The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1143 1 Everything is according to plan

Chapter 1143 Everything is according to plan

Following Long Ling'er's words, Aios seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, and became completely cold.Beads of cold sweat were condensed on his forehead, and his lips trembled slightly.He is too confident in himself, he always thinks that as long as it is what he wants to do, he can do it, so confident that he doesn't even think that he should leave a way out for himself.Confidence and arrogance are just one letter difference, but the result is very different.Aios knew that what he did before was probably an expression of conceit. Long Ling'er was right, the Otama Group was in a great crisis at the moment.

Seeing that Aios's expression became more and more ugly, Long Ling'er chuckled a few times and said, "Mr. Aios, I think we should stop wasting time, please go back." "Miss Long, I ..." Aios turned his eyes to Long Ling'er, and said in an almost begging tone: "Miss Long, can't you think about it any more? You can just help me, and I will let you If someone revises this contract, I can even return the property rights of the Supreme Confidante to you..."

Long Ling'er giggled and said: "That's unnecessary. The 'Supreme Confidante' produced by you and our Longquan Group are completely two different things. They don't match each other. We don't need it!" Aios was startled, and asked blankly: "What do you mean? What are two things?" Long Ling'er's face was covered with a mysterious smile, and he said lightly: "Don't worry, use You will understand in a short time! Please!" Long Ling'er pointed in the direction of the door.Aios knew that Long Ling'er would never agree today, so he gritted his teeth and walked out.

Li Haoran wanted to follow and leave, but was stopped by Long Linger.Li Haoran looked back at Long Linger blankly, and asked coldly: "Is there anything else you need?" Long Linger sneered and asked, "Where are you going?" Li Haoran raised his eyebrows and asked back Said: "It doesn't seem to care about your business, does it?" Long Ling'er said lightly: "Indeed. A bastard like you, let me take care of me! But, I don't care, it doesn't mean others don't care!" He shouted in the direction outside the door: "You can come in!" As soon as Long Ling'er finished speaking, several policemen walked in together.

"What do you mean!?" Li Haoran turned his head and glared at Long Ling'er and asked.Long Ling'er shrugged his shoulders and said faintly: "You should ask them!" Li Haoran, you were arrested according to law on suspicion of prisoner arson and theft. This is the arrest warrant, please take a look! "A mighty and extraordinary policeman handed a thin paper arrest warrant in front of Li Haoran. Li Haoran never dreamed that he would experience such a moment twice in his life. He roared like crazy: "What evidence do you have? Proof that I sent someone to set the fire?How can you randomly arrest people and I protest! "

"Protest!? Hmph, are you qualified?" With a cold voice, Mu Pingbu appeared in front of everyone. "Who are you?" Li Haoran stared at him and asked in a deep voice.Mu Ping shook his head lightly, and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't know who I am, as long as you know them. Er, come in, what are you waiting for?" As soon as Mu Ping's voice fell, Gouzi, Erqing and Baldhead three live treasures , walked in timidly.Seeing the three of them appearing here, Li Haoran's mind was shocked, and his expression changed instantly.Mu Ping sneered, and said to Gouzi: "Recognize it, and see if he is the boss Li who ordered you to set the fire."

Gouzi nodded at Mu Ping and smiled charmingly, then turned his eyes to Li Haoran, and after taking a look, he said firmly: "That's right, it's this kid! Li Haoran, I recognize him even when he turns into ashes! Mu Ping snorted, and then said to Erqing and Baldhead: "You two also admit it, we have to convince others to avoid others saying that we bully others." When Erqing and Baldhead also firmly identified Li Haoran When it was the mastermind behind the scenes, Li Haoran finally couldn't quibble anymore, his face suddenly collapsed, he looked at Long Ling'er full of pleading and said: "Dr. Long, it's because I have done a lot for Longquan Group Son, please spare me this time! I don't want to go to prison again!"

"Heaven's evil can still be done, but self-inflicted evil can't live! I can't help you this time!" Long Ling'er said coldly.Unwilling to be reconciled, Li Haoran cast his eyes on Li Li again, and said sadly: "Ali, please help me talk about the relationship between us, save me! You have never been in prison, you don't know what a prison is. It's a painful thing, I really don't want to go to jail, really! Second, seeing Li Haoran crying bitterly, very pitiful, Li Li's heart softened a little, and her brows could not help but frowned slightly. I have been observing Li Li's expression Seeing this, Long Ling'er frowned, and urged the police: "Since he is undeniable, why don't you take him away quickly? "

Upon hearing this, several police officers immediately dragged Li Haoran out.Li Li was not given a chance to speak.After Li Haoran's people had been taken away, Li Li seemed to have made up her mind, and suddenly turned her head to look at Long Ling'er and said, "Ling'er, I..." Long Ling'er interrupted her with a wave of his hand before she could finish speaking. Said: "Ali, you won't be so easy to soften your heart! Li Haoran is a bad wolf, he is not familiar with him, so why are you going to be fooled by him again?" Li Li said bitterly: "But I think he It seems that the feelings for me are not all fake..."

Long Ling'er frowned slightly when she heard this, and said helplessly: "Ali, you are such a stupid woman! However, even if I want to help you, I can't help you. Li Haoran betrayed you Longquan Group is tantamount to betraying Li Xiaogang. If he wants to regain his freedom, Li Xiaogang has to nod." "Li Xiaogang? But where can I find him?" Li Liman asked helplessly.Long Ling'er shook his head and said: "I don't know about that, maybe it depends on Li Haoran's luck. Just let him stay in the bureau for a few days now, this kind of person won't let him suffer. How about getting a lesson?" Li Li had no choice but to sigh and give up.

Aios and Li Haoran were sent away, and the dealers who were urging for the goods clamored and refused to leave. The noise was getting louder and louder, and it seemed that the quarrel had escalated.Li Li frowned again when she heard the disturbing humiliation, and said, "Ling'er, what should we do? Li Haoran burned all the wine heart grasses, and we have no way to brew Longquan fine wine for them."

Long Ling'er's noodles turned into a hint of anger, and said in a deep voice: "These bastards are really hateful to the extreme. They only have interests in their eyes, and they have completely forgotten how much benefits our Longquan Group has brought them. We also want to thank Ai Ou If it wasn't for him, how could we pick out these ungrateful guys and clean up our dealership? You call the accountant, ask them to pay them all the liquidated damages they owe, and then release their dealership contract!"

Li Li said slowly: "We don't pay attention to such a small liquidated damages, but if we don't have enough liquorice, we can't get the goods because the order expires, and we will come to our Longquan Group to make trouble." There will be more and more businessmen, so what should we do?" Long Ling'er giggled and said, "Don't worry about it! Brother Gang has already deposited enough wine heart grass with your brother in Longxi Group. Just make a phone call and it will be delivered. You let those workers who go home go back to their posts immediately and put into production!" "If this is the case, that's great, I'll do it right away!" The tricky problem because Long When Ling'er arrived, Li Li's tense heartstrings finally relaxed, "Miss Long, I have nothing to do here, so I'll take my leave first!" Mu Ping said to Long Ling'er with a smile.

Long Ling'er said: "This time, thanks to Mr. Mu, you caught these three guys, otherwise Li Haoran would not know how to deny it in every possible way!" Mu Ping smiled and said: "Miss Long, please don't say that. Brother Gang is looking forward to it, I just obey orders." Long Ling'er frowned when he heard this, and said quietly: "Could it be that Li Xiaogang also expected this?" Mu Ping said with admiration: "Brother Gang is the god of the world. People, what did he not expect? Then Li Haoran and Aios would dare to fight against Brother Gang, it is simply not enough to justify death."

Long Ling'er nodded, and asked again: "Since he had already expected that Li Haoran would send people to make liquor, why didn't he let you stop them in advance?" Mu Ping said with a chuckle: "You don't think you are responsible for defending the safety of Longquan Group?" Has everyone disappeared?" Long Linger nodded blankly and asked: "Why..." Mu Ping said: "Brother Gang ordered me to transfer them away, the purpose is to make Li Haoran's crimes come true. Brother Gang thinks A bastard like him should stay in prison for the rest of his life. If we stop him, he is at most an attempted crime and won't be sentenced for long. And in this way, Li Haoran will probably spend some time in prison. In addition, if Otherwise, how can Aios believe that Longquan Group has been driven to a dead end. If not, how could he be so confident and bold, placing an order of nearly [-] billion US dollars in a row? Hehe, all of this In Brother Gang's calculation, not only did Li Haoran and Aios not notice at all, but they are still complacent until now, they are extremely stupid!"

After hearing Mu Ping's explanation, Long Ling'er suddenly realized, and said faintly: "No wonder he is always happy these days, and he is not worried at all. It turns out that he has already made arrangements for suppressing secrets." Mu Ping She smiled and said: "Miss Long, I'm resigning first, and if you need anything, just go to the Lightning Gang to find me!"

Long Ling'er giggled and said: "Don't worry, I will inevitably trouble you in the future." After sending Mu Ping away, Li Li just came back after finishing her work.Li Li and Long Ling'er were the only two left in the office. Li Li immediately let out a strange cry, and jumped at Long Ling'er before she could react, and was crushed under her body. on the sofa.Long Ling'er screamed, and shouted softly: "Smelly girl, you are crazy!" Li Li rode on Long Ling'er and said bitterly: "You bad woman, tell me honestly, you have been doing this for a few days. Where did you go fooling around? Is it intentional that the mobile phone is not turned on?" Li Li questioned, while squeaking at Long Linger, which made Long Linger giggle non-stop, and begged for mercy: "Good Ali, Good Lili, please forgive me, I will definitely tell you the truth!"

(End of this chapter)

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