The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1175 Painful "I'm sick"

Chapter 1175 Painful "I'm sick"

"I...I..." Zhu Shan's heart was in turmoil at this moment. The habit of dependence and obedience to Zhu Sanqing formed since she was a child, and the strong love for He Fei unfolded in her heart. There was a fierce confrontation.For a while it was Zhu Sanqing's majesty, and for a while it was He Fei's tenderness. All these made Zhu Shan's head feel like it was about to tear apart. "Xiao Shan!" Zhu Sanqing and He Fei exclaimed at the same time when they saw this, He Fei was about to hug Zhu Shan, but Zhu Sanqing roared and pushed him aside, "Don't touch my daughter with your dirty hands! She is in so much pain now, it's all because of you!" While yelling at Zhu Sanqing, he helped Zhu Shan up.

Zhu Shan's face was pale, her lips were trembling, and there was a distressing weakness hidden between her brows.Zhu Sanqing seemed to be crazy, and shouted at Scar repeatedly: "Mr. Scar, I beg you, kill this bastard quickly, I am willing to give you one billion, ten billion, as long as you kill him!" Scar's eyebrows After picking it up, he said coldly with a bit of disgust: "Since when did I become a killer? Do you think that you are great just because you have a few bad money? Don't let me despise you!"

"Ah!?..." Zhu Sanqing didn't expect Dao Scar to say such a thing, as if he was struck by lightning, he was stunned there, unable to recover for a long time .He Fei's complexion was gray at this time, and his eyes were filled with extreme sadness. His slender body swayed for a while, as if he didn't even have the strength to stand up.Seeing He Fei at this time, Scar's heart is full of sympathy. Since ancient times, many heroes have been trapped in the word love, and have been depressed and struggling all their lives. He really doesn't want He Fei to become one of them.

"Dad, the police are here!" Accompanied by an exclamation and a burst of chaotic footsteps, a large group of policemen rushed in, led by Hao Youbing, and pointed their guns at He Fei and his brothers at the same time.Hao Youbing was panting as he ran away, but he couldn't hide the disgusting, villain-like pride in his heart.Pointing at He Fei, he laughed wildly and said, "He Fei, this time, you're probably going to stay in prison for the rest of your life! Hehe...but don't worry, I'll make your life in prison more exciting every day." You Just wait and enjoy it slowly!Hahaha..." Hao Youbing's ear-piercing laughter made Gao Yuanyuan very annoyed, she rushed to Hao Youbing's face in a few steps, slapped him again, and cursed angrily, "Shameless villain! "

Hao Youbing was slapped twice by Gao Yuanyuan today, and each of them was under the watchful eyes of everyone. Hao Youbing roared like crazy, "I'll kill you, smelly!" After speaking, he punched , hit Gao Yuanyuan fiercely.Gao Yuanyuan is Li Xiaogang's woman, Dao Scar's sister-in-law, how can Dao Scar watch Gao Yuanyuan being beaten, and rush to save Gao Yuanyuan, but before he can reach Gao Yuanyuan's body, Li Xiaogang's figure suddenly appears Beside Gao Yuanyuan, he grabbed Hao Youbing's wrist.Seeing Li Xiaogang appearing, Dao Scar felt relieved, tidied up his suit, and retreated to Zhang Shanshan and the others, ready to watch how Hao Youbing died.

At this time, Li Xiaogang had already changed his outfit, took off his nondescript floral shirt, put on a straight suit, and combed his hair in an orderly manner, completely showing his radiant side, without any trace of confusion. It is not an exaggeration to say that Li Xiaogang at this time is like the sun, emitting a dazzling light, which makes people almost dare not look at each other.So much so that Wu Youbing didn't recognize who he was at first glance, and asked stupidly, "Who are you?"

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, raised his eyebrows, and exerted force on his hand, only to hear a crackling sound, Hao Youbing's wrist was held by Li Xiaogang, and the joints in his grip were shattered, completely turning him into a A wretch.Li Xiaogang knows that he is now a demigod.The power is astonishingly powerful, and if you are not careful, you will kill people, so Li Xiaogang has rarely made a move, and even if he does, he will stop it in moderation and will not make heavy moves.But facing Hao Youbing, Li Xiaogang unconsciously had an urge to beat him to death.This may be because Hao Youbing's injury to Gao Yuanyuan made Li Xiaogang instinctively loathe him, or even hate him.In short, Hao Youbing's fate today may not be much better.

The bones were crushed to pieces, how can a guy like Hao Youbing endure this kind of pain?Hearing an out-of-tune wail like an ugly hog-killing sound, it immediately pervaded the entire venue, hearing it in people's ears, making people's scalp numb and their hearts cold involuntarily, and many people even He couldn't help looking at his wrists, as if he felt Hao Youbing's pain, and it was their wrists that Li Xiaogang crushed. "You like screaming so much, don't you? Well, I'll let you scream enough!" Hearing Hao Youbing's screams, Li Xiaogang frowned, and crushed Hao Youbing's other hand up.Hao Youbing didn't call the toilet again this time, but passed out foaming at the mouth.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, threw Hao Youbing aside casually, and said coldly: "Women who dare to beat me, court death!"

Li Xiaogang is gentle and humble most of the time, but once he becomes rampant, he can make everyone's eyes pop out in shock.At this moment, Li Xiaoshui couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart, and murmured: "What a ruthless boy!" Thinking of twisting Li Xiaogang's ears just now to make him admit defeat and beg for mercy, Li Xiaoshui couldn't help but feel a throbbing in his heart. Produced a sense of excitement like a successful adventure.It's as exciting as slapping the tiger's ass hard!

However, seeing Li Xiaogang being so ruthless, Li Xiaoshui couldn't help but secretly reminded in his heart that it would be better to touch the tiger's butt less in the future. It's not necessarily going to be any better.While muttering, Li Xiaoshui suddenly remembered that Li Yong hadn't seen Li Yong since Li Xiaogang used the amethyst as bait to lure her away.

However, Li Yong is still humming in the men's room at this time, how can she find her here?Seeing that Hao Youbing was turned into a useless person by Li Xiaogang while speaking, Zhu Sanqing was furious in his heart, and shouted at Li Xiaogang: "Who are you! You hurt people in broad daylight, aren't you afraid of being punished by the law?" Seeing Li Xiaogang After coming out, Liu Changhe and Deng Xia looked at each other, and immediately fell silent, closed their mouths, and became a complete bystander.

The two of them are well aware of Li Xiaogang's temper and means, if Li Xiaogang intervenes in one matter, they must take care of it to the end.And anyone else who dares to criticize this matter is Li Xiaogang's enemy.So far, Li Xiaogang had many enemies, but in the end they either died tragically or surrendered, and none of them took advantage. Liu Changhe still had to rely on Li Xiaogang for many things, so naturally he would not foolishly get into trouble.What's more, from his point of view, Hao Hu is not a good thing, and Zhu Sanqing also owes a lesson. Since these two people are not worthy of sympathy, then Liu Changhe is even more unwilling to take the risk of making Li Xiaogang unhappy.

Seeing Li Xiaogang finally appeared, Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly threw herself into Li Xiaogang's arms, pleading repeatedly: "Xiaogang, please help Xiaoshan and the others, they are so pitiful!" Li Xiaogang smiled and nodded, ignoring Zhu Sanqing at all. With a roar, she blinked at Gao Yuanyuan, and said: "Madam's words are orders, how dare I disobey? Leave this matter to me, you go to the side first and rest!"

Gao Yuanyuan was 1 reassuring to Li Xiaogang. Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, he felt relieved. He walked aside and Li Xiaogang looked at Zhu Sanqing, whose nose was already crooked, and said faintly: "Zhu Sanqing, I have seen you There are all kinds of people, and there are many, but this is the first time I have seen such an old and stubborn person like you. People like you, if they stay in this world, they will only make people bored!"

Zhu Sanqing was a prominent figure in Province S. He was naturally upset when he was scolded by Li Xiaogang, and he yelled at the policeman, "Aren't you policemen blind? Didn't you see that he hurt someone, why don't you arrest him? "Whether Zhu Sanqing himself is popular or not, it is an indisputable fact that Li Xiaogang hurt people.In front of these leading figures in Province S, the police officers didn't want to get a bad reputation of just taking money and doing nothing. They only heard the leading policeman shout angrily, and several policemen rushed towards Li Xiaogang immediately.

"I'll see who dares!" Dao Scar yelled suddenly, the thunderous voice made everyone present tremble.These policemen don't know Li Xiaogang, so they will arrest people without any scruples, but Scar is different. The underground sanctioners in Province S, these little policemen can't afford to provoke them. Shouting, I froze on the spot, neither advancing nor retreating, so embarrassing!Seeing that things were going beyond his expectations, Zhu Sanqing was about to go crazy. He looked at Scar with puzzlement, and asked, "Mr. Scar, why do you want to protect this person?"

"Shut up! You'd better think about it before you speak, so as not to bring you a fatal disaster!" Dao Scar yelled at Zhu Sanqing bitterly, until Zhu Sanqing's head was bewildered.Scar glared at him fiercely, then turned his gaze to ordinary policemen, and said in a deep voice: "It's none of your business here, get out of here immediately!"

Scar's words carry a lot of weight, these little policemen dare not refuse to listen, but if they leave in such a disheveled manner, wouldn't that be a shame to their policemen?But if they insist on staying and not leaving, offending Scar, their life will probably be even more difficult.In the dilemma, these contending policemen have been depressed and regretted in their hearts. If they knew this was the situation, they might as well not have come?Thinking of this, they turned their eyes of resentment on Hao Youbing who was unconscious on the ground. It is completely conceivable how miserable his situation will be when Hao Youbing wakes up. He was rejected by both black and white. There is only one way left to leave S Province.

(End of this chapter)

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