The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1140 Revealing its true form!

Chapter 1140 Revealing its true form!

"The truth is... In fact, we really don't know where Linger is now." Chang Xuefei also stared at Li Li who was full of enthusiasm, and said every word.Li Li now feels like a woman who is already excited and eager to have sex with a man, and suddenly finds that the woman lying next to her is also a woman.On Li Li's originally smooth forehead, veins gradually bulged. With the accumulation of anger in her heart, her white teeth were bitten together more and more tightly. How can I describe Li Li at this time? It is most appropriate for a super volcano that is about to erupt.

Seeing that Li Li's anger was about to burn Chang Xuefei to death, Chang Xuefei hurriedly continued: "Ali, Li, don't worry, I haven't finished yet." Li Li's voice seemed to be from the teeth. The hairs on Chang Xuefei's body almost stood on end, saying: "You'd better stop playing with me, or I will kill you!" Chang Xuefei felt a chill in her heart, and smiled wryly. He said: "No, no, hehe..." "Then hurry up and say it!"

Li Li said something coldly, Chang Xuefei quickly stopped her laughter and said, "That's right, although we don't know where Linger has gone, but Linger told us before leaving Yes, after she leaves, many things will definitely happen to Longquan Group. If one day you can't stand it anymore, let us tell you, so you can rest assured that even if the sky falls, don't even think about overwhelming Longquan Group. Everything Let nature take its course, when she comes back, the clouds will clear up and the fog will clear, and the sun will see the sun!"

"Ah?" Li Li was stunned by Chang Xuefei's words, and stared at her in a daze for a long while, unable to recover.Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said, "I can attest that Ling'er said so, not a single word is wrong."

Li Li frowned, and said faintly: "Why do I think this sounds a bit mysterious? Linger seems to have predicted everything..." Gao Yuanyuan and Chang Xuefei spread their hands at the same time, and said: " We are just passers-by, we don't know about the rest. However, since Linger told you not to worry about anything, why do you bother yourself?"

Li Li sat down on the sofa weakly, and said quietly: "You think I want to ask for trouble. Do you know what role the Longquan Group has been forced into? Aios from the Otama Group has already found When he came to the door, he opened his mouth to buy 40.00% of the shares of our Xugong Group. It was clear that he wanted to swallow our Longquan Group one bite at a time. What's worse, he also stole the brewing we just successfully tried. "Extreme Confidence", and also made a big profit with it, and won tens of billions of dollars of orders. We played a trick of "hit the spear, attack the shield" under our noses, it's really maddening !"

"What did you say? They actually stole the 'Supreme Beauty'! Despicable, shameless, a terrible death!" After Gao Yuanyuan tasted the taste of 'Supreme Beauty', she immediately fell in love with it hopelessly.Originally, in the hearts of women, red wine is always more attractive than white wine.What a poetic, romantic and elegant scene the ruby-like glamorous wine is filled in the crystal clear crystal glass, and you drink it lightly and slowly!Coupled with the soft and lingering taste of red wine, it is full of intoxicating tenderness, which woman can overcome this temptation.

Gao Yuanyuan still remembers the excitement and pride in her heart when she tasted the 'Supreme Beauty' for the first time.But I didn't expect that now someone is shameless and steals the 'Supreme Beauty'. Whenever she thinks of the holy 'Supreme Beauty' being stained by the thief's dirty hands, Gao Yuanyuan can't wait to mess with the person who stole the 'Supreme Beauty' It's better to kill with a knife!Seeing how excited Gao Yuanyuan was, Li Li smiled wryly and said, "It's because of this that I am so eager to find Ling'er. But now Linger is playing hide-and-seek with me. people!"

"Ali, don't worry! I believe that all of this is within Linger's expectations. The Longquan Group and Supreme Confidante are Li Xiaogang's painstaking efforts for many years, and Linger will definitely not just sit back and watch it being snatched away like this. Wait until When Ling'er comes back, it's time for the Longquan Group to fight back!" Gao Yuanyuan said confidently comforting Li Li.Li Li said somewhat dumbfoundingly: "I really want to strangle that damned girl Long Ling'er by the neck, and force her to ask what kind of medicine is sold in her gourd!"

Seeing that Li Li seemed to be going crazy, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but giggled... Another two days have passed, these two days Li Li seemed to be like a walking dead, she was stunned, every day was burning incense and worshiping The Bodhisattva begged Long Ling'er to appear sooner.During these two days, Li Haoran was always by Li Li's side, being extremely gentle, which made Li Li feel a lot of warmth on the verge of despair.This made Li Li grateful, but at the same time, Li Li had deeper and deeper doubts about Li Haoran.

During these two days, Li Haoran kept persuading Li Li to let her agree to Aios's request for cooperation. According to Longquan Group, it seemed that the only way left was to cooperate with Aios, otherwise it would be wiped out.This made Li Li very uncomfortable.Finally, when Li Haoran wanted to persuade Li Li to agree to give up the Longquan Group again, Li Li couldn't help asking half seriously, half jokingly: "Haoran, what kind of benefits did Aios give you to make you work so hard for him?" Become a lobbyist?" Li Haoran was stunned for a moment, and said, "Ali, what are you talking about? How could I be a lobbyist for Aios? You are doubting my loyalty to Longquan Group."

Li Li frowned and asked: "In this case, why do you always persuade me to accept Aios's cooperation proposal? You clearly know that agreeing to him is tantamount to giving him both hands of Longquan Group and Supreme Confidante! "

Li Haoran said in a deep voice: "Now the supreme confidante is in his hands. If Longquan Group does not cooperate with Aios, it will be a dead end! What I said is the truth!" Li Li stood up annoyed, and said: "No The fact is that Longquan Group still has a good chance, who will win? It’s still not certain? Haoran, don’t try to persuade me anymore, I won’t agree!”

Li Haoran frowned, and said rascally: "Ali, you are a very smart girl, why are you so stubborn now? Do you want to see Longquan Group continue to grow in the hands of others, or do you want to see Longquan Group continue to grow in the hands of others?" To Longquan Group wiped out in your own hands? If you really have such affection for Longquan Group, you should make the right choice!" Li Li said impatiently: "Enough, don't talk about this anymore. Wait When Linger comes back, everything will be resolved!"

"It's Long Ling'er again! Why do you trust Long Ling'er so much? I've already told you that she's not smarter than you! Facing the current situation, even if she comes back, it won't help! I'll tell you again One thing, during the two days we were arguing and debating, Aios Group has produced the first batch of 'Supreme Confidante' and distributed them to various dealers. They are very optimistic about the prospect of 'Supreme Confidante', and they are trying their best to carry out marketing planning. It won't be long before 'Supreme Confidante' will be officially served on the tables of those wealthy people. And according to reliable sources, with the help of 'Supreme Confidante' "Excellent taste, now Aios has won orders worth tens of billions of dollars, these orders are enough to allow the major wineries under the Otama Group to operate non-stop for ten years. Ali, you want You know, we have no chance of a reversal now.

If we wait in vain like this, we will completely lose the opportunity to cooperate with Aios. At that time, the name 'Supreme Confidante' will have nothing to do with our Longquan Group.A Li, I don't want to make it too harsh, but you are so stupid waiting for Long Ling'er! " Li Li was not angry because Li Haoran said she was stupid, she stared at Li Haoran intently, and asked in a deep voice: "How do you know this? "

"I..." Li Haoran was at a loss for words, and said in a concealed manner: "I naturally have my own way, so don't ask, the most urgent thing is to find Aios immediately and discuss cooperation with him." Li Li said lightly: " Even if I want to cooperate with Aios, I don't have the right to sign the agreement. I'm just a general manager of Longquan Group, and Ling'er has to make a final decision. Li Haoran clicked his tongue and said, "You and Longquan Linger is a good sister.As long as you sign first, Long Ling'er will definitely sign too.Time is running out now, let's make a decision early. "Li Haoran's eyes were full of eagerness, which shocked Li Li's heart. Slowly sitting back on the boss's chair, Li Li asked quietly: "Haoran, I want you to check the spies that Aios placed beside us , have you found anything? "

"Ah?" Li Haoran was stunned for a moment, and then said in a bitter voice: "Ali, when is this so far, how can I even think about it? The continuation of Longquan Group's survival is the top priority!" Ali ignored his words , asked self-consciously: "You didn't check it at all, right?" Li Haoran frowned, and said: "Yes! Because it's meaningless!" Li Li's eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at Looking into Li Haoran's eyes, he asked with a trembling voice: "You tell me the truth, that spy you?"

"Ali, you..." Li Haoran murmured as his scalp became numb from Li Li's gaze. "Tell me, is it you!?" Li Li asked almost in a growl.Li Haoran shivered involuntarily, lowered his head slowly, and said quietly: "Well, since the matter has come to this point, is there any point in covering it up any longer? Yes, I am doing it for Aios Work!" Li Haoran's words were like a bullet, piercing through Li Li's heart in an instant, causing her delicate body to tremble a few times, and her face suddenly turned extremely pale.

(End of this chapter)

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