The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1142 Long Linger Returns

Chapter 1142 Long Linger Returns

"Ali, you..." Hearing what Li Li said, Li Haoran's heart felt as if someone had grabbed his heart severely. He could hardly breathe from the pain, and his eyes were full of intense sorrow. and sad.Li Li deliberately turned her head to one side, avoiding his gaze.

"Hahaha... The young couple are having a fight?" Aios said jokingly.Li Li was furious when she heard this, and shouted in a deep voice: "Mr. Aios, you are also a person who has lived a long time. You should know that you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Why are you married? Please ask Mr. Aios to figure out the situation before we talk!

Aios was reprimanded by Li Li, a little dumbfounded, smiled a little awkwardly, and said: "Okay, I won't interfere with your housework. Miss Li, I'm here to sign the contract today. Yes, why, Chairman Long Linger hasn't come back yet?"

Li Li sneered, and said slowly: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. Chairman Long has not come back, but even if she came back, she would definitely not sign such a document! I think you should not waste your time." Are you scheming?" Aios smiled, and said lightly: "Is this the case? I don't think so? The situation of Longquan Group is not optimistic now..." Aios was fattened intentionally or unintentionally. Li Li frowned and said sarcastically, "Isn't this all the masterpiece of Mr. Aios? I really don't understand. You are deliberately trying to deal with our Longquan Group. What is it for?"

Aios shook his head like a rattle, and said: "No, no, I never thought about dealing with Longquan Group, I just wanted to cooperate with Longquan Group. In order to achieve this goal smoothly, I just It's all about using some small tricks." "Small tricks? Mr. Bios is too modest!" Li Li snorted coldly and said sharply.Aios is an old fox who has spent years on Shang Yang, how could he be affected by Li Li's words.With a faint smile, he said slowly: "Although Ms. Long hasn't come back yet, as the general manager of Longquan Group, you also have considerable authority, and the same is true for signing this document!"

Li Li frowned, and said quietly: "It sounds like I have no other choice but to sign this unequal agreement." Aios shrugged his shoulders, and said quietly: "Now it seems that there are not many choices that Longquan Group can make. Hehe..." The old and cunning Aios is proficient in negotiation skills, grasping all favorable conditions in his own hands, making decisions before making moves, and Li Li's posture was determined by the side eating.

Li Li seemed to be pushed to the edge of a cliff, and she was so anxious that she didn't know how to deal with it.Li Haoran said from the side: "Ali, you just sign. This is not a bad thing for Longquan Group..." "Shut up!" Li Li roared angrily, turned to look at Aios, furious Said: "Aios, if you want me to sign this document, you get rid of this man right now. I get angry when I see him, and when I get angry, my hand won't move and I can't do anything , let alone a signature!
Aios only had the contract in his eyes, so he would not take Li Haoran's self-esteem seriously.Although he knew that Li Li was using his hands to teach Li Haoran a lesson, he turned around and said to Li Haoran without thinking, "Mr. Li, please go out first." Looking at Aios in a daze, he said: "Mr. Aios, what are you talking about?" Aios said impatiently: "Miss Li doesn't want to see you here, you get out right away!" Aios said The expression on his face is bossy, as if he is scolding a dog.This made Li Haoran very unbearable, and said repeatedly: "Mr. Aios, how can you do this, we are partners!"

Aios said coldly: "That's after the signing of this contract takes effect! If you still want the agreement between us to continue to take effect, you get out now!" Li Haoran glared at Aios angrily , then looked at Li Li, Li Li sneered and said: "Your master told you to get out, didn't you hear?" The bitterness in Li Haoran's heart at this time was like swallowing ten catties of coptis and twenty snake galls in a row, The whole person trembled because of this.

Just as Li Haoran was about to turn around and leave enduring the huge humiliation and anger, he heard a burst of crisp laughter from outside the door.Hearing this laughter, Li Li seemed to have won a 500 million grand prize, with a flowery smile blooming on her face, she couldn't help but opened her mouth and shouted "Linger".Accompanied by Li Li's earnest shout, the door of the office was pushed open from the outside, and then Long Ling'er appeared in front of everyone in a magnificent and graceful manner.Seeing Long Ling'er appearing at this time, Li Li's heart suddenly fell into her stomach, but Li Haoran's heart couldn't help but lifted up, and her face was full of tension and worry.Concentrating on reorganizing the whole thing from beginning to end, the tension and worry in my heart only slightly weakened when I thought that there were no flaws left.

Long Linger's pair of beautiful phoenix eyes first passed Li Haoran's body, and then fixed on Aios's body, and said with a faint smile: "Why did the famous Mr. Aios come to our Longquan Group without saying hello? Let us be caught off guard, unprepared, how impolite." The old fox of Aios is an old fox, facing Long Ling'er's sudden appearance, he looked calm, and he couldn't see what he was thinking at this time.She said with a faint smile: "If Miss Long Ling'er knew the purpose of my visit today, I'm afraid she wouldn't welcome me, haha..."

"Ling'er, it's great that you're finally back!" Seeing Long Ling'er, Li Li hurried over.He hugged Long Ling'er tightly.

Long Ling'er caressed Li Li's beautiful hair, and said with a smile: "Ali, I have caused you a lot of grievances these days, I am really sorry." Li Li shook her head vigorously and said, "It's okay as long as you It’s good to be back. But, where have you been for so many days, and the phone is not turned on, I’m really anxious!” Long Ling’er chuckled a few times, and said faintly: “I’ll talk to you later. Say, let's send them away first." Saying that, Long Ling'er glanced over Aios, and finally settled on Li Haoran.

Long Ling'er's gaze was as sharp as a knife, making Li Haoran's heart tremble, and his expression looked extremely ugly.Long Ling'er snorted coldly, and said faintly: "Li Haoran, you finally showed your fox's tail!" As soon as Long Ling'er said this, Li Haoran and Li Li were startled at the same time, and Li Haoran asked blankly: "You What do you mean?" Li Li held Long Ling'er's hand tightly, and asked in a trembling voice: "Ling'er, did you know that Li Haoran had a problem a long time ago?"

Long Ling'er said to Li Li: "Do you remember the last time Brother Gang came back and we met at the door of a hotel?" Li Li nodded and said: "I remember, what's wrong?" Long Ling'er frowned Wrinkled, glared at Li Haoran, and said: "Brother Gang recognized him at a glance, and then told us about his past. It was only then that we realized that he is a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

After hearing Long Linger's words, Li Haoran's face turned pale, and he asked in a trembling voice: "Then...then how could Li Xiaogang know me?" Long Linger sneered and said: "When you were the boss of Bawang Liquor Industry, Calling the wind and calling the rain, no one pays attention to it, what a beauty. If you do your business honestly, maybe Brother Gang will not know you. But you should never, never, should not bully others, You shouldn't even have the idea of ​​Longquan Fine Wine. You always thought that Li Yong and Longquan Winery defeated you. In fact, you were wrong. The person who led all this behind the scenes was Brother Gang, and you lost to Li Xiaogang!" "Ah! How could this happen?" Li Haoran felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, his face was ashen.

"Ling'er, since you already knew that this guy had bad intentions, why didn't you remind me earlier?" Li Li asked Long Ling'er a little dissatisfied.Long Ling'er gave a wry smile, and said: "At that time, you two were inseparable, you two seemed to wish you could merge into one, and when I told you these things at that time, not only did you not listen to them, On the contrary, it will destroy the relationship between our sisters. So Brother Gang didn’t let us tell you, but asked Li Haoran to show his fox tail. Look, he has already shown it now.”

"Don't be complacent! Now that the Longquan Group is gone, even if you see me through, so what?" Li Haoran roared angrily, and said to Aios: "Mr. Aios, force them to sign the contract quickly, and then Drive them out of the Longquan Group!" Aios frowned, and said to Li Haoran in dissatisfaction: "Mr. Li, what should I do, how should I do it, I don't need you to eat and drink!" "You... Li Haoran glared at Aios angrily like never before, how could he know that Aios didn't care about him at all, and turned to Long Ling'er with a smile and said: "Miss Long, you came at the right time, we have a cooperation agreement here , I would like to ask you to take a look first."

As soon as Aios finished speaking, Long Ling'er waved his hand and said, "You don't need to look at it, you can take it back. It is impossible for me to sign such a document!" Aios smirked a few times, and said: "Miss Long, it seems that you have no other choice but to sign this contract! I advise you not to be impulsive and think more about the future of Longquan Group..." Long Linger interrupted him and said, "I am Because I am thinking about the future of Longquan Group, I will definitely not sign this contract!"

"Hehe, Miss Long, you are so determined, do you sincerely want to watch the 'Supreme Beauty' disappear from this world?" Aios still looked confident.Long Ling'er raised her eyebrows, and said coldly: "Whether the supreme beauty will disappear from this world, no one knows. But I know that your Otama Group will soon disappear from the world." Disappeared!" As soon as Long Ling'er finished speaking, the smile on Aios's face froze immediately, covered by a gloomy look.Seeing this, Long Ling'er laughed a few times, and said faintly: "Aios, I don't know whether to say you are courageous or greedy. Just connect the 'Supreme Beauty' before you actually get it." Now I have refused to sign this contract, and I really don’t know how you should pay others such a large deposit. You caused Longquan Group to encounter a crisis of trust, but you didn’t know that you also put your The Otama Group is in it."

(End of this chapter)

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