The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1165 Pure Gold Business Card

Chapter 1165 Pure Gold Business Card
"It's Yuanyuan! I haven't seen this girl for a few days, and she seems to have become more beautiful again!" Li Xiaoshui said while holding a wine glass, looking at Gao Yuanyuan beside Zhu Shan with a smile.Beside her are Li Yong, Shanshan, Dao Scar, Guan Liang, and Ou Ruolan.The six people are very familiar with each other and have a close relationship, and they naturally walked together in this banquet. First, they can take the opportunity to have a small gathering, and second, they can also deal with those endless and courteous guys, so as not to be alone. Surrounded by the crowd, they were exhausted before enjoying the atmosphere of the banquet!

"Yuanyuan came here alone today? I heard that Li Xiaogang is in the provincial capital. Didn't you come with her?" Li Xiaoshui searched the venue, but he didn't see Li Xiaogang, so he asked in confusion. road.

Dao Scar smiled and said: "No! I saw Brother Gang just now, but I don't know where he has gone now?" How dare you run away if you don’t come up to say hello? Wait until I catch him and see how I deal with him!” The way Li Xiaoshui gritted his teeth gave Scar a chill.Now in the whole world, apart from Li Ming and Bai Yun, Li Xiaoshui is probably the only one who dares to teach Li Xiaogang a lesson.

Accompanied by the appearance of Zhu Shan and Gao Yuanyuan, the crowd gave out bursts of admiration, and the words of praise seemed to overwhelm the two women.No matter how many sincere praises and false flattery there are, Zhu Sanqing accepted them all, and his mouth could hardly close his smile.After Gao Yuanyuan and Zhu Shan took their seats, the birthday song rang out. Along with the singing, Wu Youbing walked over with a smile on his face, pushing a big 28-story cake.Hao Youbing smiled and said to Zhu Shan: "Xiao Shan, you are 28 years old this year. I personally made this birthday cake for you. Do you like it?"

"The ghost believes that you did it yourself!" Gao Yuanyuan snorted coldly and muttered softly.Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's muttering, Hao Youbing gave her a hard look, snapped his fingers smartly, and a younger brother immediately came over with a big bouquet of flowers.Hao Youbing took the flowers, handed them to Zhu Shan, and said affectionately: "Xiao Shan, these 99 roses represent my inexhaustible love for you! Now I will give her to you for your hope It’s in exchange for your sincerity.” Zhu Shan stared at Wu Youbing, she tried hard to make herself fall in love with the man in front of her, but she couldn’t do it anyway, instead, the more she forced herself, the other one was buried in her heart The figure that has been around for a long time has become more and more clear.

Just when Zhu Shan hesitated and didn't know what to do, Zhu Sanqing frowned and said to Zhu Shan with a smile: "Xiao Shan, don't take it yet. Although it's just a rose, 99 roses are also very heavy!" "ah……"

Zhu Shan turned her head to look at Zhu Sanqing, only to see Zhu Sanqing lightly pouting at Hao Youbing, with an undeniable gleam in her eyes.Zhu Shan's heart sank, she let out a long sigh, and stretched out her hand as if resigned to her fate, and took the bouquet of red, somewhat coquettish roses.When Zhu Shan was about to touch the bouquet of roses, a smile appeared on Hao Youbing's face, and with a slight flick of his wrist, the huge bouquet of roses in his hand began to change immediately.The blossoming roses seemed to be pushed to the sides by something, and there was a vacancy in the middle. Just as Zhu Shan was guessing what happened, with a soft sound, a delicate jewelry box slowly came out of the The bottom of the rose rose up.

The design of this mechanism is extremely ingenious, it can be said that it has exhausted its brains.When the jewelry box came out, Hao Zhubing snapped his fingers again, and the jewelry box opened slowly and automatically, and a dazzling light suddenly shot out from it. When people cast their eyes on the jewelry box, a burst of Huge exclamations spread through the crowd like a tide.I saw a huge and dazzling diamond ring lying quietly in the jewelry box. I just estimated that the diamond was at least four or five carats.No wonder people are so amazed.

If Zhu Shan didn't have that shadow in her heart, facing Wu Youbing's painstaking arrangement and the diamond that no woman can resist, Zhu Shan would have been conquered long ago, and would have thrown herself into Hao Youbing's arms with tears in her eyes.But at this time, Zhu Shan couldn't feel the slightest ripple in her heart when faced with this maddening diamond.No matter how big or beautiful a diamond is, it is nothing more than a stone. What is it compared to true love? "Xiaoshan, this is a birthday present I carefully selected for you, do you like it?"

Hao Youbing looked at Zhu Shan expectantly.Zhu Shan looked back at Zhu Sanqing, then nodded lightly, and said lightly, "I like it." "Then shall I bring it for you?" Hao Youbing was overjoyed when he heard it, and said hastily.Zhu Shan frowned and said quietly: "I'm afraid it's not the time yet?" "Huh?" Hao Youbing froze for a moment, his expression a little embarrassed.

Zhu Sanqingyu hurriedly smiled and helped Hao Youbing out of the siege: "Xiao Bing, you can't be too impatient. People have already accepted your gift, so you should be satisfied. You know, things have to be done step by step, so be impatient. But I can’t eat hot tofu! Haha..." Hao Youbing scratched his head and laughed, "Dad is right, I was too impatient. Haha..." Hearing Hao Youbing's laughter, he knew that he How embarrassed she felt at that time, Gao Yuanyuan was relieved when she heard this, and finally let Hao Youbing have a meal in front of everyone.

"Huh? How did I find out that the bride doesn't seem to be very interested in the groom?" Dao Scar's keen eyes saw that there was a problem between Zhu Shan and Hao Youbing, and said with some doubts. "Scar, you just noticed it! I've noticed this a long time ago. Ever since that Hao Youbing pushed the cake, Zhu Shan's expression was not quite right. I think it might be that Zhu Sanqing again pointing fingers behind her back and messing around." It's a mandarin duck!" They are all people in the same circle, and Li Yong knows a little bit about Zhu Sanqing's temper, so he said lightly.

"But it's no wonder Zhu Shan has a bad mood for that Hao Youbing. That guy doesn't look like a dog on the outside, but his eyes are not straight, so he's not a good thing at first glance!" Li Xiaoshui snorted coldly and said.

Li Yong smiled and said: "Of course! After all, in this world, the best man like me is almost extinct! Hehe~..." Hearing Li Yong's brazen bragging, several scars hung on Scar's forehead. At this time, Li Xiaoshui also said with a smile: "Of course! There are not many women like me who have a unique vision and know gold in the sand, hehe..." Dao Scar resisted the urge to faint , murmured: "It's really a couple made in heaven, they are so narcissistic..."

Seeing the gift he gave amazed the audience, Hao Youbing was also very proud, with a smile on his face.At this time, Gao Yuanyuan's face turned slightly pale, and she felt extremely uneasy.Because she forgot to prepare the gift, she didn't remember it until Hao Youbing took out the gift for Zhu Shan, and she was worried for a while, secretly thinking that she might have lost her face this time.

Why is it said that Wu Youbing is an absolute villain, because he is too good at making trouble.Seeing that Gao Yuanyuan's complexion was wrong, and seeing that her hands were empty, with Hao's cleverness, it didn't take much for him to guess that Gao Yuanyuan probably forgot to prepare a gift. Said quietly: "Gao Yuanyuan, you are Zhu Shan's good sister, I think you must have prepared a special gift for Zhu Shan, right? Why don't you give it to Xiao Shan now." Hearing Hao Youbing's words, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't wait to Beat him to death.After hearing Hao Youbing's words, Zhu Shan also looked at Gao Yuanyuan expectantly.Gao Yuanyuan felt bitterness in her heart, and said to Zhu Shan with a forced smile, "Xiao Shan, my gift is with my boyfriend, I will ask him for it."

Zhu Shan did not doubt that she had it, she nodded, and said, "Okay, no matter what gift you give me, I will like it." Gao Yuanyuan laughed a few times, cold sweat dripped from her forehead.Just as he was about to turn around to look for Li Xiaogang, Hao Youbing said with a smile, "Why bother? Call your boyfriend over and it's over?" Hao Youbing was clearly trying to embarrass Gao Yuanyuan on purpose, intending to make her look ugly, Gao Yuanyuan The roots of her teeth were itchy with hatred, and when she was thinking about whether she should tell the truth, Zhu Shan said, "Yes, Gao Yuanyuan, where is your boyfriend, why haven't you seen him?"

"Ah?" Gao Yuanyuan turned her head and looked around, sure enough, all the guests gathered around and waited for Zhu Shan to cut the cake, but Li Xiaogang was nowhere to be seen. Look, my heart can't help but completely cool down.I thought Li Xiaogang didn't like the atmosphere here, so he slipped away.Seeing that Gao Yuanyuan's face became more and more ugly, the smile on Hao Youbing's face became brighter and prouder.

"Gao Yuanyuan seems to be in trouble!" Dao Scar saw Gao Yuanyuan's expression was wrong, whispered, and walked over with the three beauties.Scar's status in Province S was frighteningly high. Seeing him, everyone automatically gave way. Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui also got their benefits, and followed behind Scar to Zhu Shan's side.Scar looked at Gao Yuanyuan with a smile, and called out, "Sister-in-law, why don't you go to Brother to get your gift?" I giggled in my heart.If Gao Yuanyuan is Scar's sister-in-law, then isn't Gao Yuanyuan's boyfriend also Scar's elder brother?However, in the current province of S, there are very few people who are worthy of being called "big brother" by Scar.

Zhu Shan couldn't help but think of Li Xiaogang, who looked a bit unkempt, and she couldn't help but be full of curiosity about Li Xiaogang's identity.As for Hao Youbing, let alone, he could stuff a fist in his surprised mouth at this moment, thinking that the scars always revolved around Li Xiaogang at the beginning, Hao Youbing faintly felt that it didn't seem like a coincidence up.Gao Yuanyuan glanced at Dao Scar gratefully, then hurried away to find Li Xiaogang.Scar fumbled in his pocket and took out a business card made of pure gold.As soon as the business card came out, there was a loud exclamation at the scene.Shanshan looked back with some pride, and saw that all the guests had their mouths open, and their eyes were full of envy that couldn't be concealed.

(End of this chapter)

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