The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1157 Chang Xuefei Headed to the South Pole!

Chapter 1157 Chang Xuefei Headed to the South Pole!
After hearing this, Li Xiaogang and Long Ling'er couldn't help but smile at each other...

Seeing Aios listlessly leading his subordinates away, Long Linger trembled with a smile, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Xiao Gang, why are you so lucky every time? Good things always come to you automatically. I really envy the dead!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing when he heard it, he thought it would take a lot of trouble to acquire the Otama Group, but he didn't expect that the most difficult bone would be gnawed away by them. An unreal feeling of happiness coming too suddenly.

"Ling'er, Aios surrendered first, and other acquisitions should be much simpler. After arriving in country M, we must acquire all the shares in our hands. When we own [-]% of the Otama Group, we will officially transfer from M China's stock market is delisted. 'Supreme Confidante' belongs to our Longquan Group and our Huaxia people, I don't want foreigners to follow us to take advantage of it!" Long Ling'er nodded, and said softly: "Don't worry about this, I understand !"

Getting into the car, Long Ling'er sat in the driver's seat, gave Li Xiaogang a weird look, and said to Li Xiaogang in a soft tone, like a big pervert molesting a woman from a good family: "Little girl, where are you going? You go!"

Li Xiaogang felt a chill in his heart. Knowing that Long Linger was teasing him for not being able to drive, he laughed a few times and said, "I'll see you off!" The car slowly wrapped up.Then Long Ling'er was horrified to find that the car seemed to have escaped the gravity of the earth and was slowly floating into the air.

Just when Long Linger was astonished by this scene, Li Xiaogang smirked again, looked at Long Linger and said, "Little girl, fasten your seat belt, let's go!" Wrapped in a cloud of colorful light, the car slid through the void like a UFO, and disappeared into the distance at an astonishing speed.Long Ling'er only felt dizzy white lights flickering in front of her eyes, and then her whole body seemed to be sitting in a fast-moving elevator, her stomach was violently rolling like a sea surface blown by a strong wind.

Just when Long Ling'er was about to be unbearable, the white light in front of her eyes began to slow down and fade, and the surrounding scenery began to slowly emerge, only to hear Li Xiaogang say "here!" Long Ling'er's eyes completely returned to normal Unable to tell where it was, Long Ling'er opened the car door abruptly, jumped out, and then vomited loudly beside the car, judging by the posture, it seemed that he would not spit out the food he ate three days ago , she will not stop.Li Xiaogang stood aside, watching quietly, but the feeling in his heart was super good, as if he was a happy heart in the legend, straightforward to the extreme.

After vomiting for a long time, Long Ling'er finally calmed down. It was as if she had made love all night. Long Ling'er vomited so much that she didn't even have the strength to stand up straight. She leaned her body tightly against the car, with a pair of The resentful and annoyed gaze fixed on Li Xiaogang, wishing he could blow his head off with his gaze.Li Xiaogang coughed, and said with a smile: "How about it, is it fun to ride in my car?"

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Long Ling'er's stomach immediately twitched again, retched a few times, and roared full of cautious anger: "Bastard! If you dare to play with me like this in the future, I will fight you!" Already!" Li Xiaogang laughed wildly a few times, then his expression became serious, and he said: "Okay, I promise you! But you have to promise me too, and you are not allowed to laugh at me for not being able to drive anymore."

"Deal!" Long Ling'er agreed without even thinking about it. Such a terrifying feeling, once in a lifetime is already too many.The novel is organized and published in. .Li Xiaogang smiled triumphantly, grabbed Long Linger's wrist, and passed a trace of Nuwa's divine power, Long Linger's discomfort disappeared immediately, and his whole body was filled with boundless comfort, as if he had slept soundly for a while. Feeling like just waking up, full of energy.Long Ling'er gave Li Xiaogang a look of "you have good eyesight", looked around, and found that they had already arrived home, and sighed inwardly, "Li Xiaogang is not a human being!" ' After that, he rang the doorbell.

The door was quickly opened, and they were greeted by two extremely pretty, angelic faces.Although Li Xiaogang has watched it many times, he never gets bored. "You are back! Come in quickly, we are preparing a big meal!" Gao Yuanyuan smiled coquettishly, and together with Chang Xuefei, they pulled Li Xiaogang and Long Ling'er into the room one by one.On the dining table, as Gao Yuanyuan said, it was full of exquisite and attractive food. Hu Rong was arranging the dishes. When she saw Li Xiaogang, she immediately cast a gentle wink at her.

"So rich! Is someone going to have a birthday today?", Li Xiaogang looked at Gao Yuanyuan suspiciously and asked. Gao Yuanyuan curled her lips in dissatisfaction and said, "We have been with you for so long, and you don't even know our birthday, It's too much! "Li Xiaogang scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "Gao Yuanyuan, you should know me, I don't care about birthdays or anything like that.hehe……"

Seeing Li Xiaogang's stupid look, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but recall the scene when she and Li Xiaogang were in college.She once spent a lot of effort trying to make Li Xiaogang remember her birthday, but on her birthday, she forced Li Xiaogang out of the laboratory to her birthday party.From then on, she no longer expected Li Xiaogang to remember her own birthday.

Gao Yuanyuan shook her head helplessly, and said, "It's no one's birthday today. The reason why we have prepared so much is because we want to see off our Chang Xuefei!" "Ah? Xuefei is leaving?" Long Linger was a little She looked at Chang Xuefei in surprise and doubt.After getting along for such a long time, the four girls have become like a family, and Long Ling'er also knew that Chang Xuefei stayed here for Li Xiaogang.Now the relationship between Li Xiaogang and her is still unclear, how could Chang Xuefei want to leave?Did you give up?But the way Chang Xuefei looked at Li Xiaogang was still so tender and affectionate.

Just when Long Ling'er was puzzled, Li Xiaogang also looked at Chang Xuefei curiously.Chang Xuefei said quietly: "It's like this. I received a call from my grandpa yesterday. Grandpa said that after scientists' research, they found that the Antarctic environment is undergoing rapid changes. A large number of icebergs are melting for unknown reasons. If this continues, in less than a year, most of the current coastline will disappear in the deep sea. You also know that in the whole world, most economically developed areas are concentrated in coastal areas, which will cause huge losses to human beings. Therefore, the heads of state M and China issued an initiative, hoping to form an expedition team composed of the world's most authoritative oceanographers and environmental scientists, to go to Antarctica, find out the reason for the melting of glaciers, and prevent a large number of glaciers Continue to melt and save mankind from danger. Grandpa is old and may not be able to withstand the cold of Antarctica, so I hope that I will replace him in the expedition team and go to Antarctica!"

Chang Xuefei told the whole story in one breath, Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked: "Why, are the glaciers in Antarctica melting a lot?" Chang Xuefei nodded, and said: "I'm afraid they are! During the phone call , Grandpa’s tone is anxious and full of worry, which is quite different from Grandpa’s previous style, so I guess the problem is very serious!” Li Xiaogang’s expression was a little dignified, if all the glaciers in Antarctica melted, the sea level of the world would drop. An average increase of 60 meters, what is this concept?This means that island countries like island countries will completely disappear from the earth.

Originally, Li Xiaogang wanted to ask Chang Xuefei if he had to go, but when he saw the table full of delicious dishes, he knew that Chang Xuefei had probably made up his mind, so he didn't ask further.From the Qiankun ring, he took out a warm bead the size of a longan, which exudes a gorgeous light like the sunset glow, looking graceful and luxurious, and it is not ordinary at first glance.Li Xiaogang handed the bead to Chang Xuefei, and said slowly: "Antarctica is an extremely cold place, and your body may not be able to withstand the cold wind, ice and snow there. This bead is called the Fire Dragon Bead. Take it with you." By your side, it will help you drive away the severe cold. Give it to you!"

"Give it to me?" For so many days with Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang was always lukewarm towards her, which made Chang Xuefei feel very sad, even a little discouraged and desperate.But he never thought that Li Xiaogang would care about him so much and give him such a precious thing.Chang Hongfei hurriedly took the Fire Dragon Ball with little white wings. As soon as she took it, she felt a strong warmth emanating from the Fire Dragon Ball, covering her body in a warm and comfortable atmosphere. middle.He couldn't help but look gratefully at Li Xiaogang and said, "Thank you!"

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said lightly: "It's nothing. It's useless to keep this bead by my side! If it can follow you to save the fate of mankind, then it's not in vain to come to this world! Hehe..." "Oh! Just Xuefei has gifts, but none of us! Xiaogang, you are clearly biased!, Hu Rong was very jealous, and said with a small mouth. Li Xiaogang glared at her, and said angrily: "You If you also bear the fate of mankind and go to the bitter cold place of Antarctica, I will give you one too!Besides, you are so heartless, the diamond necklace I gave you back then, isn't it called a gift! "Li Xiaogang's few words made Hu Rong choke, and he lowered his head in embarrassment.

I thought this meal was to be a farewell meal for Chang Xuefei. During this period of time, the four girls had formed a friendship without money, so the atmosphere was a bit dull. Everyone just ate the food in front of them, but no one say.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and thought to himself, this woman is really a sentimental animal.

(End of this chapter)

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