cannot be turned on if it is broken.

"You two heroes, what you said is right! But my situation is different from yours. Ling'er has nothing to do with you even if she plays outside for a year and a half, but I can't. Now Longquan Group is facing an unprecedented situation. If she doesn't come back, it is very likely that Longquan Group will have changed her surname by the time she comes back!" Li Li said with a mournful face. "Don't worry, Longquan Group will not change your surname!" Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but said with a smile.

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan smiling happily and speaking confidently, Li Li couldn't help but feel excited. She looked at Gao Yuanyuan blankly, and asked in a low voice, "You...what do you mean by that? You don't know what Longquan Group is facing now. What are you talking about, how can you be so sure?" "I..." Gao Yuanyuan didn't pay attention for a while, slipped her mouth, didn't know how to get it back, and howled cowardly, unable to speak.This intensified Li Li's suspicion, "There's something wrong! You must have something to hide from me, right?" Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help sticking out her tongue, and said, "You ghost, what do we have? How can we keep things from you? Xue Fei, let's ignore her and go make a big plate of chicken."

Gao Yuanyuan might be able to get away with it if she didn't escape, but this escape immediately gave her away. Li Li stood in front of Gao Yuanyuan and Xue Fei in three steps at a time, and said in a trembling voice, "You two, if you don't say anything today Clearly, don’t even think about leaving here!” Seeing Li Li’s vicious look, Gao Yuanyuan giggled and said in cooperation, “Hero, let us two weak girls go!” Li Li said in a deep voice, “Then let us Tell me what you know! Otherwise, I'll kill you first and then!" Gao Yuanyuan and Chang Xuefei scolded in embarrassment after hearing this, and rushed towards Li Li at the same time.

Before Li Li could wake up, she was pinned down by the two of them.The An Lushan claws of the two were on Li Li's body, scratching and rubbing, until Li Li's whole body went limp.He wailed loudly: "Two heroes, spare your life, I dare not. Oh! Damn Chang Xuefei, don't touch there..." The three of them were entangled together, their clothes were messy and their voices were really spring. , making people excited.After tossing and tossing for a long time, Gao Yuanyuan and Chang Xuefei finally stopped, Li Li was also tortured at this time, her cheeks were flushed, and her face of 'grievance' looked like a little girl who had just been raped.

Gao Yuanyuan and Chang Xuefei looked at each other, and they could see a trace of complacency in each other's eyes.Li Li glanced at the two girls full of resentment, and said quietly: "You have taken advantage of this lady, should you tell me the truth now?" Chang Xuefei smiled lightly, and said to Gao Yuanyuan: "Sister Gao Yuanyuan , Ali has been tormented by the two of us so badly, let me tell her something."

Gao Yuanyuan pinched Chang Xuefei's nose, and said softly: "You are soft-hearted, and you are ready to betray Linger before you do anything?" Chang Xuefei giggled a few times, and said to Li Li: "Ah Li , now, we won't hide it from you, let's tell you the truth." "Okay! I'm listening!" Li Li didn't even tidy up her clothes, but just stared at Chang Xuefei, waiting for her to reveal the truth... …

(End of this chapter)

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