The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1156 A tease of fate!

Chapter 1156 A tease of fate!
"Miss Long, what are you laughing at!?" In the eyes of others, Long Ling'er is a beautiful girl who can make any man's heart beat, but at this moment, in the eyes of Aios, Long Ling'er brought him What came was only shocking again and again.Aios desperately wanted to understand Long Ling'er, but every time his results disappointed him.He felt more and more that Long Ling'er was really an elusive and terrifying woman, and he didn't like the feeling of dealing with Long Ling'er at all.

Long Ling'er stopped laughing, and said faintly: "The reason why I laugh is because Mr. Aios, you probably misunderstood my meaning. I don't want you to hurt my boyfriend, not because I want to protect my boyfriend, It's because I'm afraid that my boyfriend can't control himself, hurt you in turn, and cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"You!..." Aios found himself about to be driven mad by Long Ling'er.Gritting her teeth, she said: "Miss Long, are you kidding me? It seems that if you don't give me some color, you won't know how serious I am now!" After speaking, he waved his hand and shouted: "Do it!"

As soon as Aios's words fell, several foreigner bodyguards were unambiguous, and at the same time threw their fists at Li Xiaogang. A strange smile appeared on Li Xiaogang's face, but he didn't know what to do.Before the foreigners could react, they bumped their fists together, screamed in pain, and squatted on the ground holding their fists.Seeing that the beaten Li Xiaogang was unscathed, but the beating bodyguard was in extreme pain, Aios's eyes almost popped out in surprise, and his face was a little dull.Long Ling'er giggled and said: "You see, I said that the person who will be hurt will be your bodyguard, but you just don't believe it."

Aios frowned, and turned to look at the eight Baopiao standing aside. The eight of them set off at the same time and came to Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang sneered for a while, shook his fist, and said lazily: "It's been a long time since I moved my hands and feet. Seeing that you all have thick waists and round arms, you should be quite resistant to beating! Hehe..." "Ah!" In the roar, a big fist bumped towards Li Xiaogang's cheek with a whirring wind.

Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, saw the opponent's approach, flicked the middle finger of his right hand, and landed on the fist accurately.

There was a sudden scream that didn't sound like a human voice, and then the foreigner staggered back out with his fists in his arms and howling.Li Xiaogang's bullet seems to be an understatement, but the power contained in it is not something that ordinary bodyguards can resist. I am afraid that the bodyguard's fist is probably useless under Li Xiaogang's bullet.

It's not that Li Xiaogang is cruel, it's that they deserve it.If these bodyguards were simply protecting Aios's personal safety, Li Xiaogang might show some kindness to them.But these people kidnapped and blackmailed with Aios, regardless of right and wrong, they were obviously money-minded young people, since this is the case, why should Li Xiaogang be polite to them?Li Xiaogang flicked back the opponent, and the other seven bodyguards immediately surrounded him and rushed towards Li Xiaogang.It can be seen that these seven people's moves are neat, they are not procrastinating at all, and they cooperate with each other with a certain degree of advancement and retreat. They should be veterans who have experienced many battles and have abundant fighting experience.But no matter how old the other party is, they are just ordinary people after all. Compared with Li Xiaogang, it is like a cloud and mud. Seeing the seven people attacking, Li Xiaogang yawned, his body was like a willow in the wind, swaying without wind, uncertain in the seven people In the gap between the attacks, all the fists and feet of the seven people were dodged.

The first move failed, and although the seven bodyguards were surprised, they did not lose their balance, and the second move followed.This time Li Xiaogang no longer blindly dodged. When the seven people attacked close to him, Li Xiaogang's body suddenly spun, and a strong whirlwind rose from the ground. Before the seven people could react, they were thrown off balance by the whirlwind. , swept into the air.Then Li Xiaogang's figure moved like lightning, and a pair of fists transformed into countless fist shadows. Before Aios could see what was going on, these seven people had already received dozens of punches from Li Xiaogang, humming repeatedly. Without a chance to make a sound, he lost consciousness and fell to the ground.It was even worse than the bodyguard whose fist was crippled by Li Xiaogang just now.

Li Xiaogang's unpredictable method directly stunned Aios, as if he had seen a ghost, he stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, and came back to his senses for a long time.Li Xiaogang sneered, and walked in front of Aios step by step. A huge fear rose in Aios's heart, and he subconsciously took a step back, keeping a little distance from Li Xiaogang and asked: "You... Who are you?"

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said faintly: "Why, are you scared?" Aios is also a person who has seen the world and experienced wind and rain. ending.Aios tried hard to mobilize his momentum, suppress Li Xiaogang, and regain his initiative.It's a pity that he really overestimated himself. Facing Li Xiaogang, he was like an ant. Facing a lion, trying to overwhelm Li Xiaogang in terms of momentum was simply a dream.Tried hard several times, but always ended in failure, Aios finally realized that all this was futile, lowered his head, and said with a gray face: "Okay, this time it's me...failed again." Already!"

In his life, Aios seldom admit defeat, but in the short few days in China, he has been defeated again and again. At this moment, even the last trace of fighting spirit in his heart has been wiped out.Aios had a deep fear of Huaxia and the Chinese people in his heart, which made him change his face when he mentioned China for a long time in the future, and he never came to Huaxia to see it until he died.

Li Xiaogang's eyes sharpened, and he said coldly: "Aios, last time you lost, it was the Otama Group, but this time you lost, but it was your life!" "Ah!?" Li Xiaogang said murderously. The words made Aios's heart jump, and he looked at Li Xiaogang full of horror, and murmured: " want to kill me!?" Li Xiaogang said with a sneer, "What do you think? You want to dominate' Supreme Confidante first, and now she has kidnapped me and Linger, and even wants your bodyguard to kill me. You have done so many things that are sorry to me, shouldn't I take revenge on you?"

"I...I am Aios, the CEO of Otama Group, your distinguished guest of China! If you kill me, your country and mine will not let you go! , Aio Si's pupils were made the biggest because of the great fear, and he roared anxiously. Li Xiaogang sneered a few times, and said lightly: "You are a businessman, and you should have a deeper understanding of the world than I do.You are a successful businessman, so you will be respected by the Quartet.But now, you have made the Otama Group full of crises, the building will collapse, and your wealth will soon be wiped out.You are about to become a person with nothing, and you still want to be respected by others?Heh heh haha... It is no exaggeration to say that killing you now is as easy as killing a dog.In less than three days, you will be completely forgotten by people, as if you never came to this world at all.Do you believe me when I say that? "

Aios wanted to say that he didn't believe it, but he knew better than anyone else that this was the truth.Although this fact chilled Aios and made him want to cry, the facts are the facts and cannot be changed.Seeing Aios's face gradually sinking into despair, Li Xiaogang changed his subject and said with a chuckle: "However, although you did it out of malice, your actions have brought trouble to our Longquan Group." At the same time, it has also brought us great help. After all, it is because of you that 'Supreme Confidante' became known to the whole world so quickly. Based on this, I will not kill you!"

Hearing that he could still live, Aios seemed a little excited. After all, he was alive and well, who would want to die?Seeing the eagerness in Aios' eyes, Li Xiaogang said coldly: "Don't get excited, I still have one condition." "What is the condition?" Ma Aios frowned and asked Li Xiaogang raised his eyes and stared into his eyes, and said word by word: "I want the 30.00% shares of the Otama Group in your hands! ""ah! ?You... what do you want to do? Aios looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment. Li Xiaogang's eyes sparkled, and he said in a deep voice, "I want to buy Otama Group!" "

After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, Aios felt as if he had been slapped severely by someone, and almost cried bitterly on the spot.For so long, he has been thinking about how to acquire the Longquan Group, but he never expected that in the end, not only did he not get the Longquan Group, but he would lose the Otama Group.

Sometimes people have to sigh, this fate is really an unpredictable thing, and it will play a huge joke with you from time to time.Let your life always be full of excitement, but sometimes it will cruelly play with you to nothing.

"Otama Group is my life's painstaking effort! Just like Miss Long refused to sell Longquan Group, I will not give up Otama Group!" Aios's tone was very firm at this time.Li Xiaogang seemed to have expected that he would say this a long time ago, sneered, and said quietly: "You have no other choice now, either sell the shares to me, or just watch the Otama Group disappear! There are two roads, you choose one!" Aios's heart was extremely complicated, and he didn't know how to choose.There is no doubt that he does not want to choose either of these two paths.

Aios said bitterly: "Can't we cooperate? If you can help me through this crisis, then Otama Group is the most reliable partner of Longquan Group, and we will have more opportunities to make a fortune in the future!" Li Xiaogang sneered, and said faintly: "The Otama Group has no money and no technology, so why cooperate with us!? If it were you, you would use the money you can make by yourself to make money with us for no reason. A person who once wanted to deal with you? Aios, you M country people always think that you are smarter than others, but in the end you always do stupid things that are self-important and shoot yourself in the foot!"

Li Xiaogang's words were like pouring a basin of cold water on Aios, and he struggled to say: "I don't have nothing, at least the brand 'Supreme Confidante' is still in my hands. Unless you change the name, otherwise You can only cooperate with me!" Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said slowly: "You are too naive. After the Otama Group goes bankrupt, everything in Otama will be forcibly auctioned by the court to pay off debts Because of your relationship, 'Supreme Confidante' is in a mess now. I'm afraid it's worthless, and I might buy it back with only a few dollars. You want to cooperate with our Longquan Group with such a stupid head, Make a comeback, you really know how to daydream!"

Li Xiaogang's words were merciless, every word pierced into Aios's heart like a knife, forcing him into a dead corner, and he no longer had the strength to fight back. "Is there really no room for negotiation?" Aios' complexion was gloomy, full of frustration. Today's series of blows were too heavy for him.But self-inflicted, can't live, all this is his own fault, so who is to blame?
"No!" Li Xiaogang didn't leave him with the slightest hope, and uttered two words lightly, breaking all the illusions in his heart.Aios pulled his head, bit his lips tightly and said, "How much money are you going to pay for the shares in my hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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