Chapter 1166 Gifts
Anyone who has stayed in the provincial capital for a period of time knows that this pure gold business card symbolizes a promise, and it can be said to be a worthless empty check.As long as he holds it, he can ask Scar and the Lightning Gang to do anything for him.With the Lightning Gang's current reputation and power, there really aren't many things he can't do.How many people have dreamed of getting such a pure gold business card, and many people's mouths have already shed halazi unconsciously. This can be said to be an amazing gift from Scar, and even Zhu Sanqing who was standing aside They couldn't help being a little moved, and Hao Youbing even showed a crazy smile.

Dao Scar said lightly: "Miss Zhu, you are the daughter of the Zhu Group, and you have plenty of money. As for mundane things like jewelry, you must look down on me. I have racked my brains and don't know what to give you." Alright! I will simply give you my business card, if Miss Zhu has any difficult things to do in the future, as long as you hold this business card, I will definitely handle it for you!"

Zhu Shan also understood the meaning of this pure gold business card, and said without hesitation: "It is already a great honor for you to attend my birthday party in the midst of your busy schedule. How could I have the nerve to accept such a precious card from you?" A gift?" Dao Scar laughed and said, "Miss Zhu is my sister-in-law's friend, she is my Dao Scar's friend, you are welcome, just accept it!" Zhu Sanqing said with a smile: "Xiaoshan, since it is Dao Scar Don't refuse the kindness of Mr. Scar, and accept it quickly, thank you, Mr. Scar?"

Zhu Sanqing didn't know why Dao Scar gave this pure gold business card to Zhu Shan. He was self-aware and knew that although Zhu's group had strong financial resources, Dao Scar might not necessarily take it seriously.But since Dao Scar gave it away, it meant that Zhu's group had a relationship with Dao Scar, and Zhu Sanqing, a fine man, would naturally not return the fat that was sent to his mouth.

After hearing Zhu Sanqing's words, Zhu Shan smiled tenderly, and said, "Okay! If that's the case, then I'll accept it with the cheek. After a while, I'll make a toast to you personally!" Scar nodded gracefully, and stepped aside Let out Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong behind them.As Longxi Group and Qiangnong's sales became more and more popular, the reputation of the young couple also increased day by day.Coupled with their close relationship with Long Ling'er, Hu Rong and others, they have already become the hottest big shots in the whole S province.Everyone knew that these two people's moves must be extraordinary, so they couldn't help but hold their breath.

Li Yong took out a beautifully decorated box with a smile, and handed it to Zhu Shan, and said with a smile: "Ms. Zhu's birthday celebration, Li has nothing to give. My girlfriend and I discussed it and decided Give this set of cosmetics collected by Longxi Group to Ms. Zhu. I hope that Ms. Zhu will stay young forever and have a peerless youth!"

It has long been rumored in the province of S that there is a set of peerless cosmetics that can make people look young in the Longxi Group. Even an extremely ugly woman will become a first-class beauty after applying this set of cosmetics.All along, this is just a legend, and no one has ever really seen it.However, seeing that Li Xiaoshui, as Li Yong's woman, is becoming more and more beautiful day by day, and that the three generations of cosmetics produced by Longxi Group do have magical effects like reborn, more and more people believe in the existence of this ultimate set of cosmetics.Hearing Li Yong's words at this time, all the guests and friends at the scene were moved and looked at the box one after another.

Is there any woman in the world who doesn't love beauty?And the more beautiful the girl is, the more she loves beauty.Zhu Shan was no exception. When she heard that what she held in her hand turned out to be the legendary super cosmetic, Zhu Shan was so excited that she almost fainted.She was overjoyed to receive Scar's pure gold business card at the birthday party, but she did not expect that Li Yong would surprise her even more. He opened the small box wrapped in layers.

This is a small box exquisitely carved from Shanxiang wood. A phoenix about to fly is carefully carved on the lid of the box.Open the box, and inside lies a jade bottle made of warm jade.Aside from the valuable cosmetics in this bottle, this jade bottle alone is probably worth a lot. "This is..." Zhu Shan couldn't hide the excitement in her heart, she looked at Li Yonglin with surprise on her face and said.Li Yong smiled slightly, did not speak, but nodded slightly.

Zhu Shan couldn't wait to take out the jade bottle and unscrew the lid. A scent that people had never smelled before, but which made people feel comfortable all over the body immediately permeated.Hearing the sound of noses twitching from all around, everyone closed their eyes slightly, greedily sniffing the faint fragrance in the air, their faces full of intoxication.Just the incomparable scent of any perfume has already excited Zhu Shan.

Carefully poured out a drop of emerald-colored lotion from the jade bottle, and dripped it into the palm of her hand. A cool feeling instantly spread all over Zhu Shan's body, making her shiver involuntarily.Not only that, Zhu Shan was suddenly surprised to find that the emerald lotion seemed to be alive and was penetrating into her skin little by little.When the lotion penetrates into the skin, it's like a fish swimming into the sea, swimming around like a child. Wherever it goes, even if Zhu Shan just looks at it with the naked eye, she can see that the skin there is in an instant. It became smooth and tender like a baby.What's even more amazing is that there seems to be a mysterious luster coming out from the depths of the skin, making it look plump and plump.

If you apply this thing on your face, what effect will it have?Just thinking about it was enough to make Zhu Shan jump up excitedly.As a woman, this gift from Li Yong is even heavier than Scar's pure gold business card!Not to mention the vulgar diamond ring that Hao Youbing sent.Zhu Shan didn't know how to describe her mood, she said to Li Yong with a trembling voice: "Mr. So much, as long as Ms. Zhu likes it is enough!" Zhu Shan nodded hurriedly and said, "I like it, I like it very much!" Li Yong laughed a few times, and took Li Xiaoshui to the side very coolly.

Those who can be invited to Zhu Shan's birthday party are all the top figures in the province of S, and the most important thing they need is money.The gifts, jewelry, villas, sports cars are all very expensive.But the pure gold business card given by Scar and the ultimate cosmetics given by Li Yong made their gifts look a lot shabby.After experiencing the previous excitement, Zhu Shan was not so easily agitated anymore, and every time she just nodded with a smile, it was over.All the guests were also savvy, and after giving out their presents, they voluntarily withdrew, which greatly accelerated the progress of the banquet.Fortunately, there were many people who came to Zhu Shan's birthday party, so Gao Yuanyuan still had some time to find Li Xiaogang.

They searched the entire hotel, but Gao Yuanyuan couldn't find Li Xiaogang. Seeing that there were only a few guests left who didn't present gifts, Gao Yuanyuan was so anxious that she was about to cry. "Damn Li Xiaogang, you just disappeared at this juncture. When I catch you, you're done!" Gao Yuan gritted his teeth in a round manner, which is really cute. If Li Xiaogang saw it, he couldn't help being 'indecent' him.

Just when Gao Yuanyuan was helpless and was about to dig through the trash can to find Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang's voice suddenly sounded from behind her: "Yuanyuan, what are you doing digging through that trash can?" Gao Yuanyuan didn't react, and didn't raise her head. She said, "See if you are hiding in here!?" Gao Yuanyuan suddenly turned her head, seeing Li Xiaogang, she rushed forward and hugged Li Xiaogang tightly.Li Xiaogang said a little angrily: "You actually looked for me in the trash can, thank you for your thought!" After finally finding Li Xiaogang, it seemed that the problem had been solved Gao Yuanyuan's hanging heart suddenly fell On the ground, he let out a long breath, and his pretty face suddenly became cloudy, and he stared at Li Xiaogang with infinite anger, and said with gritted teeth: "You bastard! Tell me! Where did you go just now, and you hurt me!" Easy to find!"

Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said slowly: "I just found a more interesting guy, so I went to have a look. Hehe..." As if thinking of something funny, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but appear on his face. Let out a weird smile.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's weird smile, Gao Yuanyuan's eyes suddenly became a little more suspicious. Li Xiaogang coughed and asked with a smile, "By the way, what do you want me for?" Almost screaming, she said to Li Xiaogang, "Have you prepared a birthday present for Xiaoshan?"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "Xiaoshan is your friend, but I was forced to come here by you, why should I prepare a present? Besides, I even forgot to change my clothes for the birthday party. How can I remember to prepare any presents?" ?”

Although Gao Yuanyuan knew that it was impossible for Li Xiaogang to prepare a gift in advance, she still couldn't help asking him, because Li Xiaogang always brought her surprises, but this time it seemed...somewhat difficult.Gao Yuanyuan felt a little disappointed in her heart, and her expression became gloomy.Li Xiaogang was startled when he saw this, and asked in a murmur, "Isn't it? You attended your good sister's birthday party, and you didn't prepare a gift?"

Gao Yuanyuan said with some shame: "I reminded myself to buy a gift for Xiaoshan this morning. But when I got to the street, I was just playing with you and forgot about buying a gift. I didn't remember it until just now... ..." Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's words, Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing and said, "Gao Yuanyuan, you are usually very smart, but sometimes you are really confused. Buying gifts is such an important thing, just forget it if you say it! Now you are fine. Just prepare to embarrass yourself in front of so many guests and your dear sister!"

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Gao Yuanyuan's mouth pouted, and she said full of grievances: "I didn't forget it on purpose. It's fine if you don't help, but now you're just like that bastard Hao Youbing taunting me, I... I hate you!"

When Li Xiaogang heard this, a look of anger flashed across his face, and he said in a deep voice, "What? That Wu Youbing taunted you again?" Gao Yuanyuan gritted her teeth and said, "This bastard wants me to lose face in front of everyone! If I hadn't Scar rescued me in time, I will be forced to make a fool of myself." Li Xiaogang frowned, and said coldly: "This bastard, if you don't teach him a lesson, his tail will probably stick to the sky Go!" Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly said, "It's okay to teach him a lesson, but not now, didn't you say you wanted to take Xiaoshan's face into account before?"

Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "We care about Xiaoshan's face, but some people may not be as kind as us. Haha..." Gao Yuanyuan didn't quite understand Li Xiaogang's words, and looked at him in confusion.He murmured and asked: "Is there someone? Is there someone else who wants to trouble Hao Youbing?" Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said in a mysterious way: "You will know this in a while, now you still think about how to deal with it." Get over the gift business."

(End of this chapter)

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