The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1177 Awakened!

Chapter 1177 Awakened!

Seeing Zhu Sanqing's sallow face, Li Xiaoshui blinked at Li Xiaogang proudly. Li Xiaogang quietly gave her a thumbs up, and then gave Li Yong a wink. Zhu Sanqing said: "Mr. Zhu, I currently hold [-]% of the shares of Zhu's Group, and I can be regarded as a major shareholder of Zhu's Group. As a major shareholder, I now deeply express my deep respect for your chairman's handling style. Doubt, and at the same time, I have lost confidence in the future of the Zhu Group, it seems that I need to consider selling the shares in my hand, so as not to be implicated by you!"

"Don't! Don't!" Zhu Sanqing almost collapsed on the ground after hearing Li Yong's words.If Li Yong really sells [-]% of the Zhu Group shares in his hand tomorrow, it will cause waves in the stock market.The sudden surge of so many shares will surely cause the stock price of the Zhu Group to plummet. Once the stock price plummets, it will definitely cause shock to the majority of retail investors. At that time, they who don't know the truth must think that the Zhu Group's internal If there is a problem in the operation, they may mistakenly think that the Zhu Group is about to go bankrupt. At that time, a frenzy of selling will be unstoppable.Once these retail investors also sell Zhu's Group's shares, the stock price will show an even bigger plummeting trend, and this cycle will repeat itself. In less than three days, the entire Zhu's Group's market value will be completely evaporated.When the time comes, the Zhu Group will be insolvent, and the Zhu Group may have to go bankrupt.Once such a terrible situation happened, it would be no wonder that Zhu Sanqing jumped off the building in no hurry.

"Is this the last fire that you said was missing?" Seeing Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong taking turns issuing bids, Gao Yuanyuan's heart moved, she turned to look at Li Xiaogang, and asked with a smile.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, then hugged her waist and kissed her hard on the cheek, and said with a smile: "Don't talk, the fun is yet to come!" Gao Yuanyuan nodded shyly, He turned his attention back to the field.

The young couple Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong are now very popular in the financial circles of S Province, and there are many people who only follow their lead.Not counting other things, if you just add the financial resources of Qiangnong Sales and Longxi Group, it is not comparable to Zhu's Group. In addition, Zhu Sanqing's stubbornness is indeed hated. Seeing the two express their opinions Well, those who usually look up to Zhu's group have also spoken.I saw a fat man walking out of the crowd suddenly. Seeing this man, Zhu Sanqing frowned again, and murmured, "Mr. Zhao?"

The person called Zhao Dong by Zhu Sanqing is one of the largest distributors of the Zhu Group. Every year, more than 20.00% of the products of the Zhu Group enter the market through his hands. If it is not for his great contribution to the Zhu Group , Zhu Sanqing will not invite him to Zhu Shan's birthday party.At this time, Dong Zhao's face was stern, and his eyes flickered coldly, making Zhu Sanqing's heart filled with an ominous premonition again.Sure enough, Mr. Zhao said with a bit of coldness: "Mr. Zhu, I, Mr. Zhao, have cooperated with the Zhu Group for ten years. In the past ten years, our cooperation has been quite happy. I thought in my heart, You, Mr. Zhu Sanqing, are not only good at doing business, but you are even better at being a man! But today I found out that all of this is fake! Such a good pair of mandarin ducks, but you insist on breaking them apart, so beautiful Its name is for the good of Xiaoshan. I, Mr. Zhao, can’t take it anymore. From today on, even if I starve to death, I will never be a distributor of the Zhu Group! Mr. Zhu, tomorrow I will send Renhe lawyers went to the Zhu Group to settle the payment and terminate all business cooperation between us!"

Although Zhao Dong's punch was not as heavy as Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong's, it was enough for Zhu Sanqing to drink a pot.At this time, Zhu Sanqing's face turned green and white for a while, which was extremely wonderful.The whole person is like a wooden stake, unable to move.However, this Director Zhao was just the beginning. As soon as his words hit the ground, more business partners of the Zhu Group stepped forward one after another. business dealings.As if in just a moment, his aloof Zhu Sanqing became the accusation of everyone, and his thriving Zhu Group was put to death.

The suddenness of all this made Zhu Sanqing want to cry without tears.However, when he was about to cry but had no tears, Zhu Sanqing began to reflect on what he had done for the first time in his life.Zhu Sanqing is a very confident, even somewhat conceited person.Because of this character, he always felt that as long as the decision was made by himself, it must be correct.The development of the Zhu Group from scratch, from small to strong, to today's level has made Zhu Sanqing full of confidence in his own decision and wisdom, and at the same time he has become more and more conceited, unable to tolerate any voices of opposition. As for the important matters related to Zhu Shan's lifelong happiness, he was arrogantly neglected, and Zhu Shan should be consulted for her own opinion.Coupled with Zhu Shan's weakness and not daring to fight, it made Zhu Sanqing's stubbornness even more.

However, no matter how solid the embankment is, it will eventually collapse completely under the impact of the flood.In fact, when he forced He Fei's family out of S Province, Zhu Sanqing also had doubts about himself when he saw Zhu Shan was sullen, hesitant and sad all day long. Since then, his solid embankment has appeared One wins the crimson gap.It's a pity that Zhu Shan didn't seize the opportunity at that time, otherwise, maybe the relationship between her and He Fei would have already blossomed and bear fruit, and it wouldn't be worthwhile to still bear such huge resistance today.

Once there is a gap in the dike, it will not be able to withstand the fierce flood.First, He Fei was forced to die, and Scar turned against each other, and then Li Yong, Li Xiaoshui, Zhao Dong and other business partners defected. The road already has gaps in the embankment.Finally, Zhu Sanqing was forced to the moment of complete collapse.The so-called death is good, and when Zhu Sanqing's dam was about to collapse completely, Zhu Sanqing's mind finally knew that it had changed, and he began to seriously examine the love between He Fei and Zhu Shan.

Does He Fei love Zhu Shan?no doubt!He Fei can even give up his deep-rooted hatred for Zhu Shan, isn't this considered love?Does Zhu Shan love He Fei?Looking at Zhu Shan's tear-filled and sad face, there seems to be an obvious answer to this question.If I don't even agree to let Zhu Shan live with the person she loves, then what can I talk about to make Zhu Shan happy?Thinking of this, Zhu Sanqing's face showed a trace of deep guilt for the first time.Seeing the guilty look on Zhu Sanqing's face, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but feel happy. After all, the matter still developed according to the script he arranged.

Just when Zhu Sanqing's stubbornness began to loosen, Zhu Sanqing suddenly stood up slowly from the ground, his face was still full of weakness, but the weakness was swept away and replaced by a wave of determination and strength.Everyone immediately locked their eyes on her, and He Fei was no exception. There was a trace of nervousness and surprise on his face, and his eyes were fixed on Zhu Shan.Once the weakness is completely overcome, then there will only be strength left in the human heart.Zhu Shan is undoubtedly the embodiment of strength now!Gao Yuanyuan had never seen Zhu Shan show such a strong side before, so she couldn't help being a little stunned at this moment, staring at Zhu Shan blankly, speechless for a long time.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "Gao Yuanyuan, did you see, your good sister is actually not simple at all! Let's see what kind of surprise she brings us."

"Xiaoshan..." Zhu Sanqing stared blankly at Zhu Shan and whispered.Zhu Shan wiped the tears off her face, looked into Zhu Sanqing's eyes bravely, and said in a slow but firm voice: "Father, since my mother passed away, you have raised me up with painstaking efforts alone, let me The love you get is not inferior to those children who have parents at the same time, but even better than them. When you lost your mother, you were so young, but you have been enduring loneliness and never married again. The reason is not to let me be bullied I know all these, so I have always regarded you as the best and best father in the world. I am proud to have a father like you! I wish to let all the people in the world know that I am the happiest, because I I can have a father like you!"

The more Zhu Shan spoke, the more excited she became, and tears burst out of her eyes again. This time, even Zhu Sanqing was a little moved, and her eyes were faintly moist.Zhu Shan adjusted her emotions, tried her best to make her voice not so hoarse and trembling, and said slowly: "I am grateful to you for giving me such a deep love, so I am willing to listen to you. I like to learn to draw, But you think I should study finance, so I gave up my favorite art without hesitation, and plunged myself into the piles of boring numbers that dazzled me. You don’t know, I hate it the most What you want is mathematics, but for you, I persevered and got a doctorate in finance from Harvard University. Seeing you holding a degree certificate and smiling so happily makes me very happy. I just feel the persistence and patience for so many years , It was not in vain!"

"Silly girl, if you don't like it, you can say it..." Hearing Zhu Shan's cry, Zhu Sanqing's heart was full of remorse, and he couldn't help but murmured.Zhu Shan continued in a heartbroken voice: "You cruelly took my most beloved away from me. I live in sorrow for this moment, but I never resent you at all." .Why? Because you are my favorite father, what you gave me, I have no way to repay you in my life, I have no right to resent you! Later, you asked me to marry Hao Youbing, I knew Hao Youbing is a bastard, he hurt my best sister, I hate him, hate him, but in order to make you happy, I forced myself to accept him, resisting the disgust of him in my heart, but still want to treat others Said, in fact, he is a good person! When I deceive others, I also deceive myself. Whenever this happens, my heart will bleed with pain, but I dare not show it in front of you. I have to pretend to be very happy, just to make you happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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