The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1151 Uncover the Mystery

Chapter 1151 Uncover the Mystery
"What? Longquan Group is going to set up a European branch?" Long Ling'er asked in surprise.Li Xiaogang said angrily: "Nonsense! If you don't set up a branch, what kind of CEO will Li Haoran be?"

Long Ling'er coughed, and said: "I'm just a little surprised, why are you so imprisoned?" As he spoke, he looked at Li Xiaogang pitifully, with a look of being wronged.Li Xiaogang subconsciously stroked the place where Long Ling'er pinched the pain just now, and said in his heart: "This woman is really good at disguising. If it weren't for someone who has personally experienced her 'tricky hands and tricks,' seeing her expression at this time, You must be deceived by her."

Li Xiaogang didn't bother to talk to her, just snorted, and continued slowly: "Europe has an extremely strong red wine culture, and it is the core of the world's red wine industry. If 'Supreme Confidante' can't occupy a place in Europe, no matter how great its achievements are." , and will not be recognized by others. Therefore, the development of 'Supreme Confidante' in Europe is a must. Long Ling'er, I know that Qingquan Liquor has a lot of influence in Europe, and it will inevitably be used at that time. You are responsible It’s okay to communicate with dad, right?” Long Ling’er rolled his eyes at him, and murmured, “What’s the problem? My dad not only gave me to you, but also Qingquan Liquor to you, of course not There is a problem!"

Seeing that Long Linger seemed to be in a little mood, Li Xiaogang gave a wry smile, and murmured: "Dad, how is he?" Long Linger snorted, and said, "You finally remembered my father? I thought You have forgotten him a long time ago!" Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "Look at what you said, how could it be! I'm too busy to leave now, after I've been busy for a while, I You must go to his old man and have a good drink!" Long Ling'er's face softened after hearing this, and said quietly: "It's not too bad! However, you haven't gone back to your parents' place for a long time and took some time to see it. Let's go!" Don't look at Long Ling'er who sometimes seems quite delicate, in fact she is a reasonable girl in her bones, but she was spoiled too much when she was a child, so she has a little bit of childishness.

Li Xiaogang smiled, and said in a deep voice: "With the help of Longquan fine wine, our Longquan Group has achieved a great reputation in the international wine industry, but unfortunately, this is only in the field of grain wine, and red wine is important to our Longquan Group. It is a new field that has never been involved. So I don’t think those red wine dealers will give us this face because of our achievements in grain wine. But fortunately, Aios and his The Tamar Group has done a good job of paving the way for us and the Xuanqin Supervisor, and now the brand of 'Supreme Confidante' is known to everyone, everyone knows it! Hehe..."

Long Ling'er raised her crescent eyebrows lightly, and said slowly: "I'm afraid I'm not as optimistic as you imagined. 'Supreme Confidante' is indeed famous all over the world, but it's a pity that this 'name' is infamy, notoriety! We are in M ​​country. Employees sent back news that countless red wine dealers from all over the world gathered in Otama Group every day, asking for returns and unsubscribes. Judging their emotions, they were all harmed by the "Supreme Confidante" produced by Otama Group It's not light, there may be much hatred in it, I'm afraid I'll have to detour when I see 'Supreme Confidante' in the future, and it may not be easy to win their trust again!"

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "I'm not worried about this! Good wine is good wine, and one day it will be recognized by everyone. It's just a matter of time." At this time, Li Haoran couldn't help asking with full of doubts: "There is one thing I can't figure out all the time. I want to endure it, but I just can't help it, so I have to ask cheekily..." Li Xiaogang turned his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "You want to ask why the Otama Group The produced 'Supreme Confidante' has just been brewed and is fragrant, but within three days it becomes unpalatable, isn't it?"

Li Haoran nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, yes, that's the problem! When our workers were brewing 'Supreme Beauty', I watched every step carefully. I can be sure, I will hand it over to Ota The brewing method of the Ma Group is not the same as that of our Longquan Group. But why, the same method produces different wines, which is really strange!" "I also feel strange, Linger, Brother Gang, this Why exactly?" Li Li also asked puzzled.Li Xiaogang and Long Ling'er looked at each other, and Li Xiaogang said: "Ling'er, I'll let you solve the mystery of what I saw."

Long Ling'er laughed a few times, looked at Li Haoran and asked, "Are you sure you saw every step of brewing 'Supreme Beauty' and didn't miss anything?" Li Haoran pondered again carefully, and then his face suddenly changed, He murmured, "Could it be that Jin Menglan is the problem?" Long Ling'er giggled and said, "No wonder you have done so many things to the Longquan Group, but Li Xiaogang finally forgave you and committed As expected, you are very smart. Yes, the key to the 'Supreme Beauty' is Jin Menglan."

Li Haoran murmured: "But this is not right. From the very beginning, I knew that if I want to brew a real 'Supreme Confidante', I must have Jin Menglan. So I paid special attention from the beginning, although every time Jin Menglan You brought it yourself, and then added it to the raw materials, but I have been watching from the sidelines, and you have not deliberately avoided me. I have seen so many times, when to add Jinmenglan to the wine, and how much to add , I am very clear about it. What's more, according to the method I saw, the Otama Group also brewed red wine with the same taste as the 'Supreme Confidante', but it was extremely unstable, and it completely changed after only three days. What's the reason for this?"

Long Ling'er chuckled a few times, and said faintly: "Do you really trust your own eyes so much? Are you sure what you see is real? If so, then you are very wrong." Long Ling'er took out a blood like orchid from his pocket, handed it to Li Haoran and asked, "What is this?" Li Haoran replied without thinking, "Of course it is Jin Menglan!" Long Ling'er smiled slightly, With a slight flick of her wrist, a magnificent golden flower slipped silently from her sleeve into her palm.This small action made Li Haoran feel as if he had been electrocuted, his complexion suddenly changed, his body trembled unconsciously, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he asked in a trembling voice: " this... ?”

Long Ling'er raised her eyebrows, and said in a crisp voice: "This is the real Jin Menglan. I'm afraid this is the first time you've seen it?" Let alone Li Haoran, even Li Li saw the real Jin Menglan for the first time , a pair of coquettish eyes widened, full of shock.Li Haoran fixed his gaze on Jin Menglan tightly, and asked in a low tone: "This is the real Jin Menglan? Then what was that just now?"

Long Ling'er picked up the blood-like orchid and said slowly: "This is called blood-like orchid, and it is another kind of plant that is as magical as Jinmenglan. Actually, every time you see me take out a blood-like orchid, in fact It was Jin Menglan who I joined in the dark, you just need to move your hands a little faster, it is not difficult to deceive your eyes."

Up to now, Li Haoran finally understood completely, and said in a nasty voice: "It turns out that from the very beginning, you have been suspicious of me and guarded against me. Unfortunately, I naively thought that I had completely gained your trust..." Long Ling Er giggled and said: "You don't have to feel depressed about this. In fact, if Li Xiaogang didn't recognize you in time, and guessed that you had something to do, and reminded me, I would really believe you. It's a pity, God will eventually It's upright, the evil can't outshine the good, and it's not bad at all!"

Although Li Haoran had already won everyone's forgiveness, he was still ashamed, his face was full of embarrassment, and he couldn't even lift his head.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, and said quietly: "Li Haoran, didn't you just say that, let him pass the past, you don't need to carry this heavy burden. The most important thing in life is to focus on the future!" Li Haoran was full He glanced at Li Xiaogang gratefully, nodded heavily, and said, "I see, thank you!"

Li Xiaogang accepted this thank you calmly. Sometimes, accepting other people's thanks without pretentiousness is also a good thing for others. "So, what I stole to Aios is actually not Jin Menglan, but Blood Rulan?" Li Haoran reacted and asked in a murmur.Long Ling'er smiled and said: "Exactly!" "But, why can you brew red wine with the same taste as Jin Menglan when you add blood like blue? I still don't understand!"

Li Haoran thought of another question and couldn't help asking.Long Ling'er said: "That's why I call Xuerulan the same magical flower as Jinmenglan. After adding Xueruzhu Shao, it is indeed possible to brew red wine with the same taste as 'Supreme Beauty', but it's a pity , but this taste can only last for three days. After three days, it will become extremely unpalatable."

"It turns out that such a miraculous thing, I really don't know where you found it." Li Haoran murmured with emotion.Long Ling'er pointed at Li Xiaogang, giggled and said, "You have to ask him." Li Xiao didn't tell Li Haoran his secret just now, but just laughed it off, and changed the subject: "Li Haoran, do you still remember the time when the Overlord Wine How did Xiang fall?" Li Haoran frowned, and said in a deep voice: "This is a big scar on my heart, how can I forget it? However, I can't always figure out the reason, so until now Still confused…”

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "The reason why you are confused is because you don't understand why Longquan wine can be brewed at the beginning, but after you spent almost all the working capital of the company to buy malt at a high price, you couldn't produce it. Right?" Li Haoran nodded, and said: "This is indeed a big doubt that once puzzled me." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "I used to puzzle you, so now you understand?" Li Haoran said with a wry smile: "When the wine heart grass was exposed, I already understood that the malt malt is not the key to Longquan fine wine at all, but the wine heart grass is! It is impossible for me to brew Longquan fine wine without wine heart grass, etc. After I came to work in Longquan Group, I understood it better. What really puzzled me was that in the first few days, I also had no wine heart grass, so why did I miraculously produce Longquan fine wine?"

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said meaningfully: "Who said you didn't have wine heart grass at that time?" In the past few days, I would quietly add wine heart grass to your raw materials every day, so that after you have brewed Longquan fine wine, you can firmly believe that malt barley is the key to Longquan fine wine, and spare no expense I spent a lot of money to buy all the malts in the hands of the farmers. After I achieve this goal, I will no longer add wine heart grass to your raw materials. That's why you never brewed a bottle of Longquan fine wine again, but Still can't find the reason."

(End of this chapter)

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