The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1146 Suffering!

Chapter 1146 Suffering!

Li Haoran said: "'Supreme Confidante' is delicious and mellow, and it is a well-deserved supreme king of red wine in the world. It will be a matter of time before it dominates the world's red wine market. It's just that Aios has already owned 'Supreme Confidante' before us. I'm afraid we... ..." Thinking that all of this was caused by himself, Li Haoran's face was full of guilt.

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "You don't have to worry about this at all, everything is under my control! The 'Supreme Confidante' is not so easy to be snatched away. Hehe..." Seeing Li Xiaogang's confident smile, Although Li Haoran didn't know what Li Xiaogang was thinking, his heart calmed down involuntarily.Youyou asked: "Long Ling'er told me that you were the one who defeated me back then, and I really want to know how you lured me into the circle back then.

Li Xiaogang said: "Li Haoran, remember one sentence, the way of heaven is clear, and retribution is reincarnated. People who are cheap have their own rewards. Today's Otama Group is the former Bawang Liquor Industry. You will soon understand. Alright, now we Get out of here!" "Can I leave now?" Li Haoran asked in surprise.Li Xiaogang asked with a chuckle: "Are you still planning to stay here for a few more days?" "No, no, no, not for a day!" After speaking, he hurriedly followed behind Li Xiaogang to the outside of the police station .Along the way, Li Xiaogang ostentatiously swaggered, but Li Haoran was worried, for fear of being stopped by someone and thrown back into prison.However, those busy policemen didn't seem to see the two of them, and let them walk out of the police station building.

Coming outside the building, Li Haoran took a long breath this time, completely relaxed his mind, and let out a long breath.Until the warm sunshine fell on his body, Li Haoran still couldn't react, he did not expect to regain his freedom miraculously.Looking at Li Xiaogang next to him in a blink of an eye, the man in his intuitive eyes seemed to have become extraordinarily tall, making people look up to him.

"Where are you going?" Li Xiaogang asked casually.Li Haoran couldn't wait to say: "Naturally, I will go to Li Li and ask for her forgiveness!" Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "If I were you, I wouldn't be transferred at this time. At this time, Li Li must still be angry , you are going now, I don’t know if you can get his forgiveness, but you are sure to get a few loud slaps!” “Then...then when will I go? "Li Haoran froze for a moment, then asked eagerly.

Li Xiaogang's face turned cold.He said sinisterly: "When the Otama Group has nowhere to go and surrenders obediently." Li Haoran's heart couldn't help being shocked by Li Xiaogang's words; he looked at Li Xiaogang blankly.I couldn't help but burst into a wry smile, remembering how high-spirited Aios was at the beginning, eager to bring the Longquan Group under the eagle's command, but it took only a few days for the Otama Group to evolve from a hunter to a prey.Is this impermanence?In other words, it is the fate of those who overestimate themselves and hit the stone with a pebble.

In the hotel suite where Aios stayed, the atmosphere was tense and suffocating.Aios sat on the sofa without saying a word, frowning tightly, surrounded by bodyguards who spoke coldly.As if on the eve of a storm, the darkness has shrouded everyone's heart.Just now the Otama Group of M country called, the first batch of 'Supreme Beauty' was officially released, and some of them were distributed to the first batch of distributors, and within three days they will enter the wine market all over the world.

Aios and the Otama Group also officially earned their first pot of gold from the 'Supreme Confidante'.But Aios's mood did not relax because of this.Because the 'Jin Menglan' stolen from Longquan Group has also been used up.

Aios spent a lot of money to send countless explorers to every corner of the world to search for Jin Menglan, but the results he got back always disappointed him again and again.I thought that those botanists might recognize 'Jin Menglan', but the result was that he was disappointed in the same way. 'Jin Menglan, like a heavy stone weighed heavily on his heart, making it difficult for him to even breathe.As the delivery deadline for the next batch of orders got closer, Aios's mood became worse and worse.If they can't deliver in full, the Otama Group will go bankrupt just as Long Linger said, just double the deposit, not to mention that it will seriously damage the golden reputation of the Otama Group.Aios seemed to have vaguely seen that the decades-old building of the Otama Group was crumbling and about to collapse, which made him very anxious and restless.

Time is always so ruthless, and will not slow down because of Aios' anxiety.In the blink of an eye, another three days passed. During these three days, Aios made several trips to Longquan Group almost every day, threatening, begging and even begging. Aios almost exhausted everything he could think of. The method is to make Long Ling'er cooperate with him to help the Otama Group tide over the difficulties.However, Long Ling'er was determined after eating the scales. At the beginning, she would listen to him nagging for a while, but in the end, she almost didn't even give Aios the chance to meet.This made Aios's teeth itch with anger, but there was nothing he could do.Relying on the rich and powerful Otama Group, he has a great reputation in the world's financial circles, and is highly respected wherever he goes. When has he ever been so aggrieved.But all of this is his own crime, no wonder others.

After three days of being in a daze, Aios couldn't eat anything but drink every day, and didn't want to do anything except lose his temper. M country headquarters, urging him to send 'Jin Menglan' back to M country for production became more and more frequent.In the beginning, it was one a day, but on the third day, there would be phone calls almost every hour, which made Aios feel devastated and wanted to die.

Aios just finished drinking a bottle of wine when the phone rang again, and Aios frowned tightly.There was a glint of fierceness in his eyes, he grabbed the phone and roared angrily: "Ximen, do you have to drive me crazy to be willing? I don't have Jin Menglan now, what can I give you? You ask those dealers to wait for me." "Supreme Confidante" is not only attractive to us, but also to them. They will not give up their qualifications as distributors easily!"

Simon said bitterly: "Aios, we are in big trouble. The 'Supreme Beauty' we brewed three days ago turned into vinegar overnight! Now those dealers are queuing up at our company I asked for a refund before!" "You...what did you say!? How could this happen!?" Aios asked blankly as if he had been hit in the head.Ximen said bitterly: "How would I know? I opened all the 'Supreme Beauty' in our inventory, and the result was the same. It was so sour that I couldn't enter it at all!"

"Did I make a mistake in any step of the production process?" Aios held the sofa with his hands so as not to let his body fall down, forced himself to calm down, and asked in a deep voice.Ximen said: "Impossible! The whole production process is monitored by me. Every step is done strictly according to the requirements of the recipe, and I dare not be careless at all. When it was brewed, I personally tasted it, and the taste is mellow. Extreme." 'Then why did it suddenly turn into vinegar after three days?Did you see a ghost? "

Aios was impatient, and roared angrily, Simon said: "I also feel strange. As soon as the incident happened, I called the most authoritative experts to conduct a detailed analysis of the sample of 'Supreme Confidante'. They can't explain it either, only that there was a wonderful chemical reaction in it, and they don't know how it reacted. Aios, I suspect that this is a trap from beginning to end, we were deceived by others! "

"What!? Been cheated?" Aios couldn't help but shuddered, his heart seemed to be frozen, extremely cold.Aios's brain went blank, and suddenly there was a loud noise as if his head had exploded. The words Long Ling'er said to him at the beginning once again occupied his entire mind.Aios's body softened, and he sat down heavily on the sofa, and murmured: "No wonder Long Ling'er doesn't care at all, so she already knew that what I got was not the real 'Supreme Confidante'. Damn it ! Why am I so stupid? Why didn't I think of it earlier!" Aios was furious, hitting the sofa with his fist, venting his annoyance.

Ximen asked eagerly: "Aios, think of a way, what should we do? Now we have to compensate not only the double deposit, but also the losses of those dealers. We are in big trouble!" Aios Helplessness was written on his face, and he said weakly: "Ximen, it's over, everything is over! We thought we were hunters, but we didn't know that we were the prey under the guns of others. Longquan Group, we are completely planted by others ..." Ximen said bitterly: "Aios, what's the use of saying this now? The most urgent thing is to stabilize the situation first, otherwise the century-old Otama Group will have to go bankrupt."

Aios frowned and said: "Bankruptcy? No! I can't let the Otama Group go bankrupt. In that case, wouldn't I be a sinner through the ages? There is only one way now, to get the 'Supreme Beauty' from Long Linger The real recipe!" Ximen asked in a condensed voice: "Are you sure?" Aios gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "Anyway, it's a death, so it's better to fight with your back and fight to the death! Simon, help me stabilize the formula!" I need time to live with those dealers!" Ximen sighed and said, "Okay! Aios, whether the Otama Group will go bankrupt or not depends entirely on you!"

After talking on the phone with Ximen, before Aios woke up from the sudden bad news, Devinke's phone came after him. As soon as the call was connected, Devinke's machine-gun words came over: "Aios Oss, what the hell are you doing? Did you send someone to bring me vinegar?" Aios wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said calmly, "Mr. Speaker, there is a little misunderstanding in this. , it was my people who made a mistake, and I would like to apologize to you first. I will send someone to deliver the mellow 'Supreme Confidante' to your home soon. Hehe, please forgive me, it's all because my subordinates are too sloppy , I will definitely fire all the bodyguards."

(End of this chapter)

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