The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1141 Showdown

Chapter 1141 Showdown
Trying to control the roiling anger in her heart, Li Li asked tremblingly, "When did it start?" "Since..." Li Haoran's words froze, and he didn't continue.But Li Li went on to say: "It started before you deliberately approached me, didn't it?" Li Haoran's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said: "Ali, you have to trust me, I really love you. At the beginning, It is true that I approached you intentionally because I wanted to use you. But as the time with you got longer and longer, my feelings towards you changed. Up to now, I have fallen in love with you completely. I can Swear to God..."

"Shut up! I want people like you to wear out their vows!" Li Li roared furiously.Li Haoran was shocked, and hurried forward to hug Li Li, but was pushed away by Li Li: "Don't touch me, you hateful liar, bastard!"

Li Li's strength was astonishing, and she pushed Li Haoran to the ground.Li Haoran ignored the pain, got up and said pleadingly: "Ali, don't do this, listen to me!..." Li Li was already out of anger because of being deceived, and yelled at him angrily. "What else can you say? You not only lied to me, but also betrayed Longquan Group. What face do you give me to face Linger and Brother Gang!?"

Li Haoran said in a hurry: "Ali, none of us need to face it, we only need to face ourselves. I have already made an agreement with Aios, and after the matter is over, I will get the 40.00% nine from Longquan Group Shares, and will be the CEO of Longquan Group! At that time, we can still live our lives in a prosperous and prosperous way, let Long Linger and Li Xiaogang go to hell! I will love you and protect you for the rest of my life, and I will let you You will be the happiest bride in the world!"

Li Haoran's words not only failed to call Li Li back, but made Li Li even more angry, and said with a gloomy and terrifying face: "It turns out that you have already made a plan, and even divided up the spoils in advance! Li Haoran, you are really A good actor, who has deceived everyone! You should give up your heart, even if you get the Longquan Group, I will never be with you again, you can live your life guarding your conspiracy!"

"Why? Ali, why do you say that? I'm just getting back everything I lost. What's wrong with me!? If it weren't for the Longquan Group, our Li Family's Bawang Liquor Industry wouldn't have collapsed, and I wouldn't have I have spent several years of nightmares in prison. This is what Longquan Group owes me, and of course I want to get it back from it! I am right!" Li Haoran's expression changed, and he roared with a ferocious voice .

"Bawang Liquor? You... who the hell are you?" Although Li Li was just a naughty girl at that time, she still had a good impression of Bawang Liquor because of Li Yong's relationship. At that time, Longquan Distillery did not work for a day or two. After all, it was not a day or two for Bawang Distillery to oppress Longquan Distillery at that time. Curse Bawang Liquor in my heart.

It's just that she probably never dreamed that she would have such a close relationship with the people of Bawang Liquor Industry today.Li Haoran sneered, and said slowly: "I have been in prison for several years, I am afraid that you have long forgotten the name Li Haoran, and you have forgotten me. Hmph, originally, the winner would not care about the loser." However, if it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have approached you so smoothly and completed my revenge plan."

" wanted revenge from the very beginning! You still have the face to say that you love me, it's all shameless lies!" Li Li roared furiously. "No! You misunderstood me! I really love you..." Li Haoran was eager to explain, but Li Li refused to give him another chance. She covered her ears with her hands and said repeatedly: "I won't listen, I won't listen. Listen! Get out, get out!" Li Haoran didn't leave, but gritted his teeth, rushed forward and hugged Li Li tightly in his arms, ignoring Li Li's violent struggle, and said loudly : "I love you, I can't live without you! You can't drive me away..."

Li Li struggled vigorously until she was exhausted, she calmed down in Li Haoran's arms, her face was full of heart-wrenching sadness, and tears rolled down her cheeks, letting Li Haoran hold her He murmured: "It was you who gave the formula of the supreme beauty to Aios, and it was you who set fire to Ling'er's secret room, burned the wine heart grass, and stole Jin Menglan. All of this was done ,Yeah?"

Li Haoran nodded frankly, and said: "Ali, no matter what I do, you have to believe that my love for you has never changed." With a trace of sneer, he said leisurely: "A great 'love' always comes out of your mouth, but it sounds so harsh. I regret that I didn't listen to Linger and the others, and stayed away from it from the very beginning. My son. I hate it. I hate myself for being so blind that I fell in love with you, a wolf. If I knew you were such a person, I would rather die alone. Now thanks to you, I have become a sinner who will never be forgiven Myself, the sinner who was spit on by the best sisters! Li Haoran, you deceived me, even if I was a ghost, I will never let you go!" Li Li's words were like knives and every word was like needles, piercing through her heart fiercely. Through Li Haoran's heart.The joy of the success of the plan disappeared in an instant, and what echoed in his heart was full of fear of loss.

"No!" Li Haoran shouted heart-piercingly, and said in a tone full of pain: "You can't do this to me! You can't! Everything I do is for myself, but it is also for you! I don't want myself The woman you love is being called around by others. Are you willing to live your whole life under Long Ling'er's hands? Don't you want to taste what it's like to be a master?" "Hmph! A person like you who only has hatred in his heart People, how can you understand the relationship between Linger and me. We are best sisters, there has never been a distinction between upper and lower!

Li Haoran said: "The true love between sisters is all false. If she really treats you as a sister, why didn't she give you the key to the secret room until she was about to leave? Don't deceive yourself anymore!" Li Lichen He said in a loud voice: "The secret room is the lifeblood of the Longquan Group. Naturally, the less people know about it, the better. If it wasn't for Linger's leaving, there is no way, even if she wants to tell me, I will stop her!" "You..." Li Li Haoran was at a loss for words because of Li's stubbornness.He simply said: "Ali, even if you hate me now, it's okay, after I take over the Longquan Group and make the Longquan Group even stronger than it is now, you will be grateful to me in turn!

"Dream! It is impossible for a person like you to get the Longquan Group! You should give up on it!" Li Liman said firmly and confidently. "Hmph, you're so naive. Who do you think they are?" Li Haoran walked to the window, pointed at a large group of people surrounding the gate of Longquan Group, and said with a sneer.Li Li turned her head to look, and couldn't help being taken aback. She saw countless dealers of Longquan fine wine gathered there, looking at their expressions, each of them was filled with righteous indignation, as if they were about to tear down the Longquan Group. "How could they do this! This is clearly ungrateful, adding insult to injury!" Seeing that Longquan Group failed to deliver goods on time, these dealers came to the door regardless of face, let alone Longquan Group's kindness to them in the past. It made Li Li feel very chilled, her face turned red with anger.

Li Haoran sneered and said: "Don't blame them, this is the nature of businessmen, who value profits over righteousness! Many people in Aios spread the news that Longquan Group cannot normally produce Longquan fine wine due to the shortage of raw materials. These dealers just listened to it. It was only after hearing the news that I came to the door to claim compensation. Ali, now Longquan Group is really in a desperate situation where there is no need to worry about foreign aggression, and you have to compromise if you don’t compromise!" After speaking, he pushed open the window fiercely, and from the window, Waves of angry shouting and cursing suddenly poured in, and Li Li closed the window subconsciously in a panic, blocking the disturbing voice from the outside.

When the matter developed to this day, Li Haoran was sure of winning, and he no longer had any scruples. He was a bachelor and told everything about his conspiracy with Aios. Li Li, who heard it directly, was filled with righteous indignation, and she saw Li Haoran's intentions clearly. Face and insidious behavior.Seeing that Li Li's complexion had become unprecedentedly ugly, Li Haoran didn't take it seriously and said slowly: "I know you can't wait to slap me a few times after hearing what I said. But this is the cruelty of shopping malls. Just like on the battlefield, soldiers never tire of deceit, and use any means to achieve their goals! There is no reason for cunning, and there is no justice at all! Everything is only for profit, live for profit, die for profit, the cruelest, but also the most fair!

"Dong dong dong" at this moment, there was a rhythmic knock on the door, Li Li thought it was Long Ling'er who had returned, and her expression lifted, but Li Haoran's words dispelled her excitement : "Don't be happy, the person who knocked on the door was Aios, he must have come with a contract." While speaking, Li Haoran opened the door, and sure enough, the one standing outside the door was Aios with an old fox smile on his face. Si, let Li Li's heart fall into the abyss again.

"Mr. Aios, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Seeing Aios, Li Haoran said with a bright smile on his face.Aios didn't shy away, he held Li Haoran's hand with a laugh, turned to Li Li and said, "Miss Li, I said that one day you will know who the spy is lurking beside you, I didn't lie How about you?" Li Li snorted coldly, and said with a sinking face, "You have raised a nice dog! I really want to congratulate you!"

(End of this chapter)

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