Chapter 1178
Xiaoshan's words made Hao Youbing's face covered with dead ashes, as if he had been hit by a spell of immobilization, he stood there blankly, unable to move for a long time.At this time, no one paid attention to his feelings, and everyone was shocked by the great sadness and pain hidden in Xiaoshan's heart.Gao Yuanyuan never thought that Zhu Shan, who was weak on the outside, would be so strong in her heart, silently enduring so much pain that ordinary people can't imagine. If it was her, she would have collapsed.

After hearing all this, there are two people who feel the deepest, He Fei and Zhu Sanqing.Hearing that there were so many grievances hidden in Zhu Shan's heart, He Fei's heart was full of pity, and he wanted to hold Zhu Shan tightly in his arms, and use all his love to smooth her heartache. Share her grievances.But in Zhu Sanqing's heart, there was more guilt that could not be expressed, the sky was falling apart, and the guilt was like a tsunami.If before, Li Xiaoshui, Li Yong and others unscrupulously accused him of his character, and he was still dissatisfied, then now, Zhu Sanqing himself can't wait to slap himself a few times.Weeping bitterly, she said: "Xiaoshan, don't say it anymore, don't say it anymore, Dad knows it's wrong..."

Zhu Shan said with tears: "No! I want to say it! Because if I don't say anything, if I keep silent, I'm afraid that these grievances will be held in my heart, and one day I will be forced to hate you! I love you, and I don't want to hate you, so I must Say it!... Dad, you keep saying that you love me, but you never understand why the tears in my eyes flow! I don’t want to doubt whether your love for me is really a kind of paternal love, or is it Out of a kind of control! It’s just that this kind of love is too heavy for me, so heavy that I can’t bear it anymore! Dad, if you really love me, let me fly alone. Even if you have to experience the storm and lightning , please let me suffer in silence alone. I don’t want to continue to be silent, I really want to grow up quickly, Dad, I beg you!”

Zhu Sanqing looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, closed his eyes tightly, tears kept oozing from his eyes, turned into a series of beads and slid down his cheeks.Since childhood, this was the first time Zhu Shan saw Zhu Sanqing cry, and she cried so happily that she couldn't help calling "Dad!" and rushed into Zhu Sanqing's arms.Zhu Sanqing hugged Zhu Shan tightly, and murmured, "Daughter, Dad is wrong, Dad is such a jerk! Don't hate Dad, Dad will really change in the future, really will!" After hearing what Zhu Sanqing said , Gao Yuanyuan finally breathed a long sigh of relief, her high hanging heart plopped back into her stomach, and she snuggled into Li Xiaogang's arms as if she had no strength left.

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but whimpered, wiped his eyes, and murmured, "It's been a long time since I've been so moved. From now on, both you and I must look at Xiaoshan with admiration." Gao Yuanyuan's gaze Full of excitement, he looked at Zhu Shan and Zhu Sanqing who were hugging each other tightly, and said excitedly: "Thinking! Not bad! Xiao Shan's performance just now was really great! She finally found herself, that's great!" The hug of the two women caused warm applause from the crowd, and Director Zhao even laughed and said, "That's right! That's right! Hahaha... Boss Zhu, you should never Stop Xiaoshan and He Fei from being together?"

After hearing Zhao Dong's words, the applause stopped, and everyone looked at Zhu Sanqing quietly, waiting for his final reply.He Fei was extremely nervous at this time, as if he was waiting for the announcement of the list, his heart was beating wildly.Zhu Sanqing lowered his head and looked into his arms, only to see Zhu Shan was looking up at him, her beautiful big eyes were full of tears, clearly full of longing and hope.A smile appeared on the corner of Zhu Sanqing's mouth, and he took Zhu Shan's hand and walked slowly to He Fei.As if he had anticipated what was about to happen, He Fei was so excited that his breath became heavy, his throat became dry, and he couldn't help swallowing again and again.

Zhu Sanqing took Zhu Shan's hand, came to stand in front of He Fei, first sighed slightly, then slowly took He Fei's hand, and then put Zhu Shan's hand in He Fei's palm, He stared at He Fei solemnly, and said slowly: "He Fei, from this moment on, I hand over my daughter's hand to you. You have to promise me that no matter what difficulties and obstacles you encounter in this life, , you must always hold her, accompany her, protect her, don't let her suffer the slightest bit of grievance, and give her...real happiness!" After looking forward to ten years, He Fei finally looked forward to this day, Zhu Sanqing As soon as the words fell, big teardrops slipped from his eyes and flowed into his mouth, the taste was so sweet.

He Fei didn't know how to express the excitement and gratitude in his heart at this moment, his lips were trembling, and he couldn't say a word, but he held Zhu Shan's hand vigorously, as if holding the whole world.Until Zhu Shan was held in pain.Can't help complaining delicately: "Take it easy, I'm hurt by you!" When He Fei heard this, he hurriedly wanted to let go of his hand, but he couldn't bear it, so he hurriedly put Zhu Shan's little hand to his mouth Bian'er, while blowing softly and lovingly, said nervously: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was so excited, I hurt you, so damn it!..."

Seeing that He Fei was sweating nervously, Zhu Shan's heart was full of happiness, she couldn't help but kissed him on the forehead, and said in a coquettish voice, "Look at you so stupid!" It’s okay, but when he said it, He Fei became even more stupid, standing there giggling endlessly, not only Zhu Shan couldn’t help but burst out laughing, even the other people at the banquet couldn’t help laughing haha When she woke up, Gao Yuanyuan's smile was even more exaggerated, she leaned forward and back together, without any ladylike aura.The so-called lovers will eventually get married, this probably is it!After ten years of separation and so many hardships, He Fei and Zhu Shan finally came together. Li Xiaogang also silently blessed and prayed for them in his heart. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Wu Youbing's back who left alone. Li Xiaogang I couldn't help but sneered, and whispered softly: "For you are wise, you saved your life for yourself!"

It has been a long time since Zhu Shan had such a bright and beautiful smile on her face. The appearance of this smile made Zhu Sanqing feel relieved, knowing that she made the right decision, but at the same time she felt a little guilty because obviously, His decision was a bit too late.Thinking that Zhu Shan has been suffering for ten years, the guilt in Zhu Sanqing's heart is like a wave of anger, which is out of control.

Just when Zhu Sanqing was feeling guilty, He Fei suddenly cast his eyes on him. Regarding Zhu Sanqing, He Fei felt very complicated and contradictory in his heart. Frowning, He Fei still said quietly: "Thank you! Thank you for giving Xiaoshan to me. I will keep my promise and give Xiaoshan real happiness!" Zhu Sanqing said in a deep voice, "Boy, I will remember what you said. If one day Xiaoshan feels unhappy, I won't let go." It's yours!" He Fei laughed a few times confidently, and said loudly: "Don't worry, this day will never happen!"

Zhu Sanqing nodded with satisfaction, laughed a few times, then stopped his smile, and suddenly looked at He Fei seriously, wondering what Zhu Sanqing was going to do again, He Fei couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.Just when everyone was speculating about Zhu Sanqing's plan, Zhu Sanqing suddenly did something that surprised everyone.Zhu Sanqing suddenly bowed deeply to He Fei.The world is so big, there is no request from the father-in-law to bow and salute to the son-in-law, not only everyone was taken aback, but He Fei was so shocked that he was at a loss, some didn't know what to do and hurriedly reached out to support Zhu Sanqing.

Regardless of He Fei's obstruction, Zhu Sanqing bowed again, and said solemnly: "He Fei, I owe this gift to your He family. Think about what I did to your He family back then. It really makes me feel ashamed. The death of your parents is all because of me, and I am destined to bear the responsibility. Now that they are gone, you will replace them. Accept my apology! Wait for him Today I went to Huangquan and met my two in-laws, and I will definitely apologize to them in person!" Zhu Sanqing's eyes were full of sincerity, and it was obvious that he had repented.

Seeing Zhu Sanqing, a gray-haired old man, saluting and apologizing to himself so solemnly, could He Fei really be so heartless as to kill him?What's more, He Fei married his daughter to him at this time, so the crimes he committed should be offset.He Fei wiped away his tears, bowed to Zhu Sanqing, and yelled loudly, "Dad!" Once again, the sound of his father caused waves of applause in the venue. This time, even Li Xiaogang couldn't control it. For the sake of tolerance and true love in the world, he slapped his palm happily.

Zhu Sanqing responded with a heavy gratification, took Zhu Shan's hand with one hand, and held He Fei's hand with the other, and came to the stage with great strides. Standing in front of the microphone, Zhu Sanqing couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, with his gray hair Trembling non-stop, he said loudly: "Guests, relatives and friends! My precious daughter's engagement ceremony continues, but the bridegroom-to-be has become He Fei. Although this is a bit embarrassing, I, Zhu Sanqing, am happy in my heart, presumably Are you all happy for our family too?" "Happy!" "Happy!" The shouts came together one after another, as if they were about to overturn the roof of the house, and many waiters were also looking outside the door, wanting to See what's going on here.

Originally, a business banquet was held with such ups and downs and wonderful events, as if it was a movie. I believe that tonight, for those who come to this ten-meaning banquet, it is destined to be a sleepless night. night. "Hahaha..." A burst of hearty and unrestrained laughter came from Zhu Sanqing's mouth, and Zhu Sanqing shouted loudly: "Xiaoshan, don't patronize and flirt with Xiaofei, the young couple will have time to go home at night! At that time, even if the two of you set the house on fire, no one will bother you!" Zhu Sanqing was also bad enough, even taking advantage of his own daughter, and immediately burst into laughter.The cheeks of Zhu Shan, who was smiling straight, were covered with red clouds, and she was full of disobedience and said angrily: "Dad, what are you talking about! Be careful that I will pull out your beard!"

(End of this chapter)

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