Chapter 1176
"Close the team! It's none of your business here!" Seeing the embarrassment on the faces of the policemen, Liu Changhe said unbearably.Seeing that it was Liu Changhe, the faces of the police officers immediately perked up, and without any hesitation, they saluted Liu Changhe at the same time, answered loudly "Yes!" and then hurriedly left in a line.The police came and went, and He Fei's gang seemed to be in a dream. At the same time, they also realized the prestige of the Lightning Gang and Scar, and they were envious in their hearts.However, He Fei seemed completely unaware of all this, neither knowing the arrival of the police nor their departure, just like a wooden stake, looking at the weak Zhu Shan, he didn't know what thoughts were turning in his mind.

Zhu Sanqing thought at first that the scar was facing him, but it was not until now that he realized that it was not the case at all.Seeing how respectful Dao Scar was to Li Xiaogang, Zhu Sanqing couldn't figure out Li Xiaogang's identity, so he couldn't help looking at Li Xiaogang full of doubts. Li Xiaogang sneered, ignored his gaze, and said coldly: "Uncle Liu You are right, whether Xiaoshan is willing to follow He Fei or not, she should make up her own mind. No one else can replace her, not even you as a father!" Li Xiaogang looked at Zhu Shan and said faintly : "Xiaoshan, how are you thinking? Can you give us an answer now?"

Zhu Shan's crescent eyebrows couldn't help but frown, first she took a deep look at He Fei, and then turned her head to look at Zhu Sanqing.Zhu Sanqing narrowed his eyes, and said in a serious voice: "Xiaoshan, I know, you will not let daddy down! Tell me!" "I..." Zhu Shan opened her mouth lightly, and Gao Yuanyuan said again: "Xiaoshan , Be strong, don’t let anyone influence you, use your own heart to make a decision! I believe in you, you can do it!” Zhu Shan is extremely contradictory, and her weak personality made her used to obeying , I am used to silently bearing grievances.At this moment, it is not ordinary difficult to make her become stronger suddenly, and defeat the authority that Zhu Sanqing has built in her mind.

Zhu Shan's head started to hurt again, her face became paler and her eyes were full of helplessness and pain. "No, no, I don't want to choose one, I don't want to choose! Woo—" Zhu Shan was forced to the brink of collapse, unable to suppress the pain in her heart anymore, and burst into tears. "Xiao Shan, don't cry! Tell me your answer!" Zhu Sanqing roared angrily, not realizing how painful Zhu Shan was at this moment. "Don't force him anymore!"

As soon as Zhu Sanqing's words fell, He Fei suddenly roared like an angry lion, which shocked Zhu Sanqing a lot, and looked at him in astonishment.He Fei gritted his teeth, glared at Zhu Sanqing with anger and shouted: "Didn't you see that Xiaoshan is in pain now? She can't make a choice at all, but you still do it over and over again." Force her, do you have to force her to death, are you really her biological father? Is your heart so cruel? "

He Fei's series of angry questions made Zhu Sanqing stunned for a while, and stood there blankly, staring at He Fei with staring eyes, but couldn't say a word.

He Fei ignored him, and stared at Zhu Shan with pity and sadness in his heart. After a long, long time, He Fei let out a deep sigh, and an inexplicable and distressing smile emerged from the corner of his mouth. Softly said: "Xiaoshan, it's our fault, we shouldn't force you like this. Seeing you in such pain, my heart hurts so much. I love you deeply, so I don't want you to be sad. I won't force you Come with me, you stay, don't worry about this matter, pain, live your life happily, as if I have never been here. Let time slowly remove my shadow from you No matter who you marry, I will congratulate you, no matter where I go, I will bless you! I will keep my love for you deep in my heart and regard it as the greatest wealth in my life... ..."

After hearing He Fei's affectionate words, let alone Gao Yuanyuan and the others were completely moved, even Li Xiaogang couldn't help being moved.In order not to let Zhu Shan continue to be sad, He Fei did not hesitate to make such a great sacrifice. If it wasn't for the love as deep as a mountain and sea in his heart, He Fei would not have quit like this.For a moment, Li Xiaogang suddenly felt that He Fei was so great and so rare, and he couldn't help giving this young man a thumbs up in his heart.

"A Fei..." Zhu Shan clearly captured every word He Fei said, and her heart was full of emotion, she couldn't help but burst into tears, thinking of He Fei's constant sacrifice for the love between the two, But she never flinched, but she herself was so cowardly, yielding again and again, not only hurting herself.It hurt He Fei even more.A kind of remorse emerged spontaneously from Zhu Shan's heart, which made it difficult for her to hold herself back.Facing He Fei's eyes full of love and sadness, Zhu Shan lowered her head in shame, not daring to face it, only feeling that she was not worthy of He Fei's broad and deep love.

He Fei finally placed a deep kiss on Zhu Shan's forehead, let go of Zhu Shan full of nostalgia, and slowly turned his body on his back, "A Fei..." At this moment, Zhu Shan's heart felt After a while, Juxi seemed to be torn apart, staring blankly at He Fei's back shrouded in deep sadness, tears streaming down non-stop.Gao Yuanyuan said eagerly: "Xiaoshan, what are you waiting for? If you miss a good man like He Fei, you will regret it for the rest of your life! Xiaoshan, happiness is something you have won by yourself. If you don't fight for it, It will slip away, and it will be difficult to catch it!" Seeing Gao Yuanyuan's anxious appearance, Li Xiaogang shook his head, hugged her in his arms and said softly, "Don't worry, let Xiaoshan make her own choice."

"But she..." Gao Yuanyuan really didn't have much confidence in Zhu Shan at this moment, and still seemed a little anxious.Li Xiaogang shook his head and said softly: "The key to the problem now is that Xiaoshan is also with Zhu Sanqing. Zhu Sanqing's influence on Xiaoshan is really too great. If Zhu Sanqing refuses to make concessions, even if Xiaoshan breaks through Zhu Sanqing's influence, If you choose He Fei, then Xiaoshan will not be happy in the future. Don’t forget, there is a saying that you said yourself. In life, there is not only love, but also family affection. If there is only love, it cannot support Xiaoshan. Shan's future sky, she will also live in pain!"

What Li Xiaogang said was very reasonable, and Gao Yuanyuan couldn't refute it, but Zhu Sanqing's stubbornness made her almost desperate, and she murmured arrogantly: "That old guy Zhu Sanqing will really give in?" Li Xiaogang squinted at Zhu Sanqing, faintly Said: "Yes, no matter how stubborn Zhu Sanqing is, he loves Xiaoshan after all. He also wants Xiaoshan to be happy in his heart. Maybe it's still a little short of time..." "Huh? Is this true?" , Gao Yuanyuan was overjoyed, and asked Li Xiaogang full of surprises. Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile, pinched her little nose lightly, and said, "When did I ever lie to you?Then look down! "

Although it is as Li Xiaogang said, who should light the last fire?Li Xiaogang frowned, and winked at Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui. The two understood what Li Xiaogang meant. Li Xiaoshui's crescent eyebrows were clustered, and he said in a tone full of unbearable resentment: "I can't stand it anymore! I really can't bear it!" It really opened my eyes to think that there is such an unreasonable father in this world!" Hearing Li Xiaoshui's words, Zhu Sanqing couldn't help but stared blankly at Li Xiaoshui.

Li Xiaoshui said angrily: "Zhu Sanqing, your character is really disappointing! Doing business with a person like you makes me feel ashamed! From now on, all business contacts between Qiangnong Sales Company and the Zhu Group will be stopped. I think I am afraid that the cooperation contract between us will be terminated early! Of course, we, Qiangnong Sales, will fully bear the breach of the contract. I will take it as a way to exchange my money for peace of mind!"

Zhu Sanqing was a little stunned by Li Xiaoshui's words and couldn't accept it.A large part of Zhu's Group's ability to maintain such a good performance is due to strong agricultural sales.The several marketing plans that Qiangnong Sales made for Zhu's Group's products were all very successful, bringing a lot of profits to Zhu's Group.If Qiangnong Sales doesn't continue to help Zhu's Group, then the market share of Zhu's Group's products will drop by at least ten percentage points.If Strong Farm Sales just doesn't help them, that's not the worst.What's even more frightening is that Qiangnong Sales turned around and completely sided with Longhao Group, then Zhu's Group's situation will be even more miserable. With Qiangnong Sales Group's endlessly excellent marketing methods, Zhu's Group is likely to be squeezed out abruptly. When they left the market, they really didn't even have a foothold at that time. No wonder Zhu Sanqing was so worried.

Even now, Qiangnong Sales Group is leaning towards Longhao Group. After all, with the close relationship between Hu Rong and Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang will not agree if Qiangnong Sales does not help Longhao Group.If it weren't for the relationship between Gao Yuanyuan and Zhu Shan, Qiangnong Sales Group would not have accepted Zhu's Group's cooperation request at all, then maybe Zhu Sanqing would not have the pleasure to hold such a big birthday party for Zhu Shan's birthday now . "Miss Li, these are two different things. Listen to me..." Zhu Sanqing was so anxious that he tried to explain, but Li Xiaoshui didn't give him a chance to explain. He waved his hands and said, "It's useless to say anything! See You are so confused and unreasonable when it comes to the big issue of your daughter's lifelong happiness. Don't tell me you won't be confused in business in the future. In order to prevent Qiangnong Sales from suffering huge losses, I can only withdraw first! Mr. Zhu , do it yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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