The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1152 Acquisition of Otama

Chapter 1152 Acquisition of Otama

"It turned out to be like this!" Li Haoran's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and the corner of his mouth was filled with a bitter smile, and he said slowly: "No wonder Long Ling'er told me that I didn't lose to Longquan Distillery, but I lost to you, and now I finally understand. If I had known that my opponent was actually you, I would not have done this if I was killed.” Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said slowly: “Fate is unpredictable. Just imagine, if you hadn't done this at the beginning, Bawang Liquor might not have closed down now, but it must have been suppressed by Longquan Group and couldn't hold its head up, and it was difficult to survive.

And you will not have the opportunity to come to Longquan Group and create a more brilliant career.So sometimes, people can recall the past from time to time, and re-experience the ups and downs of the time, but they can't immerse themselves in it, otherwise they will miss the supposedly beautiful future while being immersed in the past! "

Li Haoran looked taught, nodded solemnly, and said quietly: "Yes, it's a blessing in disguise. How can I know it's not a blessing. Thinking about what I did in the past, I often break out in cold sweat, as if It’s like turning around in a ghost gate. I think this is enough to alert me to my future behavior.” Li Xiaogang smiled and said: “That’s the best! Taking history as a mirror, this is the performance of a wise man. It seems that I really want to congratulate you on your rebirth It's gone!" Li Xiaogang looked at A Li again, and said, "A Li, the prodigal son will not change his money when he returns. Since Hao Ran has escaped from the past, you should also learn to forget it and start over!"

Li Li glanced at Li Haoran, and said crisply: "Of course! If he can really reform himself, I am willing to give him a chance! I just hope that he will not let me down again in the future!" "No!Ali, believe me, it won't! Li Haoran replied hurriedly as if swearing.

Li Li glanced at Li Haoran, and said crisply: "Of course! If he can really reform himself, I am willing to give him a chance! I just hope that he will not let me down again in the future!" "No! A Li, believe me, I won't!" Li Haoran replied hastily as if swearing. .Seeing Li Haoran's nervous look, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but chuckled a few times, and said: "Okay, okay! I'll leave it to you two to forgive the other after you go back and close the door yourself. Now we are in It's a meeting, please be serious!"

Long Ling'er, Li Li, and Li Haoran hurriedly put on a serious look after hearing this, and looked at Li Xiaogang at the same time.Li Xiaogang coughed, shook his head helplessly, and said, "I am going to adopt a different policy from 'Longquan Fine Wine' for 'Supreme Confidante'.

We have been limiting the output of Longquan fine wine, so that the supply of Longquan fine wine has been in short supply in the market, in order to leave a way for our domestic grain and wine industry to survive and protect the national industry.But there is absolutely no need for 'Supreme Confidante'.Now the international wine market is dominated by foreign groups. They formulate and modify rules at will, making our domestic wine production unable to scale and develop.If I don't avenge this revenge, I won't be able to get out the bad breath in my heart. This time I want to let them know what self-inflicted crimes are, and they can't live! "

"Ha! If my father heard what you said, maybe he would jump up for joy." Long Ling'er couldn't hide the excitement in her heart, and called Lin up excitedly.Regarding this point, Li Xiaogang has no doubts.Qingquan Liquor Industry is the leader in China's red wine industry. Over the years, it has been run by those red wine tycoons in Europe.It can be said that he was seeking perfection in the cracks and swallowing his anger.Now that he finally has a chance to stand up, it's no wonder that Long Sihai is not excited.

"However, if we want to reshuffle the cards in the European red wine market and dominate the red wine market, we have high requirements for the output of 'Supreme Beauty'. And the raw material of 'Supreme Beauty', Jinmenglan, must be extremely scarce. I'm afraid it won't be that easy?" Long Ling My son reminded Li Xiaogang worriedly.Li Xiaogang laughed loudly, and said quietly: "As for this, Linger, you don't have to worry. I have already made full preparations. The source of Jinmenglan is not a problem." There are some doubts in my heart.

A plant with perfect genes like Jinmenglan is absolutely impossible to be naturally conceived between heaven and earth, and there must be other magical powers involved.At the beginning, Li Xiaogang thought that the divine power came from the fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen, that is, the piece that was enshrined in the ancestral temple by the Aleuma tribe as a holy stone.Li Xiaogang originally thought that there would be no Jin Menglan after he fused the fragment of Yuanshen, but the last trip to Shennongjia surprised him. And withering, it is still growing as before, and it seems that it has not been affected in the slightest.

Li Xiaogang once speculated that Jin Menglan, catalyzed by the divine power of Nuwa Yuanshen fragments, possessed perfect genes, and might be able to survive and reproduce without the divine power of Yuanshen fragments, so he tried to transplant a Jinmenglan plant to other plants. place, but in less than a day, the Jinmenglan plant quickly lost its vitality and could no longer continue to grow.Just like a flower plucked from a branch and placed in a vase, although it is still beautiful, it has lost its vitality.

This made Li Xiaogang have to suspect that under the piece of land where Jin Menglan multiplied and bred, there might be other fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen buried. , but did not feel the slightest breath of Nuwa Yuanshen.However, he noticed another kind of power, which was not inferior to that of Nuwa Yuanshen.This energy is tightly hugged into a ball, and whenever his consciousness touches it, it will be bounced away violently.

In Li Xiaogang's vast memory inherited from Nuwa, there is no trace of this powerful power.Li Xiaogang didn't know whether the memory of this power remained in the fragments of other souls that he hadn't yet fused, or whether Nuwa herself didn't know that such power still existed in this world.Li Xiaogang buried the matter in his heart after several rounds of investigations but no results.He originally wanted to open the earth, release that power, and see what happened, but he was worried that Jin Menglan relied on its power to survive. If he destroyed this energy, it would be equivalent to destroying Jin Menglan's "Supreme Beauty" I'm afraid it's going to be a real disaster.Moreover, Li Xiaogang is not sure whether he can subdue this power, which makes him dare not act rashly.Just wait until the seven Yuanshen fragments are collected, and then find out.

Now that there is no problem with the supply of Jin Menglan, Long Ling'er's worries were swept away.He smiled and said: "Now we can finally do a good job, let those foreigners know that we Chinese people are not easy to mess with!" Possibly, but now there is a very important question, have you thought about it?" Li Haoran frowned and asked slowly. "What's the problem?" Long Ling'er asked subconsciously.Li Haoran said: "Don't forget that although Aios can't produce the real 'Supreme Beauty', he has the trademark of 'Supreme Beauty' first. Unless we change the name, he will definitely sue us for infringement. Then demand a huge amount of compensation from us to resolve the current crisis of the Otama Group!"

"What Li Haoran said is really a big problem! Damn it, he just stole our products. He really didn't even change his name. This is clearly trying to anger us!" Long Ling'er gritted her teeth bitterly. "Then let's change the name, what's so embarrassing?" Li Li said disapprovingly.Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said slowly: "No! The name 'Supreme Beauty' was decided by all of us together, and only this name can perfectly explain the quality of 'Supreme Beauty'. Although I am not a clean freak people, but it is best to be as good as possible!"

"But the problem is that the copyright of this name no longer belongs to us. Unless Aios is willing to sell this name to us. But he will definitely open his mouth. Do you want to cheap this bastard for nothing?" Li Li said. "It's all my fault! A single thought caused so much trouble to the group, I really deserve to die!" Li Haoran said, pulling his hair full of annoyance.Li Xiaogang clicked his tongue and said: "Hao Ran, didn't I tell you, let him pass the past, don't miss the beautiful today because of the self-blame for the past!"

Li Haoran let out a long sigh, and lowered his head in silence.If you want to get past the dark past, you can't do it with a few words from others, and it will ultimately depend on time. "Now that we have forced the Otama Group to the brink of bankruptcy, Aios must hate us for taking the shares. I'm afraid that we will buy at a high price, and he may not be willing to sell it! I'm afraid this matter of Xiaogang is really a problem. ,” Long Linger said with a sad face.

Li Xiaogang smiled lightly and said: "What's the problem? If we can't buy the 'Supreme Beauty', we will buy the Otama Group! As long as we buy the Otama Group, the 'Supreme Beauty' still belongs to us?" "What!? You want to buy Otama Group?" Li Xiaogang's words made Long Ling'er shout out in surprise, his eyes were full of disbelief.Li Xiaogang smiled coldly, and said lightly: "Why, can't the Otama Group buy it?" Long Ling'er smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Gang, the Otama Group is the world's top-ranked super consortium, with a market value Hundreds of billions of dollars..."

Before Long Ling'er finished speaking, Li Xiaogang interrupted her with a smile, and said quietly: "So what, isn't it amazing? Isn't Longquan Group also a large group with a market value of over [-] billion U.S. dollars? And Long Xi, Longmu, Longteng, which group is smaller than it? Huh, in the eyes of others, the Otama Group is an aircraft carrier, but in the eyes of me, Li Xiaogang, it is at most a destroyer, and it is still the kind of Baikong, a destroyer that is about to sink." After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, Long Linger, Li Li and Li Haoran's surprise gradually calmed down, the reason is very simple, what Li Xiaogang said is absolutely correct.Although the Otama Group is not small, it is really nothing compared to Li Xiaogang's financial resources.What's more, the current Otama Group is on the verge of bankruptcy, and it doesn't seem very difficult to acquire it.

(End of this chapter)

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