The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1158 Birthday PARTY~!

Chapter 1158 Birthday PARTY~!

Picking up the chopsticks, Li Xiaogang picked up a big chopstick dish, put it into Chang Xuefei's bowl, and said: "Xuefei, eat more, when you get to Antarctica, you won't be able to eat these things if you want to." Chang Xuefei Xuefei's eyes suddenly became a little sour, and she involuntarily twitched her small nose, startled Li Xiaogang, and murmured: "No... no, are you going to cry?" Seeing Li Xiaogang's nervous appearance, often Xue Fei didn't cry, but laughed.But not only crying can make people cry, but so can laughing.Chang Xuefei smiled and laughed, and tears rolled down her eyes. A smiling face full of tears is often more touching, and a certain string deep in Li Xiaogang's heart was touched.If Li Xiaogang is such a Hu Rong, let alone Long Linger and Gao Yuanyuan.Unable to bear it anymore, they hugged Chang Xuefei together and cried into a ball.

"Hey, what are you doing? Xue Fei came back after completing her mission of saving mankind. Why are you crying like this?" Li Xiaogang said to the fourth daughter, dumbfounded.Although Gao Yuanyuan and the others knew this was the case, they just couldn't control their emotions and tears, and couldn't stop crying even if they wanted to. The sumptuous meal they prepared was just wasted in vain.

After dinner, Long Ling'er drove, and the group sent Chang Xuefei to the airport. Chang Xuefei had to fly to the capital first, and then wait in the capital for all the experts to arrive before heading to Antarctica from the capital.In the airport, the laughter of gathering and the cries of parting are intertwined, making the air here full of moving things.The plane was about to take off, and everyone seized the time to say goodbye behind the broom.Chang Xuefei's eyes have never left Li Xiaogang. Although those eyes cannot speak, they can make people understand everything.Li Xiaogang understood Chang Xuefei's intentions, but he couldn't accept it calmly, even though he knew that Long Ling'er and the others would not object.

Especially after coming back this time, after hearing Long Linger's wish for a child, Li Xiaogang's conscience felt even more disturbed and guilty.Now he only has four women, and she can't take care of her anymore. If he adds another one, wouldn't it make another woman suffer such pain?Li Xiaogang didn't want to increase the burden on his conscience, so he had no choice but to refuse.Although this may be cruel to Chang Xuefei, Li Xiaogang believes that time will make up for everything.

"When you arrive in Antarctica, be careful and keep that Fire Dragon Ball close to your body, and don't lose it. Once it is lost, the consequences will be disastrous!" Li Xiaogang urged Chang Xuefei to say.Chang Xuefei nodded lightly, stared deeply at Li Xiaogang, and said slowly: "I will be back!" Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and still said: "We are waiting for you!" It can be seen that Li Xiaogang These words made Chang Xuefei very happy, and a bright smile appeared on her face.After hugging Long Linger, Hu Rong, Gao Yuanyuan and the others one by one, Chang Xuefei walked briskly onto the waiting passage...

"Why do I suddenly feel..." Long Ling'er frowned, and a trace of deep uneasiness flashed across her face. "What do you think?" Hu Rong asked.Long Ling'er glanced at the place where Chang Xuefei disappeared, and said faintly: "Why do I feel that Xuefei will encounter great danger if she leaves, and I'm afraid she will never come back..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Li Xiaogang lowered his voice, glared at Long Ling'er, and shouted softly.Amidst Li Xiaogang's soft shout, Long Ling'er stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, laughed dryly a few times, and said, "It's just a feeling, don't take it seriously, hehe..." Just as Long Linger was laughing dryly, No one knew that Li Xiaogang also had the same uneasy feeling in his heart.

After seeing off Chang Xuefei, Gao Yuanyuan said, "Let's go back!" Li Xiaogang turned to look at Long Ling'er and said, "Since you're all here, let's buy two plane tickets to country M by the way." "Go to country M Airline tickets?" Gao Yuanyuan and Hu Rong looked at each other with some doubts, Gao Yuanyuan asked Li Xiaogang, "Why, are you and Linger going to country M?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Isn't it me and Linger? , but you and Linger." "Me?" Gao Yuanyuan looked at Li Xiaogang and Long Linger in surprise.Long Ling'er giggled and said, "It's like this. I'm going to country M for business. Xiao Gang is afraid that I'll be bored by myself, so I want you to accompany me. Anyway, you will be the Chinese ambassador to the United States soon. If you are working in a museum, this time it’s time to recognize your way.”

"This..." A look of embarrassment appeared on Gao Yuanyuan's face, and Long Ling'er said with some dissatisfaction: "Why, Gao Yuanyuan, don't you want to go with me?" Gao Yuanyuan said hurriedly: "It's not that I don't want to, it's because ..."

"Because of what?" Long Ling'er asked.Gao Yuanyuan said: "It's so rare that I'm going to a high school classmate's birthday party tomorrow! I've already agreed to it, so I'm sorry to miss the appointment." "What high school classmate, why haven't I heard you mention it before?" Long Linger was a little asked strangely.Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said, "I can't tell you everything, can I? Everyone has everyone's little secret, okay?"

"Oh, a little secret? Alright, Gao Yuanyuan, you are so brave, you dare to tell Xiao Gang behind Xiaogang's back, who is he!? If you don't say it, you will be tortured!" Long Ling'er smiled and said When he reached Gao Yuanyuan's side, he asked her, creaking.Gao Yuanyuan couldn't resist, and while begging for mercy, she yelled: "What a silly face, my classmate is a girl, okay... oh, itches, cluck..." Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's words, Long Ling'er seemed to be a little bit Disappointed, she let go of Gao Yuanyuan, and said in a dispirited way: "After a long time, she's a woman, not a jerk, it's boring!"

Li Xiaogang pinched Long Ling'er's neck from behind a little madly, and said angrily: "You stinky girl, do you want Gao Yuanyuan to look for a little boy behind my back?" Long Ling'er immediately withered in front of him, and said with a bitter face: "No, how dare I." Let’s wait until you have finished attending your classmate’s birthday party. Anyway, 30.00% of the shares in Aios’s hands have already been acquired, and the Otama Group will be in our pocket sooner or later. As for those dealers, let Hong Tao come forward and make a call with them Just say hello. It’s not too late for you to wait until the day after tomorrow.”

Gao Yuanyuan nodded, and then hugged Li Xiaogang's arm, with a bright smile on her face.According to Li Xiaogang's experience, when he makes such a move and smiles like this, it is probably because he has something to ask for.Li Xiaogang said very straightforwardly: "Honey, talk to me if you have something to do!" Gao Yuanyuan laughed a few times and said, "Xiao Gang, I want you to go to the party with me tomorrow!" Now, the most troublesome thing for him is to participate in such social activities, otherwise he would not hide behind the scenes and refuse to show his face.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's embarrassment, Gao Yuanyuan immediately made a pitiful look, and said full of resentment: "Tomorrow, I will have many former classmates going, and they are all in pairs. Don't you have the heart to look at me?" Is a person being laughed at by them alone? Woooooo..." As she spoke, Gao Yuanyuan was about to cry, as if she was about to cry.Faced with Gao Yuanyuan like this, Li Xiaogang had no choice but to surrender. He smiled wryly and said, "Okay, okay, stop pretending, can I go? Who dares to make Gao Yuanyuan lose face?"

"Li Xiaogang, you are so kind!" Gao Yuanyuan hugged Li Xiaogang's waist contentedly, and put her head on Li Xiaogang's chest, with a happy smile on her face.Seeing the smile on Gao Yuanyuan's face, Li Xiaogang felt unspeakable comfort in his heart. He just felt that if he could see such a smile every day, even a little grievance would be worth it!At night, Li Xiaogang fulfilled Long Linger's wish, and sent thousands of descendants into her body, accompanied by Long Linger's high-pitched moan.When Long Ling'er fell asleep contentedly, Li Xiaogang turned his head to look, and saw that Gao Yuanyuan and Hu Rong had already fallen asleep with blushing faces.Staring affectionately at the three women who fell asleep beside him, Li Xiaogang's heart was full of happiness and love.I always hope that the days can continue like this, until the sky lasts forever.

The next day, because Gao Yuanyuan's birthday party was arranged in the evening, during the day, Li Xiaogang was dragged around by Long Linger, Hu Rong and Gao Yuanyuan, forcing him to be exhausted to death.Because it was Gao Yuanyuan's birthday, Long Ling'er and Hu Rong didn't have any acquaintances, and they didn't want to go, so they said hello and said they wanted to tease Kaizi, and they left together.Li Xiaogang haphazardly hailed a taxi and ran directly to the place where the birthday party was held.

In the car, Li Xiaogang was tired all day, and he was going to the place he was least interested in, so he was a little listless and drowsy.But Gao Yuanyuan looked radiant and energetic.In order to participate in today's party, Gao Yuanyuan obviously dressed herself up carefully. She was dressed in a luxurious snow-white evening dress, just like Snow White who had stepped down from a fairy tale book. She really had dazzling eyes and was breathtakingly beautiful.The high bun made Gao Yuanyuan's whole body full of noble, mature and charming charm.After seeing Gao Yuanyuan, and then looking at Li Xiaogang, you will find that Li Xiaogang is a bit dirty.

Originally, with Li Xiaogang's demigod temperament, even if he was wearing a beggar's attire, he could still exude the arrogance of a king.However, today Li Xiaogang was tortured by the three women for a day, and his mind was anxious. Although he was not unkempt, his messy hair and listless look also made him less attractive. In addition, Li Xiaogang always likes to hide his selfishness The edge, let him stand beside Gao Yuanyuan, more or less it will give people a feeling of flowers stuck in cow dung.However, Li Xiaogang didn't realize it, he just hoped that this damn party would end quickly so that he could go home and have a good sleep.After all, he still has a lot of troublesome things in his hands, especially in the space city, where there are many places for him. Thinking of these, it gives him a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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