The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1145 From hell to heaven!

Chapter 1145 From hell to heaven!

Aios hung up the phone, Li Haoran's face was extremely pale, and despair was written between his brows. .Thinking of going back to the cold and dark prison and staying with those murderers and people with twisted souls, Li Haoran couldn't help but tremble all over.At this moment of despair, Li Li's figure frequently flashed in Li Haoran's mind.Every time this figure flashed by, the regret in Li Haoran's heart deepened, and the pain also increased.

Li Haoran wanted to call Li Li and ask her for help, but this thought only flashed in his heart, and Li Haoran buried it deeply in his heart.For the first time in his life, Li Haoran understood what guilt is. He would rather taste the evil fruit he had planted silently than to harass Li Li and add trouble to her. Then a phone rang, and it was from Devinke.

Ever since Aios made a promise in front of him, Devinke has not let go of his attention to him and the supreme confidante for a moment.When the relevant departments of country M officially awarded the trademark of "Supreme Beauty" to Otama Group, Devinke was even more excited than Aios, and immediately called Aios to congratulate him .During the phone call, Devinke didn't realize that Aios was having huge troubles hidden in his heart at this time, so he said with a smile on his face: "Aios, you really didn't disappoint me. The imprint, no one can take it away again. You are saving face for our country M, hahaha..."

Hearing Devinke's hearty laughter, Aios even wanted to cry, and he said vaguely, um, ah, he just wanted to end the call hastily, and then find a place to suffer.Devinke said again: "I heard that the first batch of official products of the Otama Group is about to go out of the factory, Aios, can you let me go through the back door and reserve a few bottles for me? Hehe, now The overwhelming publicity is about the 'Supreme Beauty', I don't know how many people are holding back their energy and want to buy it, if I don't say hello to you in advance, I guess I can't buy it with my fragile body."

Aios said hurriedly: "Don't worry, once the first batch of products leave the factory, I will send you a box first!"

Devinke said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll just wait. By the way, and the profit of the Supreme Confidante is very high, so the amount of tax paid must be quite a lot. Aios, from now on, you can Don't do tax evasion again, or I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you anymore." Aios nodded dumbfoundingly and said, "Don't worry, I know!" "That's good! You are a smart person and you don't need me." Remind me again and again. Well, I won't bother you, goodbye!"

Devinke's phone call was almost the last straw that crushed Aios, causing him to almost collapse.Thinking that it won't be long before today's glory will no longer exist, and that he may go to prison in silver, and follow Li Haoran's footsteps, Aios's heart becomes heavier and he turns his mind to the extreme, looking for a way to get out of the predicament. However, he is not a god, so he has no other way except to cooperate with Longquan Group to obtain enough raw materials for brewing 'Supreme Beauty'. "What should I do!?" Aios kicked the sofa to the ground angrily, and growled out of breath.

If you can think of a way out of a difficult situation when you are crazy, then it is easy to be a wise man.Aios poisoned all the furniture in the room, but he couldn't think of a solution.I just got tired and exhausted, and fell asleep in a daze. This sleep lasted for a day and a night.But in this day and night, Li Haoran walked from hell to heaven. After spending a long and lonely night in the prison of the detention center, Li Haoran seemed to be ten years old suddenly, becoming extremely haggard.The torment of conscience haunted him non-stop. At this moment, the hatred quietly receded, and he no longer remembered it.

At this time, Li Haoran had nothing in his mind, only a figure kept flashing, and every time this figure flashed, the guilt in his heart deepened. Looking at the iron gate that isolated him from the outside world, Li Haoran wished he could bump his head against it. die on it.Just when he was about to collapse, the iron door made a loud noise and slowly opened.Li Haoran subconsciously stood up.

As the iron gate was pushed open little by little, Li Xiaogang's figure appeared in Li Haoran's eyes more and more clearly. "It's you!" Seeing Li Xiaogang, Li Haoran was startled suddenly, and shouted with a sudden change in expression.Li Xiaogang stared at him with a face as deep as water, and no one could see what he was thinking from his expression at this moment.Li Xiaogang's body was inlaid with a golden rim by the sunlight, setting him off like a god descending from the sky, that astonishing and undeniable aura made Li Haoran's soul tremble.

Suddenly, Li Haoran seemed to be relieved, the surprise on his face receded like a tide, and then he put on a touch of relief, and said faintly: "You are here to settle accounts with me, right? Well, I am here, you want Do whatever you want. It would be best if you could kill me!"

Li Xiaogang looked at him carefully, and after a while he said calmly: "You seem to really want to die..." Li Haoran shouted loudly: "That's right, I want to die. I've lived enough, you kill me! I heard from Long Ling'er and Ali that you are an omnipotent, godlike man, I believe killing me is just a piece of cake for you."

Li Xiaogang said: "You're right. It's really easy for me to kill you. But I don't understand, with your personality, you will easily admit defeat?" Li Haoran's expression became unprecedentedly dark because of Li Xiaogang's words, Howled and said: "Admit defeat? Hehehe, I lost to you a few years ago. It was because I refused to face the reality. In the end, not only did I go to jail again, but I also hurt my beloved's wages. I'm sad. After thinking about it, I'm really a complete bastard, a coward who can't afford to lose!" Li Haoran's words made Li Xiaogang faintly smile, and asked in a deep voice: "So, are you Regret what you did?"

"Hmph, if regret is useful, I would rather turn my bowels green to redeem all of this. Now Ali must be heartbroken because of me. When I think of her face full of tears now, my heart feels like being stabbed by a knife It hurts the same. What the hell am I, God sent such a good girl to me, and I don’t even know how to cherish it. For this alone, I’m not wronged even if I’m thrown into the [-]th floor of hell!” While pulling his hair in pain, Li Haoran cursed himself loudly, if Li Haoran's acting skills did not reach the actor level, then he should be showing his true feelings now.

Li Xiaogang sighed softly, and said slowly: "If you continue to sink like this, then Li Li will be truly heartbroken. Li Haoran, when you were the boss of Bawang Liquor Industry a few years ago, I knew you Yes. At that time, I thought you were a selfish, money-oriented forest merchant with a smell of money all over your body. But since I saw the way you stared at Li Li, I suddenly discovered that you are not useless. At least you are still honest about love. People who know how to repent, no matter how bad they are, they can’t be so bad. So, I decided to save you!
"Ah? You..." Li Haoran looked at Li Xiaogang in confusion, with deep doubts in his eyes, and asked in a murmur, "Why? I let the Longquan Group almost fall into the hands of others, why are you still willing to save him? Me?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "You must not think that I saved you because your super charisma infected me." "Why is that? Is it because you pity me?" Li Haoran lowered his head and his voice was a little weak asked.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Wrong! I never need others to pity me, and I will not pity others. Because I always feel that pity others is disrespectful to others. The reason why I saved you is because of love. In other words, I don't want Li Li's love for you to be wasted like this."

"What? You..." Li Haoran looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment, never expecting that Li Xiaogang would save him because of this.Seeing Li Haoran's surprised look, Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "You don't have to be so surprised, Li Li is Li Yong's younger sister, and Li Yong is one of my best brothers, so Li Li can also be regarded as my younger sister Yes. Let Li Li be happy is what I should do. But then again, if I spare you, you have to treat Li Li wholeheartedly. If one day you dare to betray Li Li, you should know that by my means , can put you to death at any time!"

Li Haoran hurriedly said: "No! I love Li Li, and I will never hurt her again! It's just that after this time, I'm afraid that Li Li won't talk to me anymore..." Li Xiaogang glared at him and shouted: "Look how promising you are, you haven't tried it yet, how do you know the result? Besides, if you really love Li Li, you shouldn't give up easily!" Li Haoran nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice: "You say Yes, no matter how difficult it is, I will ask Li Li to forgive me!" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "This is still like a man's words. But, I rescued you, you don't want to make Li Li sad, There is another reason."

"What is it?" Li Haoran looked at Li Xiaogang and asked.Li Xiaogang said calmly: "In terms of management, you have very good abilities. I need to use your abilities to help me promote the 'Supreme Beauty' to the world." "With my abilities?" Li Haoran's expression froze. , Li Xiaogang continued: "That's right! As you know, the red wine market is relatively mature in Europe. I want to establish a branch in Europe to be responsible for the marketing of 'Supreme Beauty'. Long Ling'er will be in charge of Longquan Group, and Li Li The experience is a little lacking, only you are the most suitable.

"I have done so many bad things, can you still trust me?" Li Haoran asked quietly.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Why not? I said that people who know how to repent are not bad. You are not hopeless, and you deserve another chance. Besides, even if your nature does not change, I can control you!" Hehe..." Li Haoran raised his head to look at Li Xiaogang, and said in a word: "You are the most amazing person I have ever met. Since you gave me a chance to be reborn, I will definitely grasp it firmly. Thank you !" Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "You're welcome! You just need to help me successfully enter the European market with 'Supreme Confidante', that's enough.

(End of this chapter)

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